Page 222 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“Well. I’d assume Ellen.”

“What about the head doctor? What’s her take? I can apply some pressure if you’d like.”

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“I’ll call her up. Go to her office. Bring her here.”

“For what?”

“I’m good at what I do, Joe. What I want, I get. Okay? She’s a woman. A little pressure… you know what I mean?”

“No, I don’t. Are you talking about threatening her?”

“More like a reminder of who you are. Who I am. And who she is. You know? It’s time for her to step back and let you do your job.”

I stood up.

He doesn’t know…

“You won’t be involved,” Bobby said. “Plus, if she’s cute, I can make a different kind of move too. You’d be impressed what women will agree to after an orgasm.”

I lunged for the desk.

I grabbed the pastry off the desk and smushed it against Bobby’s mouth.

Jelly sprayed everywhere.

Bobby pushed back from the desk and stood up.

“What the hell?”

“You don’t go near her!” I roared. “You got that?”

Bobby fumbled for some tissues and began to wipe his face.

He blinked fast. Scared of me.

“Don’t fuck this up,” I said. “it’s… it’s important to me. Okay?”

“What the Christ, Joe? What is wrong with you? I thought she was supposed to be helping you with your anger issues?”

“She is. Doesn’t mean I won’t snap when I’m pissed off. Understand?”

“Fair enough, Joe. A simple conversation would have worked.”

Bobby looked at the tissue and he brought it near his mouth.

His tongue flicked at a glob of jelly.

“Are we done talking now?” I asked.

“Yeah. This did not go the way I thought it would.”

“That much we can agree upon.”

Bobby sat back down.

Covered in red jelly.
