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Gasping, I looked at Sarah. My sister had the sweetest of souls and would do anything for anyone. You didn’t even have to believe in magick; she’d help anyone. And her kits truly did help many people, both residents and visitors.

“What made him come back to Salem if he hates it here so much?” I asked.

Mom cleared her throat. “His mother was sick, but she’s better now. He was born here and is a direct descendant of Mary Dyer. She was hanged in Boston in 1660, years before the trials. His father has pooh-poohed about witchcraft in the past, but nothing like what his son Matt is doing. Matt’s mother, though, seems to be a believer.”

“Basically, he’s a stick in the mud?” I replied.

All three women laughed, and then my mother replied, “He seems like a nice young man. From what I’ve heard, he doesn’t believe in magick but he knows it’s good for Salem’s economy.”

“So why make waves with Sarah and Lucy?”

Lucy shrugged. “That’s what we don’t understand. He seems to have more of a problem with Sarah than with me.”

I frowned. “Does he have an issue with his mother buying your products?”

“Yes, apparently he does,” Sarah replied.

“He hasn’t made waves at any of the other stores?” I asked.

Sarah sighed. “Not that I know of.”

I stood and started to pace. “Something feels off.”

“Told you once she got back she’d pick up on it,” Lucy stated.

“What do you mean?” my mother asked.

Turning back to face them, I smiled. “I need to reacquaint myself with Mr. Matt Merlin.”

Lucy and Sarah looked at each other then back at me.

“How?” Sarah asked.

“You said he works for the city?” I looked at my mother.

Mom nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, it just so happens I’m meeting my husband downtown for lunch today. I think I’ll snoop around a bit. Maybe stumble into Mr. Merlin.”

“The moment he finds out who you are, he’s not going to like you,” Sarah stated as she crossed her arms over her chest.

With a smile, I replied, “Only one way to find out.”

They all exchanged another glance.

Placing my hands on my hips, I looked directly at my sister. “Now, on to my problem. How do I get Lucas to realize he has the gift?”


A knock on my door had me glancing up to see Matt Merlin standing there. He was an old friend who’d lived across the street from me growing up. At one time, me, Matt, and Shawn had been the best of friends. I stood and made my way over to him.

“Matt, it’s so great seeing you again. Man, it’s been how many years?”

He laughed and shook my hand. “Too many. How have you been? Heard you just got back from Ireland.”

Motioning for him to sit down in the opposite chair, I sat behind my desk. “I did, yesterday as a matter of fact. I’ve been amazing. I’m married and expecting a baby this October.”

His eyes went wide. “No kidding? I’m so happy for you. How did you like Ireland?”
