Page 24 of Brick

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“Loving you,” he continues, his voice a soft, sincere whisper against the symphony of the river below. “Loving you has been the most right thing I’ve ever done in this chaotic life of mine.”

Suddenly, he moves away slightly and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small box, the twilight capturing its form, making it shine. He takes a deep breath, looking at me with an intensity that steals my breath away. And then he kneels, one knee on the cool grass beneath us.

“I can’t offer you a perfect world,” he confesses, looking up at me with a vulnerability that touches me profoundly. “It might be messy, risky, and downright dangerous sometimes. But what I can promise you, Ava, is that I’ll face it all with you. I’ll be there, beside you, through every storm, every challenge.”

He opens the box to reveal a simple yet beautiful ring. “Ava,” he says, his voice resonating with all the love and determination he’s ever shown me. “Will you marry me?”

His question hangs in the air, its weight both beautiful and terrifying. But amidst the rush of emotions and the sheer gravity of his proposal, there is one constant, one undeniable truth—my love for this man.

Through tears, I nod, barely managing to whisper a choked, “Yes, Brick. I will marry you.”

“Really?” He sounds genuinely surprised, a wide smile breaking across his face as I throw my arms around him, our laughter mingling with the sounds of the river below. “Really,” I confirm, pulling back to see his joyous expression. This man is my future. “Now take me inside and show me how happy you’re going to make me for the rest of my life.”

Brick doesn’t argue. He scoops me into his arms, ready to give me the world.
