Page 45 of Sarge's Downfall

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“I’ve been waitin’ for you, man,” I state clear as day, looking right at the bastard.

There’s instant recognition, and he comes charging at me, but it’s fucking pointless. I fire my gun and shoot him in the kneecap. Kevin falls to the ground immediately, screaming out in pain. “Now that you see how serious I am, we can get straight to business.” I lick my lips, wondering which way I’m going to take this insufferable bastard from this Earth.

Kevin’s groaning in pain, glaring at me like he’s going to be able to do something about what I’ve done . . . but he won’t. How could he?

There are footsteps coming from the other side of the hallway. Chains and Killer are helping support Simone as she attempts to walk. Killer lets Chains hold her up as he comes over to where I am. “Simone’s said some shit that makes me believe Kevin’s cousin is in Diablo. I don’t know if it’s true, but I’d believe her more than him,” he says it lowly, so I hear it, but no one else does.

“Thanks for letting me know. Get her out of here, okay?”

Killer nods and heads back over to the other side of the hallway. I’m sure he’s going to walk her around so she doesn’t have to see Kevin again. That’s the best thing. She shouldn’t have to see this monster ever again, and neither should Luna.

“Heard your cousin’s in Diablo,” I come straight out with it, wanting to see every way Kevin reacts to this news.

“You did your homework, did you?” Kevin scoffs, spitting on the ground.

“We always do.” Okay, so he thinks I know it for a fact. This is good, very good. “Tell me what I want to know.”

“No, you’re not gonna let me live. Neither will my cousin. You’re too caught up in my pet’s asshole to even give me a chance to survive. I could have trained her well, you know. She would have been a beautiful, perfect woman after I was done with her.”

Brick goes up to Kevin and kicks him right in the side of the face. “Women are already perfect.”

My blood is fucking boiling, boiling so bad I feel like my entire body might explode. I can guarantee he was going to do what he did to Simone, to Luna. I can’t bear the thought of him drawing another breath. There’s an extension cord lying on the floor a few feet away from me, and I pick it up. Without even a second thought, I walk over to Kevin and wrap it around his neck. He wanted to kill Luna by strangling her, so I’m going to do the same to him.

I pull as tightly as I can, and he thrashes against my grip. Eventually, the choking sounds and the thrashing stop. He’s suddenly a deadweight who hits the ground. I keep the extension cord with me, knowing all too well to keep the murder weapon with me and then dispose of it. The last thing I need is to get locked up and be taken away from Luna.

“Keep searching the house for anything useful, then I think we’re set to roll out,” I state, and all of the brothers, who are able to, begin looking around. I walk into the garage, needing to take a moment to process all of this shit when my eyes land on Simone and Killer.

I’ve never seen my brother speak so softly and calmly to anyone, yet he’s like a different person with her. Good. She needs someone to be calm with her right now, especially when we don’t even know what the hell she’s been through.



Aaron, my PI, called me this morning to let me know Kevin’s body had been found in his home by the cops. The postman had called the police after noticing a growing smell of decomposition emanating from the home. Gruesome as the mental image of Kevin’s rotting body is, a part of me still thinks it’s a fitting end for the man who very nearly succeeded in ruining my life. And who would’ve killed me and everyone I love if he wasn’t stopped.

All through the call, I got the sense that Aaron was trying to pick up on any clues that I already knew of Kevin’s death. But I gave him none, even though Brennon confessed to me that he had killed Kevin just hours after it happened.

“You will never have to fear him again now”, he had said, and those words were echoing in my head all through the conversation with Aaron. He had done a lot to keep Kevin away from me, and I will always be grateful to him. But this part he doesn’t need to know.

The club also freed a woman Kevin had been ‘training’ in the dog cage he told me was meant for me. Simone. She’s about my age and had just completed her cosmetology school and gotten her state licensure to practice right before Kevin abducted her.

For the first day that she was with us at the clubhouse, she could hardly speak, but the ol’ ladies and I, along with all the guys—especially Killer—slowly but surely made her feel safer and safer.

We’re sitting in the clubhouse now, all gathered around her. Kara is holding her hand while Mabel, Chloe, Jada, and I listen to her story intently. Killer is standing by the bar, sipping a beer, keeping his distance, but I can see just how intently he’s listening to Simone’s story too. He’s a brooding guy, tall, dark, and rugged. Doesn’t talk much, but wherever Simone is, he’s never far. As though he’s taken it upon himself to protect her from now on. Her eyes are always following him too.

“I was having such a great time, walking the trails in Warner Springs, you know, just being one with nature,” Simone is saying. “And then bam, this freak hits me on the back of the head with what must’ve been a log or something. It knocked me right out. I don’t even remember hitting the ground.”

She pauses and swallows hard. Kara squeezes her hand harder and mutters, “You poor thing.”

“And then I woke up in that dog cage you found me in,” Simone says and shudders, glancing at Killer.

Killer tenses and slams his beer bottle on the counter. The anger twisting his face makes me sure he wants to go kill Kevin all over again.

Simone turns to me. “You’re Luna, right?”

I gasp and nod.

“The psycho talked about you constantly. All the time he was torturing me, he kept saying how it should be you in that cage. How it was you he wanted to turn into his submissive little slave.”
