Page 69 of Slap Shot Seduction

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Especially after today.

I needed to talk to Joe one on one.

Without the backdrop of therapy.

Without me being Dr. Autumn.

Or Dr. Anal…

I groaned and started to text Joe.

We would just be two old friends meeting up to talk.

Nothing more.

Chapter Thirteen


I hadto admit - I thought the text was going to simply confirm our next session.

I figured Anna would have gone right back into Dr. Autumn mode and would have acted as though nothing happened between us.

Putting me on the spot, basically implying that if I made something out of what happened, it would hurt me too because all I wanted to do was play hockey.

We need to meet and talk tomorrow night. Off the record. No doctor and patient situation. Just you and me. We have to talk.

A rambling kind of text.

In my head, I heard Anna’s voice.

Of all the responses I could have replied with, I went simple.

Simple also meant suspenseful.


There was no other texts from Anna for the rest of the night.

I ended up crashing on the couch with a few beers and watched theSOLA Empiregame.

I called out plays that should have happened.

I told the guys through the screen what to look for on the other end of the ice.

Suddenly I became the cliché fan, talking and yelling at the screen as though the players could hear me.

The game ended regulation in a tie.

And the same for overtime.

Which left the game going into a shootout.

Putting all the pressure on Jago’s back.

It took more rounds than I would have wanted for Jago, but he made the final save of the game, giving us the shootout win.

I made a fist and grinned.
