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"And you still love him?" she asks softly.

"This isn't just about love. I'm carrying his child." I speak without looking at her.

"Whoa... That's tough. I mean, have you thought of how your father would react? If it's a broken relationship you can easily move on without your dad finding out. But now, a child's involved."

"I don't blame dad for my failed relationship, but if he didn't borrow money from those troublesome loan shark, they wouldn't kidnap me much less Tristano rescuing me. Then the relationship would never have happened."

Casey leans on the chair, both of us staring at the TV screen. "Is he aware you're carrying his child?"

"Yes. I told him about it, and he's willing to take responsibility of it. But that was before his business partner, Frank shows up and ruin everything."

She sits straight, gawking thoughtfully at me. "The breakup was his business partner's idea?"

I nod. "Yes. Frank threatens to quit partnering with him if he continues with me, and he fell for it. I didn't believe he could choose his business over me."

Casey wraps a consolatory hand around my shoulder. "This isn't something you should worry about. Since he didn't initiate the breakup, he'll come back. To top it off, you're carrying his child."

I peer at her face, trying to picture the possibility of her words. "You think so?"

"Yeah. This isn't just about the two of you. An innocent child is involved. Don't get yourself worked up. The real issue here is how to explain this situation to your father."

I shake my head, thinking about her words. Even though the root cause of my problem stemmed from Jeff's irresponsible decision, I still have to tender some serious explanation about how his first grandchild would be fathered by his best friend. And what about my mother? She's always despised Tristano. "Now that you've mentioned it. I think it might be a serious problem. Especially if Tristano dumps me."

Casey stands up and walks to the kitchen. "Cheer up. We'll find a way out of this. It's not completely a mess. Initially, I thought he raped... But thank God that's not the case. He'll definitely come around." She speaks, returning with two cans of soda in her grip.

"Here. Cheer up. Don't be sad. He's probably thinking of a way to pacify his business partner."

I force a smile. "Thank you. But there's another problem."

She opens the can, peering at me. "What?"

"The loan sharks are still after me. Tristano has being the one protecting me, but I guess I have to sort that out myself now."

"Are you sure they've not forgotten you already?" She wipes the droplet of soda off her mouth with the back of her hand.

"No. It won't take long before they find out where I am. I don't trust Frank. He might tell them my whereabouts."

"I've got an idea. How about you move in with me until all of these is over. At least, until Tristano comes to his senses."

I gulp the drink and set the can on the center table. And stand up. "I don't want to involve you in this. It's already messy. I'll find another way out."

She stands up and walks up to me. Her face softens as she massages my face. "You're carrying a child. Please, let me help you." Casey's right. If not for anything, I have to be careful for the sake of my innocent child. This isn't the time to display my toughness because I'm not ready to put my child in dance.

An emotional expression crosses my face; I don't know when tears spiral out of my eyes. She pulls me into a tight hug, patting my back. "Thank you," I say in tears.

"It's okay."



I bend over the window,drumming my fingers on the metal frame. People are thronging into the club as the night darkens more. The air smells of smoke and spirit. Soft music played in the background, lifting my mood. The VIP room is occupied by Myself, Frank, and two more guys.

It's the kind of night that drags on, where everything seems to be a chore. Lifting the tiny glass of wine off the window frame, I turn around and head back to my seat next to Frank. The only thing on my mind so far is Aurora.

"Want more?" Frank nudges me with his broad shoulder. There are no girls with us this time, just brothers and partners. It will be easy to pour out my heart to him.

"I can't let Aurora go," I whisper. Frank rolls his eyes and sighs.

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