Page 6 of Her Alpha Mate

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“Fuck,” he grunted when she first touched him, making her pause, but before she could pull her fingers away, his hands settled over hers, his head falling back further, resting against her chest and every bit of her came alive. “Don’t stop, little doe. It feels so good.”

“Just relax,” she said softly when his hands dropped, a smile on her lips she couldn’t control. “In here tonight you don’t have to be a council member. You don’t even have to be an alpha. That can all wait for the morning.”

Aubree continued to talk quietly to him, not about anything important, just random thoughts, things to think about, like the warmth of the sun mid-day, and smell of snow as it falls. Bit by bit the tension in Heath’s shoulders began to ease as her fingers swept along his temples, down to his neck, then onto his shoulders over and over.

His head slid to the side as her fingers kneaded his strong shoulders, and one of his hands slid on top of hers, stalling them as he took the towel off his face. His eyes met hers and she couldn’t help but smile, seeing just how relaxed they were. It made him look younger, even as the corners of his eyes crinkled.

Her breath stalled as he brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her palm. His perfectly groomed beard tickled her skin, but tingles shot through her as she rested her fingers on his cheek as he held onto her.

“You still look like a little doe to me, but you’ve got to be angel, honey.”

“No angel,” she teased unable to help herself. “Just know how it feels for your mind to race with so many thoughts, feel like you have no control. I imagine even alphas that have tons of power can feel that way every now and then, need somewhere they can just be…human maybe?”

“Vulnerable,” he said holding her gaze as his head still rested against her, pulling a nod from her. “It’s dangerous for an alpha to let themselves be vulnerable, beyond my family, I don’t think I ever have until you, little doe.”

“Then I’m glad you feel safe enough to do so with me,” she said, her eyes twinkling a bit more than normal. “Then again, I’m pretty sure you know you could take me down with both arms and one leg tied behind your back.”

“You are tiny. Hell, you’re even smaller than my brother’s mate and she’s a hundred percent human,” he mused, surprising her.

“Your pack has fully human mates in it?”

“A few dozen at least, including my brother’s mate. She’s got grit though,” he said intriguing her more. “She was raised by a pack from the time she was nine until she met—saved Landon.”

“Saved him?” she couldn’t help from asking.

“Yup, it’s a bit of a long story, but short version is Landon got himself stuck in a cage that was cursed by a witch and trapped in wolf form for weeks with several others. Shelby’s brother, not by blood, was also trapped in the cage and she got them both out,” he said, and it only whetted her intrigue.

“You can’t leave it there,” she said making him chuckle.

“I’ll tell you all about it if you want to stay,” he offered, and she could only nod. “Alright, you run to your nook while I call down for some snacks and get dressed. When you get back, I’ll tell you everything, including the hell Shelby and our sister Katya come up with to give him.”

“Okay,” she agreed, smiling as he leaned up some, to let her off the stool. She set the bath sheet on it, then slid out, hearing him already on the phone, asking for a dozen different snack foods, including her favorite of gummy bears.

She was slightly flushed still when Ellen reached her, but thankfully the woman put it down to her rushing up to meet her after her call, rather than the truth. Most of the omegas would be scandalized that she’d stayed while Heath rested in the bath, let alone that she’d touched him, even if it was to relax him. If it’d been anyone else, she wouldn’t have begun to do it, but there was just something about Heath that made her want to comfort him.

It was crazy perhaps, but she certainly would take it over anything that she felt when Alpha Josh was nearby.

It wasn’t long before she was unable to control her giggles, as Heath told her about how Shelby and Landon met. How crazy he’d been with his mate covered in others’ scents and how she refused to back down from him or his anger. She also couldn’t help but be slightly jealous that the girl had a second family take her in, accept her, love her, compared to her life.

“Landon got hell from Brian once he and Shelby finally came up for air. Normally Brian doesn’t fare as well against me or Landon, but he had him down on the mat almost instantly because he was so pissed at Landon,” Heath said making her brows lift curiously.

“Is Brian your brother?” she asked pulling a chuckle from him.

“He’s Katya’s mate,” he explained but it only made her more curious. “Katya was about seven months pregnant with twins when Landon got out of the cage. He had the others from the pack with him, call her and Mom to reassure them they were safe. Of course, they didn’t quite believe him since he was keeping them shut out, so Katya was still anxious, which didn’t suit Brian at all. He was furious that Landon made his mate continue to worry rather than just tell her that he couldn’t talk because he’d found his mate. That would have been more than enough to satisfy Katya. Not even Landon apologizing to them for his part in us nearly taking Brian out when they first got together soothed Brian enough to keep him from taking Landon down in the sparring match.”

“Why would your brother want to take your sister’s mate out?” Aubree couldn’t help but ask, pulling another chuckle from Heath before he launched into the story, making her heart swoon at how insistent Brian was that Katya was his mate.

“Our bloodline has a lot of power,” Heath said making her giggle a hint knowing that was a fact. “Our mother’s bloodline is ancient, goes a long way back and the females of it can only mate with an alpha. They never told us that though, because as boys, we didn’t have to worry about it, and even our daughters wouldn’t. It’s only the females through the female line. Since we didn’t know it, we didn’t take too kindly to Brian touching our sister, especially when it became obvious just how close they’d been, past and present.”

“You went after him,” Aubree guessed, and he nodded.

“She was my baby sister. We lost her for far too long and never wanted anything to hurt her after we found her back. Even leaving out them sleeping together, I could tell that Katya loved him, truly loved him, and was worried that if her real mate came around, it would be bloody, and Katya would end up hurt either way because she’d lose someone she loved. I’m glad I was wrong, and that Brian was there for her. If it wasn’t for him, she’d have died when she was little and attacked. He was what saved her, he’s what sent her back to us, and he’s what makes her happiest, so, as much as I hated that they were close before they were mates, I’d never wish she hadn’t met him.”

Aubree smiled, hearing the devotion to his family, the love for his sister in his words. Heath was going to be the answer to her wishes, she was certain of it. She just had to find a way to be able to tell him. To be able to break the alpha bond Alpha Josh held over her, keeping her mouth shut, to tell him.

Would it work if she asked someone else, in his earshot to help her, then she wouldn’t technically be disobeying the command to not talk about it to outsiders, ask for their help. She’d merely be urging someone else to break it for her, someone from their pack, and if Heath overheard…

“What’s going through your head right now, little doe?” Heath asked quietly, breaking her from her racing thoughts. “You were all smiles and joy and now, that worry, anxiousness is back in your eyes. If it’s something I can help with, you can tell me, little doe. After everything you’ve done for me tonight, all you have to do is ask.”
