Page 11 of Slap Shot Seduction

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Steven’s eyes moved to my naked body.

I watched his eyes move from my chest, down, and then back up.

“I’m a little cold now,” I whispered. “Care to warm me up.”

“Fuck, babe, you know I hate when you do this,” he said. “We have to talk about this in advance, okay? My brain is fried. And I still have a conference call tonight.”

I swallowed hard.

I grabbed the towel off the floor and wrapped it around my body.

Steven jumped off the bed and hurried toward me.

I pictured him tearing the towel off my body, sayingfuck itto his stupid conference call, then tossing me to the bed and fucking me.

And I mean… fucking… me…

My thighs trembled, waiting.

When he closed in on me, he touched my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

“Tell you what, babe,” he whispered. “You go to town on yourself tonight. Think of me. I’ll get you some other time.”

I’ll get you some other time?


Did he just give me permission to masturbate?

Shock inched through my body as Steven kissed my forehead again.

I watched him walk back to the bed, grab his phone, and leave the bedroom for hisoh so importantconference call.

Of course that was the horny side of me talking.

The more professional side reminded myself that there were times when mine or Steven’s job required our full attention.

I had, on more than one occasion in the past, received a phone call at one in the morning, which meant getting out of bed and rushing to a hospital to help someone in need.

I suddenly felt self-conscious.

I refused to look in the mirror or at myself as I got dressed into pajamas.

A little voice in my head wanted to know why Steven didn’t fuck me tonight?

Or last night?

Or the night before?

Or the night before that…?

What was wrong with me?

With my body?

Was I too curvy for him now?

Did I really gain that much weight?
