Page 248 of Slap Shot Seduction

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Alone… was needed.

I said a goodbye to everything.

Chapter Forty-Two


I loved Joe.

I didn’t love the current circumstances we both faced.

There was some ironic twist hanging in the air above me when I thought about it.

Joe and I were madly in love a long time ago. When we were thinking of careers and flirting with dreams. When Joe only cared about two things.

Me and hockey.

Sometimes it was hockey and then me.

But I loved watching him play. And practice.

I loved when he was sweaty and smelly.

I loved hearing him talk about hockey and how he was going to get drafted and signed, make a lot of money and spoil me.

All the while in my head and heart I had a dream of my own.

When those two dreams collided we fell away from one another.

We both chose to let years go by and…

Now look.

Stumbling across each other again.

Our dreams in full effect.

For the most part.

And what happened?

Love jumped in between us and pulled us together.

And then our dreams began to shatter.

As though Joe and I were only meant to be together if everything else didn’t work out.

Now my career and so much more kind of hung in the balance based on a decision made by my ex.

That entire thing I didn’t want to think about.

I managed to drag myself out of Joe’s bed and get dressed into something comfortable for the day.

Jeans and a hoodie.

Definitely not the attire for someone who would be seeing patients.

I cancelled all my appointments for a little bit just to see how things would play out.
