Page 103 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“And what did it do?”

“It made you snap. You slapped Ralphie. That was because of Shayna.”

“You know what, Joe? You can make up any story you want in your head, okay? Go for it. I came here to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid. And you didn’t. For that, I am proud of you. Good job. That’s where this night ends. I still stand by what I said before. You should talk to someone else. But you went and made this thing even worse now.”

“So you’re single now, right?” Joe asked.

The right side of his mouth curled up a little.

That was the same smile he gave me just before he kissed me for the first time all those years ago.

I remembered that night vividly.

It was just after it rained.

We were near a creek.

It really didn’t smell all that great.

He was chewing some cinnamon gum.

I’d never forget the smell of the water, the rain, the wet ground, and the cinnamon.

“My personal life is none of your business,” I managed to say.

“Okay. Then I guess our night is over. Thanks for checking up on me. And thanks for slapping Ralphie. I’m going to get a ride home now.”

“Me too,” I said.

“Home? To a hotel?”


“Right. Your personal life… got it.”

“Goodnight, Joe.”

I turned and Joe grabbed me.

His hands against my waist.

Making me face him.

Pulling me toward him.

Holy shit, I’m technically single. So is he. Which means he could technically kiss me right now. But I could technically tell him not to. Oh, god. What’s going to happen now?

Joe leaned down closer to me.

His lips moving maybe toward mine.

I shuddered head to toe.

His lips then moved, brushing against my cheek.

A soft, sweet kiss.

Then his lips were at my ear.
