Page 21 of Sarge's Downfall

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The conversations and laughter in the room resume as he leads me across it and then up the stairs to the first floor. The hall here is lined with closed doors, and on the other side of the one he opens is a spacious bedroom with a large bed, dresser, table, and a very comfy-looking armchair by the window. The room is also very neatly cleaned and smells faintly of peaches. I’m honestly surprised by how well together it is. I expected something a little less . . . aesthetic.

“So, this is where you live?” I say as I walk in.

“Yup. What do you think?”

“Very nice, very nice,” I say, looking around. “And very clean.”

His cheeks turn half a shade rosier than they were. “It’s not usually this tidy. But I wanted to make a good impression, you know? Doesn’t hurt that I got some new furniture and really made the room my own a few weeks back.”

I smile and wrap my arms around his waist. He responds by pulling me close. “It’s awesome! So you guys all live here together?”

“Yes, with our ol’ ladies and children . . . well, those lucky enough to have them.” He sounds like he would really like to be that lucky too. And kind of like he thinks he could be with me. But I’m probably just reading too much into things. Like always.

I don’t know what an ol’ lady is, but I don’t really want to ask that question right now.

“So this is something like a commune-type thing?” I say. “That’s how I imagined it from what you told me on the phone.”

“Yeah, I guess a commune is a good way of describing it,” he says. “But really, we’re just one giant family living in a huge house.”

Then he leans down and kisses me again. And somehow, everything I ever felt when I thought of family was wrapped up in that kiss. All the sweetness, all the belonging, all the love, and devotion. And so much more besides.

He breaks the kiss much too soon.

“Come on, let’s get out of here now,” he says. “Or else we’ll never leave this room.”

I glance at the bed longingly but then smile as I realize he has a point. Once we lay down on the bed, we’re not getting up anytime soon. And I do want to see at least some of the city while I’m here.



All I planned on doing when Luna got here was taking her out to dinner, enjoying a couple of drinks in The Clubhouse, and then moseying our way upstairs. Now that she’s here, I don’t think that’s good enough. She seemed a bit on edge when I was picking her up from the bus station, and if you ask me, that means she needs to decompress.

“Are you hungry?”

“I’m starved, actually,” Luna answers almost immediately. “Why? Do you have someplace special planned?”

“It’s not fancy or anything like that, but I think you’re going to like it.”

“Okay, tell me more.” Luna flashes me that sweet tight-lipped smile she’s had since we were kids.

“It’s called Grand Central Market. It’s only a couple blocks away from here, so we can walk or take the bike. Whatever you want. Grand Central is a European-style food hall that’s been around since 1917. There’s a different restaurant in every stall, so we’d have plenty of options to choose from.”

“My stomach is practically growling at the thought of it.” Luna giggles and grabs her crossbody satchel purse from her duffle bag. She looks as beautiful today as she did the first day I reconnected with her. Luna’s always put together so well in a perfect outfit. Instead of wearing a dress like last time, she’s in a romper, or at least I think that’s what they’re called. The top is a white spaghetti strap and has wooden tone buttons going down the front, but when it reaches her waist, it transforms into a light rose pink short. There’s a portion of material she could use as a belt, and she is. Along the light rose-colored short portion of her romper, there are white flowers with dark green stems and leaves. Her hair is slightly curled, like always, and her makeup is amazing. She has on a dark brown natural smokey eye that really makes it pop.

Luna and I leave my bedroom, head down one stairwell and walk out into The Clubhouse. It’s still packed with a lot of the club women, who all happen to be staring at her adoringly. “Are they this friendly to everyone?” Luna questions in a barely heard whisper.

I shake my head as we make it to the door. “No, not everyone. I just told Kara about you the other day.”

“Oh boy, hopefully, good things?” Luna says it like it’s a question, but she should know better.

“Only good things,” I smirk and hold the door open for her. Luna walks out first, and I’m right behind her. Once we step onto the sidewalk, I loop my hand around Luna’s waist and hold onto her while we walk.

“Kara and Mabel seem really sweet,” Luna pipes up.

“They are as long as they haven’t been pissed off. Strong women typically have strong personalities to match.”

“Very true. Are there other women at the clubhouse? You made it sound like there are a few of them.”
