Page 85 of Shooting Stars

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“You’re safe now. Let’s get you out of here.”

I looked once more at the still body of my half-sister, and emotions I couldn’t define washed over me. But then I remembered something. “Wait! My ring.”

His brows furrowed. “Your ring?”

I lifted my left hand up, showing him my swollen ring finger. “She took my engagement ring. Broke my finger to get it off.”

“It’s okay. Dominic will retrieve it for you.”


A second man appeared out of the darkness, startling me. He was clad in all black like Julian, but his hair was long and dark, scruff dusting his jaw. A long rifle was slung across his chest, and I saw another gun holstered on his side.

“Hi, Emilia. I’m Dominic and I’m really glad to see you’re okay.”

I realized Dominic must’ve been one of Julian’s teammates and managed a small smile. “Hi. Thank you for coming to get me.”

“My pleasure. We’re going to get you to the hospital now and get you checked out. Jason will be there waiting for you.” He touched a hand to my cheek before dropping it again, then went over to where Helena lay. He bent over her body then came back to us.

The two men spoke to each other as we went outside into the frigid night air. If I’d thought I was cold inside, I was freezing out here. I began to shiver uncontrollably as Julian carried me over to a dark SUV.

Dominic opened the side door and Julian placed me on the seat carefully. He reached over to grab something and a few seconds later I had a warm blanket covering me.

Julian stepped back outside the van and pulled out his cell. I couldn’t really hear what he was saying as his back was to me and he spoke in hushed tones, but then he turned back to me. “Someone wants to talk to you, love.”

My heart leapt in my chest as he handed me the phone. I brought it up to my ear with a wince. “Hello?”

“Emilia. Oh, thank God. Are you okay, sweetheart?”

The sound of my fiancé’s voice, one I knew better than my own, made me cry. “Jase,” I sobbed. “I’m okay now.”

“Julian and Dominic will bring you to the hospital and I’ll meet you there. Just hold on, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon, I promise. I love you so much, Em.”

“I love you, too. See you soon.”

I held the phone up to Julian and he took it from me. He spoke to Jase for a little bit and then ended the call. He looked at his teammate. “You call Jack, I’ll make the other call.”

The dark-haired man nodded and looked at me. He uncurled his hand to reveal my engagement ring sitting in his palm. I took it with thanks and managed to slide it onto my right hand.

They both drifted away from the SUV to make their calls. Once they were done, Julian came back over to me and gently clipped my seat belt in place. I winced as it pulled on my stomach.

“Are you injured, Emilia?”

I nodded. “Helena kicked me really hard in the stomach. It feels bruised.”

I didn’t miss the look the two men exchanged. “Let’s get you to the hospital.”

He climbed in the back seat on the other side of me and Dominic started the car. I wasn’t sure how long we drove. I closed my eyes a few times, but Julian kept talking to me, telling me it was important I stay awake until we reached the hospital.

Eventually we pulled up outside the emergency department. There was a team of people apparently waiting for us, with a gurney just inside the sliding doors. Julian carried me into the hospital and laid me down on the bed, and I was promptly whisked down a corridor.

An older man with short, salt-and-pepper hair hovered over me as we moved. “Hi, Emilia, I’m Dr. Lekander. Can you tell me where you’re hurting?”

“Is everywhere a valid answer?”

He gave me a warm smile. “How about you tell me where it hurts the most and we’ll work our way down from there.”

I told him about the hard kick to my stomach, my broken finger, the harsh slap across the face which had drawn blood, and the drug I’d been slipped. The doctor barked out a series of commands, and my eyes started to close.
