Page 9 of Sarge's Downfall

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“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Luna digs her nails into my shoulders as her orgasm takes hold of her. I don’t want it to stop here, so I keep fucking her. I want this orgasm to be the best she’s ever had in her entire life, and it’s exactly what I plan on doing.

Luna comes down from her first orgasm, and I’m still fucking her. She pulls her head back a bit and looks right at me, almost like she’s confused as to why I haven’t stopped. “I said I was going to make you come until you can’t anymore. That’s the first, but it won’t be the last for the night.” I could probably fuck her for another hour without really needing to bust a nut, so let’s see how many orgasms I can give her until then.

I’m ready to rock her fucking world.



Something woke me from a very pleasant dream. Maybe it was the smell of freshly brewed coffee, the morning birdsong, or maybe the soft summer breeze. Or maybe the memory of last night.

With Brennon.

My first one-night stand in forever, and it was with Brennon. The entire night, from our first meeting at his parents’ house to the night we spent in this bed, flashes before my eyes in vivid color, complete with all the textures and feelings and pleasure. Maybe that’s what I dreamed about. I think it might be.

I open my eyes.

And there he is, sitting in the plush armchair by my bedroom window, soft, diffuse light illuminating his face as the breeze blows the translucent curtains in and out, and I feel like maybe I’m still dreaming. He’s fully dressed, holding one of the bright yellow mugs from my kitchen in both hands.

“There you are, sleepy head,” he says. “I made some coffee. Hope you don’t mind.”

He stands up and walks toward me, and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

“I have to head out and spend some time with my family today,” he says. “But I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye.”

So it wasn’t just a one-night stand!

That’s all that’s going through my head right now, and I very nearly say it out loud.

“I’m glad,” I say instead. “I had a great time last night.” I can’t believe we started our sexual trek at his parents’ house and then came back here, but I’m not complaining. It was phenomenal, magnificent, and well worth the wait.

I sit up in bed, keeping the covers up to my neck because I’m naked underneath. Not that he didn’t already see—and kiss—every inch of me last night. The thought makes my cheeks heat up.

He laughs. “Me too, Luna. We should’ve done this ages ago.”

I blush even harder but nod. “We really should’ve.”

Our conversation is as smooth and carefree as it was all day and into the night yesterday. He’s just so easy to flirt with. I love it.

“Listen, I’m heading back to LA later today, but let’s grab some lunch before I go?” he says, speaking fast, not really meeting my eyes while he fidgets with the mug in his hands. Is he nervous about asking me out?

I smile wide. “I’d love that.”

He smiles, too, his eyes bright and glimmering as they finally fix on mine. “Perfect! Then I’ll pick you up at, say, two o’clock?”

“Two is perfect,” I say.

“It’s a date then.” He walks over and hands me his cup of coffee. “And you can finish this.”

Then he leaves, and I lean back into the pillows, enjoying their softness against my skin, and sip the coffee he made. It’s strong, just the way I like it, and with just enough milk and sugar. This guy even knows how to make coffee exactly the way I like it!

I’m more than capable of staying in bed until it’s time for lunch, just fantasizing about the perfectly charmed life Brennon and I will have going forward and how he’s the one for me. My romantically bent mind is very capable of making me do that. So instead, I drink the rest of the coffee, shower, dress and text Stacey to tell her I’m coming over to the salon. She’s the only one I can always count on to talk me down when my mind starts making wedding plans the moment I set eyes on a guy I like.

She wants all the deets right then and there, but I tell her to hold on until I get there. I texted her a couple of times yesterday just to tell her what a dreamy guy Brennon turned out to be and that he’s taking me out for drinks. I didn’t tell her yet that he spent the night.

Even though it’s Sunday, her salon is open. But it’s also empty like it is much of the time lately. Not because she’s not the best hairstylist and nail girl in town but because people just can’t afford so much pampering lately. She’s taking it all in her stride, practicing and experimenting with new nail designs, hairstyles, or cuts. Mostly on me.

I find her making new nail color sample sticks, a process that involves meticulously painting nail—shaped plastic sticks in all the colors and designs she offers. She loves precise work like that, and she’s a true artist at it.
