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“Oh no.” I waved my hands across my front. “Not today. She’s going to be born tomorrow, or November secohhhhh!”

“What’s wrong?” Lucas asked, rushing to my side.

“I think I’m…having a…contraction—ohhhh…yep. Pain. Oh, that’s painful.”

Lucas went to pick me up then stopped. “I might trip. Can you walk, baby?”

I nodded. “Yes. But no, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.”

My mother laughed. “Not even you can control that, sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get you to the hospital.”

Once at the hospital, Lucas passed out, Sarah declared to the entire room that she was never having sex again, Lucy fell asleep on the sofa in the room, and my mother kept wiping a wet rag over my forehead.

“The contractions are getting closer. Goodness, you’re moving along pretty quickly,” Dr. Lenard stated after she did an exam. “I think you’re ready to push.”

Mom kissed me on the forehead and whispered, “Lucas is awake now. I’ll let him take over.”

Nodding, I gritted my teeth. The doctor had said there was no time for an epidural, so every time I had a contraction, my mother and Lucas would grimace when I squeezed their hands.

Lucas appeared and smiled down at me.

“You fainted,” I panted out as the doctor said, “Give me a good push, Hollie.”

He reached for my hand and clasped it tightly. “You didn’t see what I saw. I’m not sure I’m ever going to be able to look at you down there again!”

The nurse next to Lucas cleared her throat and gave a quick little shake of her head as she whispered, “Other people in the room.”

Lucas blushed then looked down at my hand. “Babe, can you maybe not squeeze it so hard? That hurts.”

“Another push,” the doctor said as gripped my husband’s hand harder and leaned forward to push.

I wasn’t sure who was crying out louder, me or Lucas. Then the sounds of our baby’s cries filled the air, and I dropped back against the pillows, exhausted.

Lucas cut the cord, the nurses cleaned off the baby, and before I knew it, she was on my chest looking up at me with the biggest blue eyes I’d ever seen.

“Welcome to the world, Charlotte Elizbeth Payton.”

I felt tears streaming down my face as Lucas leaned over and kissed me on the temple. I turned my head to see that he was crying as well. He kissed me softly on the lips then looked down at our daughter.

“She’s the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Charlotte stared into her father’s eyes then looked back up at me. I swore she was looking into my soul.

“Charlotte, are you able to say dada?” Lucas asked as all eyes went to him.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“Um, that won’t be for a few more months, Lucas,” Dr. Lenard said, clearly trying not to smile.

Lucas and I stared down at our little girl. Suddenly, she smiled. If we hadn’t been looking right at her, we would have missed it.

“She smiled!” Lucas and I both cried out.

“That’s just gas, sweetheart,” one of the nurses stated.

Looking back down at my daughter, I giggled and whispered, “Working your magick already, are you?”

Lucas huffed. “Oh sure, she’ll dothatbefore she says dada!”
