Page 15 of Sarge's Downfall

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One time, Kevin followed me to a supermarket. He didn’t reveal himself, but I felt watched the whole time. Just like I do now. And when I got back to the car that time, there was a dead goldfinch stuck behind the wipers of my car. Its tiny neck snapped. There was also a note saying, “I’m the only one who can end your nightmare. Let me in. - K”

The note seemed to be written in blood. I didn’t sleep for a week after that.

I might not sleep for a week now.

But I’m safe now.

He’s in prison.

He can’t touch me.

I have Brennon now.

That last thought finally lifts the fog of panic from my brain. And after taking about fifty deep breaths by the freezers, I finally manage to get my anxiety attack back under control.

Now that it’s over, I feel all giddy, and like I’m on top of the world and can handle anything and everything. That always happens to me after a panic attack, probably from all the adrenaline, and it’s a damn lie.

I’m actually afraid that I’m still as broken as I was when Kevin was through with me. And that I might never get better. It’s been a year and a half since he was incarcerated, and I still get random panic attacks.

I hastily grab some food and then leave the supermarket before the anxiety attack can return.

My phone starts ringing as I’m walking back to my car, and I answer right away. Sure it’s Brennon calling to ask when I’m coming to LA.

“Hi Luna,” my PI Aaron—the one I hired to keep Kevin away from me—says, and my heart starts racing again. “I have some bad news.”

He clears his throat, and I want to ask what the news is, but all I manage is a choked-off little, “Aha?”

“Kevin is up for parole next month,” he says. “I don’t think he’ll get it. He’s only eighteen months into his sentence, but I just thought you should know.”

“Thanks,” I say, my voice all feeble and shaky.

“I’ll let you know how it goes,” he says. “I’m sorry.”

I thanked him more properly this time and let him go.

All I want to do is text Brennon, so I do.

To: Brennon

I can come to LA in about two weeks.

The man must have his phone in his hand all the time because there’s already a text message back.

From: Brennon

It’ll be the longest two weeks of my life! But okay :)

The way he texts back right away makes me think as though he’s been waiting for my text all day.

To: Brennon

I wish I could come sooner! I really do.

We text back and forth like that the whole way back to my house. And by the time I unlock my front door, the panic I felt in the supermarket is just a very distant and faint memory.

Because of Brennon. And because I will never again be the scared, broken woman afraid of a psycho who enjoys hurting animals.

Even if Kevin does get released, I will not let him control even a second more of my life!
