Page 9 of Brick

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I laugh, a bitter sound that echoes in the quiet evening. “No, it wasn’t,” I admit, shaking my head. “But my way wasn’t exactly working, was it?”

Brick’s smile fades, his expression turning serious. “Ava,” he says, his voice low. “I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe. You need to understand that.”

I look up at him, my heart pounding in my chest. The intensity in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice, it’s all too much. And yet, I can’t deny the attraction I feel for him in this moment, his protective side igniting something deep within me.

Before I can stop myself, I reach up, my fingers brushing against his cheek. Brick’s eyes darken, and in the next moment, he’s pulling me into his arms, his lips crashing into mine. It’s a passionate kiss, filled with a desperation and intensity that leaves me breathless. I wrap my arms around his neck, losing myself in the feel of him, in the taste of him.

I take his hand and pull him toward the clubhouse. We ignore the greetings of the other brothers and beeline for my room.

He slams the door behind us and pulls me into his arms, kissing my neck as he undresses me. His hands move over my body with a gentle but urgent need, sending shivers down my spine. I can feel the heat radiating off of him as his lips travel lower, trailing hot kisses over my collarbone and chest until they reach my stomach.

I gasp in pleasure when I feel his tongue flick against the sensitive skin there. He moves lower still, not stopping until he buries his face between my legs. His tongue is like velvet on my flesh, exploring me with skill that leaves me trembling. My fingers dig into his shoulders as he continues to lick and suck at me, pushing me ever nearer to the edge. I start to come hard, clutching his face to me, and I both hear and feel him let out a primal growl that vibrates his tongue against my clit. He lightens the pressure but doesn’t pull away until the waves are done rolling through me. When he finally stands up and pulls me onto my bed, I reach for his zipper, and he grabs my hand. I look at him, puzzled.

He shrugs. “You were so fucking hot while you came,” he says. “You took me with you.” I stare at him. “You… just from…?”

He laughs at my bewilderment and kisses me.

“Brick,” I say when he finally pulls back. “That might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.”



The first streaksof dawn are piercing the blinds when my eyes blink open. My body’s already in sync with the early morning routine I’ve established – driving Ava to work. Sliding out of bed, I hastily pull on a pair of jeans and a leather jacket, heading downstairs, where Ava awaits. She’s an earlier riser than me, so on the days she works, she’s already dressed and sipping coffee when I roll out of bed. I’ve begged her to wake me up too, but she says I’m too much of a distraction.

And she’s right. I can’t keep my hands off her. Since that night after the confrontation with the piece-of-shit surgeon, I’ve been taking every possible opportunity to get her alone. I’m addicted to her. No matter how many times we fuck, I want more.

Our drives to the hospital have settled into a rhythm, one marked by shared silences rather than chit-chat. Today, though, the silence feels heavier. The remnants of yesterday’s standoff with Mark have slipped into our cocoon, turning the familiar quiet between us into a strained echo of unspoken thoughts. Ava’s usually bright eyes seem clouded as we part ways at the hospital, a hesitant wave thrown my way as I rev up the engine and speed off.

Heading back to the clubhouse, I immerse myself in club business. Inventory checks, account balances, deals to broker – it keeps my mind off things. Mostly. Stray, the youngest club member, seems to be always in my peripheral vision. I keep tabs on him, the guilt we share over Ace’s death forging an unspoken bond between us.

The kid’s struggling, I can tell. His laugh doesn’t ring as loud, his eyes don’t sparkle with the same mischief anymore. It’s like staring into a mirror reflecting back my younger self, equally lost and burdened by remorse. Our shared guilt hangs over us like a dark cloud, serving as a grim reminder of the choices we’ve made.

Despite the club’s chaos, a certain monotony has crept into my routine. Yet, I can’t shake off the restlessness brewing within. Is it the tension from the morning ride? Or the concern for Stray that’s eating me from the inside? I can’t quite figure out. Either way, it’s a long day at the clubhouse, the minutes trickling by as slow as molasses. And the toughest part of the day is yet to come, the anticipation of it already coiling in my gut like a venomous snake.

But, for now, I continue playing my part, my mind split between club duties and the young Reaper, a silent vow etched deep within me – I won’t let another brother fall. Not if I can help it.

* * *

By the time the sun begins to dip, I find myself automatically heading toward the hospital. The day’s grind seems to lift off my shoulders as the familiar structure comes into view, marking the end of club business and the beginning of a peaceful evening. But today, the peace isn’t waiting for me at the hospital.

I park the Harley at our usual spot, the one Ava always stands by after her shift. But it’s vacant today. I look around, hoping to catch sight of her emerging from the building, her nurse’s scrubs replaced by casual wear, her face lighting up at the sight of me. But there’s no Ava, no bright smile, no comforting normalcy.

Unease prickles the back of my neck as I approach the reception desk. The friendly receptionist greets me with a smile, but it fades as soon as I ask about Ava. Her gaze turns sympathetic, her words sending ice through my veins. Ava left with another man on a motorcycle. They were arguing, she says, but then Ava climbed onto the back of his bike.

I thank her, the words mechanical and void of any feeling. My mind is in overdrive, images flashing before my eyes. Ava arguing with a stranger. Ava climbing onto another man’s bike. Ava disappearing into the distance. The last sight of her this morning flashes in my mind, her eyes clouded and distant. And now, she’s gone.

I feel a white-hot rage simmering within me, and I know without a doubt who’s responsible. The Iron Serpents. Their lewd comments about Ava play back in my mind, intensifying my fury. They dared to lay a hand on her. They dared to take her from me.

Striding back to my Harley, I’m already formulating plans in my head, my mind a whirlwind of rescue strategies and retaliation measures. They’ve crossed a line they shouldn’t have, and they’re going to pay for it.

Riding back to the clubhouse, the streets are a blur around me. The peaceful evening I had looked forward to is now a distant dream, replaced by an impending storm that threatens to shake the very foundations of my world.

The promise I made to Ava, to protect her at all costs, echoes loudly in my head, reinforcing my resolve. I’ve lost one person I cared about to this violent world. I’m not about to lose another. As the leader of the Cascade Reapers, it’s my duty to protect my own. And Ava, she’s not just one of my own. She’s more. Much more.

The fury and guilt consuming me are momentarily overshadowed by fear, a dread gnawing at me with the thought of something happening to Ava. But I push it down. Fear won’t help me right now. What I need is a clear head and the combined strength of my club.

The clubhouse comes into sight, its familiarity a stark contrast to the turmoil inside me. But as I park the Harley and head inside, I steel myself for the battle ahead. Ava needs me. And I’m going to bring her back.
