Page 15 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“Great,” Atlas said. “She has her first crush and it has to be you.”

I curled my lip.

I hoped to scare the kid and make it so she cried when she saw me.


I curled my lip and she started to makegooandgaanoises at me.

Then she waved her hands.

“She’s even telling you things will be okay,” Atlas said. “You know how this goes. I’ve been through stuff like this. Not that I’m one to talk here. I’m sort of the new guy, huh?”

“You’ve been here long enough, Atlas,” I said. “I thought I could just stand there and watch you guys skate. Practice. Take in the plays and all that. I don’t think I can do that.”

“You know what you need to do, Joe,” Sebastian said.

My jaw tightened and I looked up.

“Relax,” Atlas whispered to me. “You know everyone means well.”

“You’re all lucky there aren’t windows around here,” I said. “I’d toss each of you through a window.”

“What about Juniper Evelyn?” Atlas asked with a smile in his eyes.

I looked at the baby again.

She smiled even bigger.

She made louder noises.

“She likes you, Joe,” Hazel said.

“I like the baby’s mother,” Rome said.

“Want to hold my daughter so I can go kill Rome?” Atlas offered.

“No, thanks,” I said. “I can’t be here right now.”

I grabbed my bag and turned.

All the guys suddenly lined up in front me.

Like some kind of cult thing. Like they were going to attack me.

Like they were going to tie me down and sacrifice me.

“Get out of my way,” I said.

They all looked at Sebastian for direction.

He nudged his left arm into Henry.

His right arm into Rome.

They moved.

Sebastian walked to the locker room door and opened it for me.
