Page 40 of Sarge's Downfall

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“Mornin’, you two.”

“Morning,” Luna and I both say.

Agony makes his way over to the coffee pot and pours himself a drink. “Have you heard the good news?”

“What news?” I question.

“Shiloh and Hammer had their little girl last night. They named her Naomi. Saw a photo. She’s kinda cute. Must get it from her mother since her father is an ugly mug.”

Luna and I both chuckle. “Are they there alone?”

Agony shakes his head. “No, Oakleigh’s at the hospital getting whatever they need. From what I heard, she’s been a great help to them.”

“Good. Is the baby healthy?” I ask.

“Yep, perfectly so,” Agony confirms.

“Good. That’s all any of us can hope for when we have kids,” I comment.

Agony nods and takes a sip of his coffee, then looks over to Luna. “It’s nice to see you again. We gonna be seeing you around here a lot more?”

“Considerin’ she’s my girlfriend, I’m sure you will.” I could have easily let Luna tell Agony, but I didn’t want to. She’s my woman, and I want to shout that shit from the rooftops as loudly as I can.

“Good for you, man. All of you settlin’ down are makin’ me want to consider it.” Agony’s twin brother, Fury, settled down not too long ago. Since then, his brother has been super happy, and a couple of our club brothers have settled down too. Everyone is starting to move on to this next phase in our lives, and we’re all excited about what’s to come. I, for one, can’t fucking wait. It’ll be nice to see my brothers as happy as I am.

“Want to consider what?” A woman’s voice asks as she comes into the kitchen. I turn and see it’s Chloe, Agony’s twin brother’s woman.

“Lookin’ for a woman of my own,” Agony states and then takes another sip of coffee.

“I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you’d really have to grow up a lot, Agony. You party a little too hard some days, and not a lot of women are going to want to deal with that.” Chloe’s trying to come from a place of honesty, but Agony doesn’t seem like he wants the advice.

“Which is exactly why I don’t have a woman. Maybe one day, but right now is not the time for me to settle down.” Hey, at least he knows what he wants to do and what he doesn’t. More power to him.

“Hey Luna, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Kara and Mabel told me a lot about you. I’m Fury’s woman,” Chloe says as she walks up to the coffee pot and makes herself a cup.

“You as well,” Luna automatically replies.

Mabel comes into the kitchen, and now the place is really starting to get busy. “I need coffee so fucking bad, ugh.”

“I’m glad you made a whole pot.” Luna chuckles, then Mabel glances over at her.

“Luna! Welcome back. I’m sort of surprised to see you so soon,” Mabel admits.

“Don’t be too surprised. She’s moving to LA,” I tell the group, wanting them to know she’s sticking around for good.

“Oh, my God! Let me get some coffee, and then you can tell me everything,” Mabel says, all smiles.

I’m enjoying my sandwich and sipping on my coffee when the ladies pull Luna away for some girl talk. Agony takes this as his opportunity to leave, and I know Luna will be fine on her own, so I leave the girls to have some time alone.

Agony and I head downstairs to the clubhouse’s portion of the bar, and I glance around the room. Only a few of the brothers are up, but Armor is one of them. “Hey there, Uncle, congrats.”

Armor licks his bottom lip and nods. “Thanks, man.” There’s something in his voice that tells me he’s not as excited as he should be. Almost like something is weighing on him.

“You okay? You seem a little down.”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“Then what’s with the somberness?”
