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I rolled my eyes. If I had a dime every time someone chastised me, I’d be rich. Once more crossing my arms over my chest, I huffed, “I can say whatever I want.”

He narrowed his eyes, scanning my posture. “Of course, you can, but if you keep making those types of comments, you’re going to believe the voice in your head.”

“Well, lucky for you, I can believe whatever I want.”

Sam stared at me for a moment, rubbing his beard. “What would Trey say if he heard you?”

I let go of Dorianne. Something about the stern cadence of Sam’s voice combined with gentle coaxing almost made me want to share some of my issues. “Why do you care?”

“I’m making small talk because the first part of my plan involves you following me in my cruiser to the ranch while I ride Dorianne home.” He gestured toward the horse.


“Now, answer my question. What would Trey have to say about the sass sprouting out of your mouth?”

“He wouldn’t care.”

“Are you sure?”

“Maybe a few months ago, he would have cared. Get to your point, Sam.”

The muscle in his jaw twitched. “Can you drive a stick shift?”


He climbed up and onto Dorianne, stroking her ears. “Follow me. Don’t push the sirens or the horns.”

“Or what? It’s not like you’re going to give me a ticket,” I sassed him more.

“We haven’t discussed repercussions from your dangerous antics this afternoon. Mr. Clementine graciously declined to seek legal repercussions, but you are still in the wrong. You cannot ride a horse into oncoming traffic and think a few apologies will get you off the hook.”

I already owed Sam an apology for getting him into potential trouble while on duty. He had been under strict orders not to let anyone in or out of our friend Dane’s house after an incident at a party. My sister’s friend Tanner had been attacked and everyone was upset. I tried to sneak in a window, the garage, and even the back door, but had been stopped by Sam. Finally, he asked for ID. He knew me, but he had to follow some semblance of protocol. I knew better than to fight back, but nothing could have stopped me from making sure my sister was okay, so, since I had lost my wallet, I showed him the tattoo under my boob in lieu of a driver’s license. It had my name, Marissa’s name and our sister Trinity along with butterflies and flowers. The seriousness of the situation forced him to keep his composure as he escorted me through the front door and warned me not to leave, but there had always been a sense of something unfinished between us since that day.

“I won’t push any buttons, Sam,” I promised now. “At least not the ones inside your car.”

I spun on my heel and scurried away. What the hell was my problem? Provoking Sam was not a good idea. I had babbled about him and the party to Trey after I came home. He asked if I wanted to date Sam. I asked him the same question. Many of the men in our town were dominant and into a specific dynamic where they made the rules. Our conversation ended abruptly and without an answer from either of us. But what I didn’t know was if Trey was in denial. I believed he secretly longed to be in a throuple—particularly one made up of two men, one who was submissive to the other and a woman who was submissive to both. The thought of being handled by Trey and Sam left me fantasizing.

Lately, Trey wasn't in the mood to do anything or go anywhere. It wasn’t easy to find another partner when you were always in the house. His lack of attention left me feeling more alone than ever. Something needed to change. It was the same thing I’d said out loud to Trey, but my words fell on deaf ears. I wasn’t usually a reckless person, but I needed to secure a reaction, no matter what it took! Maybe being brought home by a police officer would finally open Trey’s eyes and show him how far off-balance things still were.


* * *

Satisfied that I had taken care of the horse, I crossed my arms and leaned against the door of my patrol car. Monica worried her bottom lip with her teeth, caught up in her own head. I wished she would have shared what was bothering her, but we had a more important matter.

“Mr. Clementine allowed this matter to be handled privately. However, you are not clear yet.” I kept my eye on Monica, making sure I had her full attention. “You can either accept a ticket for unlawful operation of a–”

“I’ve never gotten a ticket in my whole life! No way. I wasn’t even driving,” she insisted.

“Interrupt me again and you won’t get a choice,” I warned. If she was going to battle me like a brat, I’d respond accordingly.

“I’m sorry, Sam.”

“Are you going to let me finish?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She was being respectful, but to hear that title from her pretty mouth stoked a fire deep inside of me. It had been a hot minute since I’d been in a relationship. My dick didn’t care and instead pressed painfully against my uniform pants. Sending it kill signals, I took a minute to breathe. What I threw at her next was likely going to push the two of us toward something else. While riding Dorianne back to the ranch, I’d decided Monica’s bratty behavior needed a reply. I shouldn’t offer her physical repercussions. However, it might help me understand whatever had been off balance with her and Trey lately. I kept him in earshot as I touched my utility belt and puffed out my chest.
