Page 25 of Her Alpha Mate

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Their boy was definitely following in his father’s footsteps, growing by leaps and bounds. He was taller than she was when he was only ten but now, he was six-one and still growing, which made him seem so much older than his sister Dianna who was only two years younger than him. Their oldest daughter was now twelve, but she was short like her. Even their eight-year-old daughter Heather was already as tall Dianna was, named for Heath because the first thing she noticed was their baby girl’s eyes when she was born. They were all her daddy’s and she’d fallen entirely for their baby.

She fell entirely for all their babies, but Heather had her daddy’s eyes and smile from day one.

Beyond Drake who was Heath’s mini-me, Hudson looked the next most like Heath. He was ten now, not as tall as Drake was at that age, but he was definitely going to have some height on him. How she didn’t know since she was so short, but she didn’t mind being towered over in the least.

Heather was followed two years later by their twins, Ezra and Emme. They’d known they were fraternal from the start, well, Serena had at least, calling it that they were a boy and girl and she’d yet to be wrong. They were now six and followed by their youngest boy Aaron, who was now four, and their last Adelyn was now two. She had four incredible little boys and four beautiful little girls to love, and since Ezra came out before Emme, they followed a pattern of their boys being followed by their girls.

“What are you doing, little doe?” Heath asked, sliding up behind her as she closed the lid on the last bin.

“Packing the baby clothes up to give away for moms in need,” she said, tilting her head for him to drop a kiss onto her claim. He always did it whenever they’d been apart for any length of time. She loved it though and would never want him to stop.

“Why give them ours when you can buy out an entire store to donate?” he asked, making her laugh as he turned her in his hold to look at her.

“We don’t need them any longer. Adelyn certainly won’t fit into them anymore so there’s no reason to keep them.”

“Why’s that?” he stated confusing her.

“Because none of our kids fit into them anymore, my love. I mean I suppose I could send some out to Lyndi to have for their new one on the way,” she said making him smirk.

“Landon’s still stewing. He doesn’t know how his little girl could possibly be mated let alone be having a second baby now,” he said confirming her suspicion of why Landon had been in such a mood the last day. She’d sent Heath out earlier to get it out of him because Shelby was actually out of town visiting their daughter and her mate Alexander, who happened to be Shelby’s adopted brother Ashton’s oldest boy.

“Jacob was barely better when Hope and Matt announced they had another on the way,” she reminded her mate, still shocked that her friend ended up with Jacob’s oldest daughter. Jacob was happy that it kept her here in the pack with them, so he wasn’t quite as difficult about it happening. Then again, he still had Sara to coddle, and she was still just sixteen, so he wasn’t feeling the pressure yet.

She supposed it didn’t help that Landon and Shelby’s middle daughter Leyton ended up mating with Mason’s oldest Dominic and that she just had their first baby at only nineteen.

“He should have convinced Shelby to have more kids, then he wouldn’t be so grumbly about his daughters having babies of their own,” Heath stated, his hands sliding onto her much fuller hips as he smiledthatsmile at her. The one that got her far too wet to resist.

“You think you’re going to fare much better when it’s Dianna?” she teased pulling a growl from him she could help but laugh at.

“Our girls aren’t having mates,” he stated pulling another laugh out of her until his hand slid down the front of her pants, going straight for her clit.

“Heath…” she moaned as he took her straight to the edge before taking his fingers away from her.

“You know I have to have a taste before I fill you up,” he said making her want that but also reminding her of what was happening inside her as well.

“Why don’t you get a real taste while I get one your hard cock,” she suggested, letting her palm slide down the front of his bulge. “You know how wet it makes me when I get to suck you off.”

“I’m not wasting a single drop in your mouth, little doe. It’s all going in that hot little pussy of yours and you know it’s going to soak every drop of it up and put it to good use.”

His growling words made her flare with hunger, wanting it more than she could say, but she wasn’t about to tell him that. At least not yet. He’d told her after they had Adelyn that she now had her eight and she’d agreed happily that she did. She hadn’t begun to tell him that holding Leyton’s little baby made her want another so badly that she’d tried to make it happen last month only to be disappointed. Hence her packing away the newborn outfits to stop dwelling over it.

“I have my eight,” she stated as he tossed her onto the bed gently, making her laugh because even after all these years, he still treated her delicately at times. She enjoyed the times that he didn’t treat her so delicately when they made love immensely and right now, that’s what she wanted most.

“You said eight or nine, so you still have one more to give me,” he growled at her, tugging her pants off before giving her underwear a twist, making the string on her hips snap apart instantly. His mouth latched onto her clit as he pushed her shirt and lounge bra over her head, his fingers giving her nipples little tweaks, pushing her straight off the edge.

Heath’s mouth was still on her pussy when she came down, and she lifted her hips more, pulling his eyes to hers with a smile. “I also told you I like things to be even, so if you make it nine, I’m going to want ten.”

“That so?” he asked, sitting up quickly as he moved to kneel between her legs.

“Yeah, so bring that cock up here so I can have your taste in my mouth,” she suggested. Heath’s smile distracted her for a moment before she felt his fingers scoop her juice out as he strummed against her g-spot. Her eyes drifted to his hand, watching him hungrily as he covered his cock with her wetness, before stroking the long length making her whine. “That’s not fair.”

“Maybe I’m not going to play fair,” he teased, with a little grunt pulling her eyes back to his hands. White beads slipped from his tip and his fingers swiped them up, before sliding them back into her, teasing her g-spot with every stroke in and out.

“Heath…you know I’m close,” she said, and his smile grew as he stroked his cock harder.

“I know but you don’t really want me to stop, do you, little doe?” he said, pulling a cry from her lips when the tip of his cock stroked against her clit, before moving to her opening, bathing her with his cum. She fell over as it filled her, her hips moving against his tip wanting more, until he filled her entirely with a hard thrust.

“Heath!” she screamed, falling over again, as his mouth came down to hers.
