Page 68 of Cruelest Vow

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“Why didn’t you have a bodyguard with you at all times?” I asked more gruffly than I’d intended. I’d stood at the window as night had fallen, ensuring that there wouldn’t be another attempt at an ambush. The passion we’d shared had been long overdue, the connection necessary, but the last thing I needed to do was let my guard down for a second. I’d merely bought us a minimal amount of time before the streets would be crawling with soldiers loyal to Mattia.

I’d had a suspicion months before that he’d lured several men away from Franco’s loyalty, the same soldiers who should one day bow to my authority. Fortunately, I’d cultivated my own force, ensuring that when and if a coup was necessary, I’d be prepared for the violence that ensued.

To that end, I’d made a phone call to Raphaelo. He was the one soldier I knew would rally the men I could trust, preparing them for a bloody battle. If I was wrong, as soon as we stepped foot in Italy, the targets on our backs would become too large to avoid. But I felt I had no other choice if I hoped for any level of success. I’d thought several scenarios through prior to being turned into a caged rat.

However, I hadn’t planned that Lucia’s brother would become unhinged, attempting to take her business from underneath her.

“When I first arrived in America, I had two hulking men watching my every move, but after a few years of quiet, my father conceded that I could take care of myself. With precautions,” she answered, pacing the floor as she’d been doing since leaving my arms. “Besides. My father has connections in New York. If he made contact, they’d swarm my business or apartment in less than an hour.”

“I’m surprised you weren’t placed under their watch.”

She chewed on her lip, which she’d done when she was younger and nervous. “I guess that’s what my brother was for.”

There were too many unanswered questions, which made me edgy.

I dragged my tongue across my lips, the sweet taste of her pussy lingering. She was perfect with her tousled hair, jeans suiting her much better than the power clothes she’d chosen to hide behind. I’d seen moments of the girl I’d once known, fleeting images of the hope that she’d insisted on keeping.

Before it had been lost to the bitter reality of responsibilities. No one within a mafia organization was allowed to engage in lives of their choosing.

She stopped pacing when I didn’t say anything, snapping her head in my direction. “If you’re worried that I’ll be a burden when you torch the world around us, don’t. I can handle any weapon you provide. I’m also trained in self-defense. I assure you that I can bring any man to his knees no matter how big or tough he thinks he is.”

I wasn’t certain if she was trying to prove something to me or to herself, but a wry grin shifted across my lips. “I believe you.”

“What exactly is this great plan of yours?”

“When traffic dies down, we’re driving to Jersey.”


She narrowed her eyes, staring at me as if I’d lost my mind. That had occurred years before. “I have a jet there.”

“Of course you do. Let me guess. We’re getting married before we leave.”

The way she slanted her eyes in my direction was amusing. “It could work.”

“Fantastic. How romantic. Instead of getting married to the man I’d thought I’d walk to down a velvet carpet in the soft green grass of my favorite pasture, I’ll be doing so in a tiny government building in Jersey. Perfect. And who said you weren’t a romantic? Ah, yes. That would be me right now.”

“At least your sense of humor has returned.”

“What else am I supposed to say?”

In truth, that’s exactly what I’d thought about doing, but it was time to claim my rightful place, stripping Franco of power. “We’ll play it by ear.”

“Hmmm… We’re never going to be free of worry, hunted like animals.”

“You might be surprised.”

“Nothing would surprise me any longer.”

Exhaling, I returned my attention to the streets, eyeing a vehicle that had passed at least twice before. My muscles were instantly tense, but I couldn’t jump to conclusions. We couldn’t leave any aspects of our lives in control of anyone else. “Does Enzo have access to your company? Your father?”

“You must think of me as the doe-eyed kid who latched on to you. You know the one. The girl who believed she’d have a bright future ahead of her? I locked everything down so tightly even my board of directors can’t do anything without my approval. Granted, I know Enzo. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants, including torching my jewelry store if he has to, but neither he nor my father can buy or sell, or have any access to the money.”

“Then we’ll deal with my father first. I’d thoroughly enjoy hunting Enzo down now, but that’s not possible. We’re in too much danger here without backup. He will follow. Trust me.”

Lucia nodded, folding her arms across her chest. “Why would Enzo be so stupid to try and sabotage the deal my father arranged?”

“Maybe he didn’t. Maybe he made a deal with Romano himself.” Although what I’d said out loud was entirely possible, I’d begun to weave another tale, one that was more plausible.
