Page 4 of Her Alpha Mate

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“Heath…” Her breathless tone had his entire body tingling, and if they were home, he would drag her into his arms and kiss her. As they weren’t, were at her home, he a guest and not needing to cause a scene his first night if he were to get information of the pack’s alpha, he kept his hands to himself.

“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he teased her, enjoying the hints of color that reappeared in her cheeks. “You were reassigned to me for the week then?”

“I offered to help Ellen,” she said, and he nodded encouragingly, wanting her to continue. “I had no assignment for the coming week, and it can get very boring with nothing to do. I’ve met several of the alphas that have come through in the past and never had an issue, so I hoped you would be the same, let me help Ellen without our alpha knowing. He wouldn’t like us changing things…for me to be working this week.”

That got his full attention and the fear in her eyes sent all smiles away. “You have trouble with men, don’t you, little doe? They like your beauty too much.”

“I…yes,” she said as her lips thinned.

“They want to touch you and you don’t like that, so your alpha wants you out of sight to keep them from trying,” he guessed, and she nodded. “I promise you have nothing to fear this week. You’re safe with me, little doe.”

“Aubree,” she said, a hint of that blush back in her cheeks once more.

He reached up, rubbing his fingers against the end of her braid, feeling the softness of it. “You look like a sweet little doe more, big brown eyes, pretty russet hair. I understand your alpha wanting you out of sight though, away from the reach of men that think they can have whatever they desire simply because of who they are. I do not abide by that, nor do most alphas, but others within their delegations may not be as strong willed. I see that when I visit other packs, know their weakness makes them more susceptible to touching what doesn’t belong to them.”

“Want what isn’t theirs,” she said softly, and he nodded. “Women like Danielle…”

“Try to touch and entice, but I’m not a man that takes what’s not his. Nor do I allow others to take what’s not theirs,” he added as another flash of what he’d seen earlier slid into her gaze. “You fear that happening to you, don’t you, little doe?”

“Yes, I…” A painful expression slid through her eyes and Heath’s shoulders tensed, making his head pound further. “I’m sorry, I should leave you to your meal.”

“Not yet,” he said, reaching out to grasp her hand, stilling her movement when she breathed in deeply at his touch. “You’re scared of something, someone, but not me.”

“I can’t…” she began, her jaw trembling a hint and he nodded, reaching up to brush his fingers against it.

“It’s alright, little doe. You don’t have to tell me. Just know you’re safe with me. I wouldn’t take what you don’t want to give, and I wouldn’t demand you give it either. I’ve been waiting for my mate,” he added, enjoying the way her eyes relaxed their wariness as he spoke. “I haven’t found her yet, but swore I’d wait for her, and you should be given the same choice. If that’s not the case and you need anything, you can come to me, I’ll protect you.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes slightly teary and he dropped his touch from her, despite being the last thing he truly wanted to do.

“I won’t tell your alpha you’re working this week, won’t tell anyone the other woman isn’t,” he assured her. “If I need something, how do I get in touch with you?”

“Just call downstairs and ask for Ellen or tell them what you need. She’ll get it then bring it up to me. I’ll just be down in the little nook beneath the stairs. It’s one of the places I use to get away. These rooms are rarely used even when we have guests. They’re too nice for the regular alphas that have come through to use. I guess with so many council members here this week, it was necessary.”

“If you ever feel the nook isn’t safe enough, you can come on into my rooms while we’re at the summit,” he suggested, wanting her here, comfortable, and safe. He might just have to tell his sister a huge thank you for making him promise to not push someone aside simply because they weren’t his mate. Aubree was making him want what he’d never expected to want—to claim someone that wasn’t his mate.

“I will, thank you…Heath,” she added when he stared at her for several long, silent moments.

“Thank you, Aubree,” he stated, letting her go before digging into the meal as his mind raced, wondering what she would think about coming home with him. Most women were dying to become his mate, to become the mate of the alpha regent’s son. It meant they wouldn’t have to work another day in their lives, wouldn’t have to bow to anyone, and would have all the money in the world to spend. From what he’d seen of his little Aubree, none of that would interest her, not even no longer being deemed an omega would likely get her to agree to be his mate.

He had to figure out what it would take, because from what he’d just experienced, he wasn’t leaving here without his little doe.

Chapter 3

Aubree knew she shouldn’t do it, she should leave well enough alone for the night, but she’d never felt anything like she’d experienced while in Heath’s presence. For a few minutes, she didn’t feel anxious. Not even when he mentioned guessing other men wanted her, wanted to claim her even if they weren’t her mate, did she really feel anxious.

If anything, she felt safe with him. Really, truly safe.

Yes, she’d been able to feel the powerful aura coming off him the moment he’d opened the door, but unlike Ellen, it didn’t bother her. The opposite in fact. It excited her, made her hope. Especially with his offer for her to hide in his rooms, go to him if she didn’t feel safe, that he’d protect her. She desperately wanted to tell him everything about her alpha, what he intended for next week, but she couldn’t break through the command he’d given her to never speak of it still.

She had a week though, and perhaps her desperation to not have Alpha Josh claim her would override the pain that would hit to break the alpha command. Every day that brought her closer to her birthday had her desperation growing, so by next week, just maybe she’d be able to do it.

Tonight though, she was sneaking back over to enjoy his presence a little more. Or at least, she hoped to with the excuse of bringing him new towels. She’d gotten a glimpse of the ones hanging in the bathroom and knew they wouldn’t begin to fit around him. Heath was built like a magnificent god—one that could stand a chance against Alpha Josh, might just manage to give her her wish of not going to the man.

If it meant going to him instead…well, she wouldn’t say no to him as long as his pack wouldn’t look down on their alpha claiming an omega as his.

She took a deep breath, glad his delegation members were on the other side of the hallway, and she wouldn’t have to pass by their rooms to get to Heath’s. She tingled every time she thought of his name, the way it tasted on her tongue, made her feel to say it. The way it had felt with him urging her to say it.

Alpha Josh demanded she call him alpha, and she suspected that wouldn’t change even if he finally claimed her. Just the thought of that happening made her shudder and she quickly shut it out of her mind as she lifted her hand and gave Heath’s door a soft knock.
