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It doesn't look good. Cameras are clicking, and cops are strutting around. I immediately assumed the worst and tears streaked down my face. How will I live if I see my woman dead in the pool of her own blood? Is this why my calls to her have been unanswered?

"What happened to her?" I pushed through two cops.

"A break-in. Lots of shooting. Two people forcefully taken. And everything here is smashed. A neighbor tipped us off."

"Is she safe?" I ask the cop.

"We have no way of knowing that yet."

Frank shows up and taps on my shoulder. "Everything will be fine. I'm sure the cops are on top of the situation."

I lean closer and whisper. "Vulcan did this. I'm sure. And you know what? I'm gonna fuck him up."

Before Frank can reply, I dash away from him and head back to my car.

"Wait!" He yells.

I stop long enough for him to join me.

"What the hell are you trying to do now?"

"I'm trying to get my woman back. Are you with me or not?"

Frank sighs. "You know I'm with you all day, brother."

Now is the time to prove it, I muse. If he helps me find Aurora, I'll never forget it.

"So what's the plan?"

"I'm going to Vulcan's house. I have a feeling Aurora is there."

"Can we do it alone? I think it's best to call the boys to show up with the ammo."

"Do it," I whisper. He gets on the phone while I continue driving.

I step on the gas. Nobody will stop me from getting Aurora back. I try not to think about Vulcan killing yer already or the fact that I might be walking into a trap. None of that matters to me. I just want Aurora back!

"Watch out!" Frank yells.

I steer away from a car I almost overtook and pick up the pace at the last minute.

"Fuck you!" The driver yells at me.

"Take it easy, man," Frank looks at me with concerned eyes. "i can take over the wheel if that will help."

"Nah, I'm good," I mutter. I drive faster. Every second is precious at the moment. There's no time to switch seats or slow down. I have no idea what that bastard Vulcan is up to. Raw anger rises in my throat. I'm ready to kick Vulcan's ass!

My hands itch as I steady them on the steering wheel. Frank and I are in my car, parked a street away from Vulcan's house. Although I had planned to drive here with guns blazing, Frank had managed to prevail on me to wait for backup. From our insider man's info, Vulcan goes around with no less than ten armed men. Frank and I, in the face of that number of opponents, will mean suicide.

So I sit in the car, waiting for the other men to catch up with us. My mouth is dry, and my fingers tighten against the wheel at intervals. I wish I'm out there gunning my way toward Aurora's freedom already, but as Frank said, we are no use to Aurora if we end up dead.

“Is there another way?” I ask Frank. “I mean, this is taking too long.”

A car honks behind us. I look in the rearview mirror and see Jerry in the driver’s seat of a blue BMW. Finally, it’s about to go down, I think. For some reason, I’m not worried about my own safety. All my thoughts are centered on Aurora. I can’t let Vulcan hurt her.

I zoom ahead while Jerry remains in tow. Frank opens the glove box and pulls out two loaded pistols. He runs his hand over the shaft of one of the pistols while keeping the other one for me. I step on the gas, eager to get to Vulcan's. After taking a turn, I slow down outside the white building. Two men in hoods stand outside the door, laughing about something. Frank and I step out and fire in the air. The men pull their guns on us, but we fire at their legs, taking them out.

“Come on, guys,” I growl to Jerry and the other boys.
