Page 27 of Sarge's Downfall

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“We’re having problems with Diablo, which is limiting the number of men I could use from the club. At this point, I don’t have another option but to ask for help from our allies or to ask you to make that call for me. I understand what I’m doing isn’t club business, but—”

“Not club business, my ass. You’re part of the club, and what you’re doing will reflect on us. I hear you loud and clear about what you’re sayin’ . . . so yeah, I think it would be good to have some extra hands. You think shit is gonna get intense soon on your side of things?” Breaker interjects.

“I’m almost certain of it. I don’t want to have to pull brothers from another club, but I could really use the help,” Armor states.

Breaker looks right at me. “Sarge, speak to Hammer and let him know we need Zane to throw us a few bodies,” Breaker pauses and looks at Armor. “How many are you thinking?”

“Two or three would suffice.”

“Okay, ask for three.”

“Got it. I’ll go do that now if you’re cool with it,” I state.

“Yeah, go ahead. I’m about to hit the hay soon, so update me in the morning. I want to know what’s going on as soon as possible,” Breaker tells me.

I get up from the couch, and Armor takes my seat, making himself comfortable for whatever conversation he’s going to have with Breaker before he goes off to bed. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Night,” I say, speaking to both of the men. They both tell me goodnight, and then I leave the office, searching the clubhouse for Hammer.

Luckily, I find him out in the bar area with Shiloh. She’s chowing down on a burger, and her husband’s sitting across the booth from her, watching her eat. I walk over to the two of them. “Midnight craving?” I question with a smirk on my face.

“Yes, and the best craving ever. Western BBQ burgers are to die for. God, the crispiness of this onion ring on it too.” Shiloh makes a face that has me thinking she’s about to have a fucking orgasm. Meanwhile, Hammer cackles at his wife.

“Somethin’ goin’ on?”

“Yeah. Mind makin’ a call to Zane and seein’ if he could spare three brothers from one of his clubs?”

“Of course. Everything good?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. More of a precaution, and Armor could use some extra help right now while we’re on guard duty with all of the women. Get what I’m sayin’?”

Hammer nods over and over. “Yeah. I’ll make a call here in a couple of minutes. Breaker expecting an update tonight or something?”

“No, not at all. I need to have a pow-wow with him in the morning. Think you can chat with me first thing?”

“Yeah, totally.”

My phone begins ringing in my back pocket, so I fish it out, and much to my surprise, it’s Luna. “Sorry, I have to take this. I’ll catch up with you later,” I state before walking away.

“Hey. You okay? It’s pretty late.”

“Yeah, I’m okay. Just can’t sleep and thought you might be up. I didn’t wake you, right?”

“No, not at all. How are you doing, beautiful?”

“Better now,” Luna sighs heavily. “I miss you, Brennon.”

“I miss you too, sweetheart. More than you know.”

I have to see her again soon.

We don’t have any plans right now, but fuck if I’m not fighting the urge to drive to Julian right now and have her in my arms.



I love early summer, always have. I especially love the way the days are so long, and everything is in bloom. Back when they were still living, I used to spend most spring and early summer afternoons working in the garden with my mom and dad this time of year. And now that they’re gone, this time of year’s just not the same. I keep a couple of bushes of my mom’s favorite flowers, so I can pick them when I visit her grave, but everything else I just leave alone. There’s just too much heartache and memories associated with working in the garden.

I’ve now finished all my editing work and haven’t taken anything new on. I’m taking a couple of weeks off to figure things out. But I’ve just been sitting on my patio since, drinking coffee, listening to the birds chirp and trees sway in the breeze, and trying in vain to make sense of my swirling thoughts.
