Page 89 of Slap Shot Seduction

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“Dr. Autumn is fine for now.”

“Fuck that.Anna.”

“Joe, we need to have a serious talk about everything going on. I think you know that.”

“What I know is that you slept here last night. Because your limp dick of a boyfriend couldn’t get it up when you tried to strip for him? Is that what I heard?”

“You don’t know what you heard. My private life does not concern you.”

“The fuck it doesn’t when you use me.”

“Use you?” I asked, losing my edge for a split second.

“You met me for drinks to talk and you drank the alcohol I bought for you, you flirted and kicked back. You were finally loose and having fun… just to get yourself horny and run home to him?”

“What about you, Joe?” I asked. “You were loose too. Enjoying yourself. You can’t just be that way all the time? You have to turn insanely violent?”

“No, you’re wrong there. If I was insanely violent, then that limp piece of shit would be broken in half for what he said to you. And he put his hands on you?”

“He grabbed me to hug me. That was all.”

Joe slammed his hand to my desk. “Even that is too much!”

“You don’t get to say that to me, Joe. This entire thing is a disaster now. I gave you that card for a reason. To get the help you need and stop this from happening. What did you do? You made it so I’m going to travel with the team now? That’s your big move?”

“It worked. Pack your bags, baby.”

“Don’t get cocky with me. Do you realize what you’ve done?”

“Yeah. Do you?”

“What did I do?”

“You messed up, Anna. You thought you could take and then just find a way back all these years later. You thought you’d find me broken and desperate. But I’m not that. I think you are.”

“Get out of my office, Joe.”

“No. We’re going to finish this talk.”

“Oh, I don’t think there’s anything else to say. Don’t think this road trip means a thing. In fact, I appreciate it. The amount money your hockey team is paying for this. It’s awesome.”

“You can get a new place now, huh? Get yourself back on your feet?”

“Believe me, you don’t know what you heard or saw,” I said. “You can try and be tough and heroic, Joe. That’s fine. But I’m the one behind the desk. I’m the one who decides if and when you get to play hockey again. And to think I gave you a way out. All you had to do was call that number. Talk to someone else. Nope. You refused to listen to me.”

“Maybe you should realize that you’re worth losing my career over,” Joe said. “I know you’ve been with that flaccid freak in the suit.”

I laughed.

Secretly, inside I melted.

I had fantasized about a night when Steven would have told work to leave him alone or pick a random day and not go into work, then he and I just hang out all day…

“Joe, I’ll be honest,” I said. “You fuck with me and I fuck right back. Okay? So you fucked with me. With this road trip. I’m going to have to rearrange schedules and make this work. All for you. You will pay for this.”

“If you say so, baby. I can’t wait for this road trip. You and me. Alone. No distractions.”

“Session is over,” I said. “Get out of my office.”
