Page 194 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“It’s good. It’s really good, Joe. Too good.”

“I’ve never heard of sex being too good before.”

“Joe, we’re supposed to be talking. About you. About your issues. There’s a goal here. It’s not just about us. This wasn’t…”

“Are you pulling away?”

“No!” I cried out. I walked to my desk, put my hands flat, and I sighed. “We have to finish talking. No matter what. We have to separate whatever this is.” I looked at him. “Okay?”

“I don’t think we do, Anna.”

“I do.”

“I don’t.”

“I’m the doctor here. I’m the one who gets to say whether you play hockey or not.”

“I’m already back to practicing,” Joe said. “It’s only a matter of time before Ellen makes the call. Not you. No offense. She’s a billionaire. So is her husband. They’re not going to just let me sit out forever. Not when they’re paying me. Trust me. They’re just going through the motions.”

“Not unless I-”

“Okay, play that out then. You keep me on a fucking string. For how long? Weeks? Months? Ellen will start making demands, as will her husband. And if that isn’t going to work, guess what? They’ll trade me. They’ll cut me. This is a business to them. Money controls everything. You think this is a game?”

“I don’t know what I think anymore, Joe. It’s all gone so far. Too far.”

“And you started it.”

“I did not…”

“You saw my name, Anna. You saw my name long before I saw your face.”

Now I was pissed off at him. I didn’t need him to push at me. I didn’t need him to call me out.

On top of that, I hated how sexy he looked. Irritated with me.

Making me irritated with him.

He oozed nothing but sex appeal and trouble.

I pictured him tearing me clothes off right then and there.

Throwing me onto the desk.

Slamming his rock-hard cock between my legs.

Making me scream his name.

Making me tell him I hated his guts.


One word slipped from my lips.

“Fine?” Joe replied. “What does that mean?”

“Fine. You want to sort this all out? Then we start from the very beginning.”

“I threw someone into a window.”
