Page 103 of Required Surrender

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Frantic, I darted my gaze back and forth, noticing it had fallen out before. Before I had a chance to drop to the floor, Jeffrey fisted my hair, yanking me back and tossing me onto the bed.

“You bitch. What the hell did you think you were going to accomplish?” He sailed onto the bed, wrapping his hands around my throat before I had a chance to scream.

I refused to give up without a fight, punching him in the chest. He was stronger than I’d realized, pinning me against the bed with his full weight. As he squeezed his hands, lights flashed in front of my eyes.

The look on his face was pure evil, his jaw clenching as he thumped my head against the bed. His smile was terrifying, the glint in his eyes one of pure joy. I thrashed my arms to the sides, trying to grab anything I could to protect myself. While I managed to toss one leg over his hip, slamming the heel of my hand against his jaw, he was too strong.

I couldn’t breathe, the feeling of suffocation creating another wave of terror. No. I couldn’t die this way. With every ounce of strength I had left, I pummeled my fists against him, almost able to shove him off.

“You fucking little whore.” He grabbed something from his pocket, fighting to wrap it around my neck. Dear God, he had a rope.

“No!” I hissed, gasping for air, my vision fading into black.

“You weren’t supposed to get involved.” As he pulled the thick strand around my neck, a series of images rushed into my mind.

And almost all of them contained Lachlan.

“Help… me,” I managed, still beating him against the chest. There was so much I wanted to do, joys I needed to experience, and love to give. To Lachlan.

As I mouthed the words again, my mind still spinning, the lights began to fade, only shadowed shapes pulsing in front of my eyes.


The loud crack was followed by a bellow, the pressure from around my neck immediately ceasing.

“You goddamn motherfucker!”

Coughing, I managed to roll to my side, trying to process what had happened. Fuzzy. Everything was so fuzzy. I couldn’t see or think clearly.

Another loud sound was followed by something shattering.

“Jesus, God. I’ve got you, Lark. You’re okay.” The voice was recognizable from where? Who?

“Where…” I coughed again, fighting whoever had gathered me into powerful arms.

As my vision slowly returned, I blinked furiously, finally realizing what was going on.

He’d saved me. Lachlan.

Oh, God. Oh…

When Lachlan pressed the barrel of his weapon against Jeffrey’s head, I struggled to reach him, but I was too weak. “Don’t,” I managed. “Not… worth… it.” I reached out to him, fighting whoever was holding me.

Lachlan turned his head, his chest heaving. There was such rage on his face, his dark eyes unrecognizable.

“He fucking hurt you,” he said, smashing the weapon against Jeffrey’s face then pressing the weapon against the man’s temple. “He deserves to die.”

“Don’t,” I tried again, wincing as the rope was removed from around my neck.

“Get her out of here!” Lachlan bellowed to the man holding me. Then I realized who it was. Jameson.

“Please… don’t.”

Another series of sounds caught my attention, bodies filling the room.

“Lachlan. We’ve got it. Let him go.”

I recognized Detective Barker’s voice and pushed hard against Jameson. When he let me go, I slowly eased from the bed. “Don’t, baby. Be with… me.”
