Page 17 of Sarge's Downfall

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I lick my lips as I remember the last time I saw her. “She’s drop-dead gorgeous, has the most beautiful aged wine red hair. I don’t know the technical term for it, but she looks amazing. It’s always in a cute bob that barely reaches her shoulders, and every time I’ve seen her, she’s always had it curled slightly. Her body though . . . I don’t remember it being this hot in high school. I guess over the years, she’s matured into it, and God damn, Kara. She’s the type of woman who walks into the room, and every man will look her way.”

“You’re keeping me on the edge of my seat! Go on and describe her already.”

“She’s shorter than me, probably about a foot shorter, and she’s got this hourglass body. Her hips stick out a lot more, and her ass isn’t huge, but she’s got a great badonkadonk. She’s got this cool rose tattoo on her left shoulder too. It’s black and white and has some awesome shading work.”

“I can’t believe you just said badonkadonk.” Kara bursts out into a fit of laughter.

“Who are you gushin’ about? Fuck, you sound like a lovestruck little girl,” Killer’s deep voice comes up from behind me. I didn’t realize he was that close, but whatever.

“Sarge is telling me about the woman he reconnected with when he was back in Julian. She’s coming into town for a visit. Isn’t that nice?” Kara plasters on an intense stare as she looks at Killer. Most people would be afraid to look at him like this. His name is a prime piece of information from his past. It’s also one of the reasons he is the club’s Sgt. at Arms. The man will literally do anything for the club.

“All I’m hearin’ is that Sarge had to go over two hours away to get some good pussy,” Killer scoffs.

He’s definitely not the warm and mushy type, but none of us are. The club is made up of hardened men who know more pain than love. Out of the group of us, Killer is the roughest.

“Killer!” Kara glares at him and means it. She doesn’t need to, though. I’ve been dealing with club banter for years now.

“At least I’m getting some. Haven’t seen anyone around you lately,” I say with a shit-eating grin.

My phone goes off again, and I assume it’s Luna, but it’s short-lived since Killer’s goes off at the same time.

“Looks like Breaker wants us in church,” Killer comments.

“You gonna be good here?” I question Kara.

“Yeah, Jada and I should be able to manage. Do you mind letting Archer know that you all are headed down? I think it would be good if one of you guys is up here.”

Archer can’t be in church anyway, so that’ll work out just fine.

“Yep, I sure will.”

I scoot off my barstool and take my drink with me as Killer and I head through the back. Killer goes straight for where we hold church while I go downstairs to find Archer. As I push through the door, I see he’s on the couch fucking around on his phone. “Archer, need you upstairs in the bar.”

“All right.” He gets up off the couch and immediately heads toward the door. Archer is our VP’s younger brother, just recently out of rehab. Chains thinks if he didn’t intervene, Archer would have ended up dead by now. I didn’t want to agree with him at first, but I did. Archer wouldn’t have been able to make it without us.

Hammer comes from the back of the clubhouse area and looks at me with raised brows. “You’re going to send him up there alone?”

“Hasn’t been that rowdy of a night,” I answer.

“Man, you’re askin’ for it. You know I’d normally be in church with you all but tell Breaker I’m with his newest pup so shit doesn’t hit the fan upstairs.”


I head up the stairwell and walk into the room where we have church, which is on the other side of Breaker’s office. Everyone is already in here, and I’m the last one.

Breaker cocks a brow. “You’re never one of the last brothers in here. Everything good?”

I nod as I take my seat at the wooden table. Breaker had the Satan’s Raiders MC emblem carved into it, and epoxy was put over the top to preserve it. In the center of the table is a screaming skull with a crown of thorns. On either side of the skull are two devil’s faces looking outward, sticking their tongues out in a sadistic manner. Two bones making an X are underneath the skull, and three sevens are over that. I’m not sure what the significance of the numbers is, even being this many years into the club.

“Yeah, just told Archer he needed to head out into the bar since we’re all in here. Hammer said he was headin’ upstairs, so shit didn’t hit the fan,” I explain, and as I look around the room, I notice the computer screen where Inc usually appears is blank. “Where’s Inc?”

“I couldn’t get ahold of him. There’s been some shit popping off in Billings, and he’s had to lend a helpin’ hand a few times. I’ll reach out to him later and get him up to speed,” Breaker answers.

“Fuck, what kind of shit?” Fury questions.

“You know them, there’s always somethin’ going on up there.”

“Damn.” Brick shakes his head.
