Page 202 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“You know what, Joe? I get to say something now.”

“No. I get to keep walking away. That’s my job now. Just like you said. This was a mistake, right? You should have never let it happen. So now we fix it.”

I started to turn.

That’s when Anna blurted out, “This isn’t just about fucking you!”


“Us. You and me. Together. Don’t get me wrong. The sex is… holy shit, Joe. The sex is epic. It’s everything I’ve ever wished for in my life. And it’s not just the feeling of it either. The physical feeling. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah,” I said. “But you do love the feeling of my cock inside you.”

Anna nodded. “That I do, Joe. But I’m talking about something else. About something much more than that.”


“You really can’t figure it out?”

“You really can’t just be the vulnerable one and say it?”

“Vulnerable? Are you dumb?Vulnerable? My entire career is on the line right now, Joe. I can get into serious trouble for all of this. Vulnerable? I can’t believe you just said that.”

“You’re walking around what you really want to say, Anna. I can see it in your eyes. So just say what you want.”

“Fine,” she growled. “Fine. You want to know what it is? You want me to be vulnerable? Fine. Do you really think for a second I stopped loving you, Joe? The answer is no. I’ve never stopped loving you. I’ve been in love with you all these years!”

Before I could even formulate words into a sentence to attempt to respond, I heard a noise in front of me.

When I looked… I saw Rome standing in a doorway, staring at both Anna and me.

Chapter Thirty-Four


The inevitable ofgetting caught never really went through my mind.

It never really mattered.

My mind could only think about Anna.

Anna and I together.

Everything… Anna…

But there was Rome.

Standing without a shirt on. A cocky grin on his face. His eyes moving gently left to right, purposely making it well known he was not just looking at Anna and I but he knew everything because he heard everything.

And anything that made have been said was easily implied.

Even for Rome.

An idiot on many levels, but far from it when it came to anything involving sex.

Speaking of which, I didn’t get the chance to ask him what the hell he was doing there… because the answer to the question stepped forward.

A tall, skinny, model-like woman appeared from nowhere, standing next to Rome.
