Page 31 of Sarge's Downfall

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Any of the women who are here come up and grab their food first, then I hand the other food out to my brothers. Hammer is the last one to come up to me, and as he takes his sandwich, he gives me a serious look. “Have a minute to talk?”

“Yeah, sure. What’s up?”

“I spoke with Zane. He’s sending a couple of brothers and a sister from the Las Vegas charter out next week since they’re a lot closer.” Sometimes I forget that the Reapers Rejects have started allowing women into their club. “Damon, the Prez of the Las Vegas charter, is going to be one of them. Cobra, who’s a full patch, is coming with, and then two of their prospects, Ripper and Poison.”

“Bet. Thank you for lettin’ me know.”

“No problem, brother.” Hammer slaps me on the back and walks off to where Shiloh is, chowing down on her food.

Glancing around the club, I look for Breaker and finally, see him back in a booth. “Prez, you got a minute?” It’s rare that I find him by himself, but maybe Kara is upstairs doing something. They’re usually stuck to each other like glue.

“Sure, what news do you have?”

“Zane is sending out four people next week. Just wanted to let you know as soon as I found out.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you, and thanks for going to get these. They’re fuckin’ delicious.”

“No problem.” I have one of my own sandwiches in my hand, so I rip back the paper wrapper and walk through the bar portion of the club, head down through the hallway, and then walk outside. It’s a beautiful day, and why shouldn’t I enjoy it? I take a seat on an old glass crate and lean up against the building. The weather has been perfect. Not too hot, not too cold.

As I’m enjoying my sandwich, Armor comes out through the back door in a bit of a hurry. It slams shut, and he walks with haste up to his bike. “You good, man?”

Armor turns around, seeming a bit startled. “I didn’t even know you were there. Scared the shit outta me.”

“That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention to your surroundings. Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Armor’s already at his bike and is throwing a leg over it.

“I’m heading out to check on something. Wanna tag along?”

I scarf down the rest of my sandwich in record time and toss the paper wrapper in the trash can near the door. Fishing my key out of my pocket, I walk over to my bike and mount her, turning her on at the same time Armor starts his up.

I follow Armor for a few miles until we’re heading toward the other side of town. Traffic is a bitch like always, and Armor makes another right and continues for a few miles. We’re all the way on the East side of Los Angeles when he pulls up across the street of a newly developed skyscraper.

He shuts off his bike, so I do the same. “What’s this?”

By this, I’m referring to the way he keeps staring at the building across the street.

Armor sighs. “The newest building owned by the Orchid Organization. It just means they’re expanding, brother . . . and I can’t tell you how much I fuckin’ hate that. I’m doing my best to get these bastards off the face of the earth, and they’re spreading like wildfire.”

I nod, understanding where he’s coming from. “You’re going to do whatever it takes to bring them down, aren’t you?”

“You know it. I can’t live with knowingly letting shit like this happen. These kids are being sold like livestock at auctions. That isn’t right. It isn’t okay.” There’s a darkness in my brother’s eyes, and that scares me. Not that he scares me in any way, but I know Armor will do whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to achieve his goal.

“Whatever you need, I’ll help how I can. What you’re sayin’ is right. No kids should have to experience this shit, and the people behind it need to pay for what they’ve done.” I know Armor isn’t saving all the kids. He might be lucky if he’s getting ten or fifteen percent of the children who run through the market here in LA. The rest of those children are unfortunate, and the only way he’ll be able to make a difference is if he actually tears these sons of bitches down.

“Thank you, brother. You have no idea how much that means to me.” Armor’s voice cracks, and I glance over, noticing there’s a glassiness to his eyes.

“You good, man?”

Armor doesn’t respond at first but eventually shakes his head. “No, dude. I’m not. Jada had a miscarriage, and she’s not okay. I’ve never seen her so fuckin’ depressed before. I’m trying to help her however I can, but she wants to be alone and process things her way. So, I’m diving right into this. I need to distract myself with something.”

“Fuck, man. I’m so sorry. Does . . . does Hammer know?” Hammer is Jada’s brother, and Hammer’s ol’ lady is very, very pregnant. I bet it sort of hurts Jada to see Shiloh having a child when she and Armor just lost theirs.

“Not yet, but I’m going to talk to him. I don’t think Jada’s ready to tell her brother. I just have to let him know what’s going on. I don’t know if I should wait or not, considering Shiloh is having their baby very soon. Don’t wanna take away his joy or anything. You know?”

I nod, getting what he’s saying. “Yeah, but Jada is his sister, and you know he’s going to want to be there for her if he can.”

“I know. Shit’s just complicated.”

“Life is complicated, brother,” I comment, and the two of us stay on our bikes and stare across the street. How are we going to take down an organization this massive? There are at least thirty floors in this skyscraper, and I’ll guarantee their pockets are lined with cash.
