Page 36 of Villain's Prey

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“What?” Vincent spins, knocking Leon’s hand from his shoulder.

“He saved our sister's life. They will kill him for that.” Leon glances at me. “He said what he needed to in order to get you to go, but before that, what did he tell you?”

My nose starts to burn at the memory. At how Sergei had changed into a man that I didn’t recognize.

“That he loves me.” I love him too. Even when he uttered those cruel words, my heart was still his. Even if I didn’t want it to be.

“I think he clearly knows you well. He knew the only way to get you to leave was to say those things. He wanted you gone before his father showed up to claim what Sergei was supposed to hand over to him.”

I gasp, all the air leaving my body. If that’s true then … “He set himself up to be killed.” The tears I’m trying to hold back break free. “For me. He let me go knowing it would be his death.”

“Oh, God.” My mom covers her mouth with her hand.

“It’s an eerie feeling.” My dad stands to pull my mom into his side. “To hate a man and be thankful for him. I met my soulmate because of Luca Taletti. He put her in my path. Then he gave me you.” Dad stares at Vincent. “For that and because of your mother asking, I let him live. My part in it is over. His fate lies within your hands, son.”

“He will die,” Vincent vows.

“So be it,” my dad agrees without hesitation. “But Sergei’s fate belongs to our Olivia.”

I swipe at my cheeks to clear the tears away. “I love him. I know it’s crazy. That I haven’t known him long, but—”

“Sweetheart. Your father and I are the last people you would ever have to explain that to.”

“We have to save him.” I jump to my feet. “I don’t care if he loves me or not. He saved me. If it wasn't for him, Luca would have sent someone else. I tried to kill him. I even begged him to kill me, and he wouldn’t. I made him bleed, and he only held me closer.” All of the little things Sergei did to protect me flood my memories. How could I have ever believed he didn’t want me?

“She did fuck his nose up pretty good.” Leon smirks.

“You headbutted him?” My dad chuckles.

“After I tried to flip the car.” I smirk.

“What?” my mom shouts.

“What? I thought he was going to kill me so I was going to take him with me.” My mom’s expression is pissed and proud. Only she could ever pull that off.

“All right. Decisions are made,” Vincent agrees.

“Sal, Sergei’s brother. I met him. I think he might be more of an ally than he even knows,” I tell them. “If push comes to shove, I think he’ll land on Sergei’s side–onourside.”

“I’m apt to believe that,” my dad agrees. “Luca rules with fear. It’s averysharp double-edged sword that will get you in the end.”

“I say sooner rather than later.”

Luca Taletti needs to die. It’s not Taletti blood that’s evil. It’s one man poisoning the well.



One of my eyes is swollen shut, and I’ve been tasting blood for the past fifteen minutes. Even so, I get back to my feet, refusing to let my father see me beaten.

I spit a wad of blood onto the warehouse floor as my father circles me, his fists raised as his men stand and watch. They’ve seen him dish out brutality like this before, just never on his own son.

He lands another blow to my ribs. I grunt from the pain but keep my feet beneath me.

Sal stands like a statue, his eyes never leaving mine. I give him another brief shake of my head. If he tries to make a move to save me, he won’t survive it. I need him to live, if for no other reason than that he can help protect Olivia. He knows what she means to me, what I’m giving up so that she will live. I do it gladly.

Another blow lands, this time on my battered cheek. I see stars for a moment, then come back down to earth. Wobbling on my feet, I manage not to fall.
