Page 19 of Filthy Bratva

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But I can’t be horny.

Not for this monster.

Savva’s hand on my ass is replaced with a large, tight bulge. He presses it into me, pinning me against the wall until the skin on my hips ache from the texture of the brick. He pushes up and in, rubbing his cock into my ass so deep that I feel like he’s almost inside me.

When he talks, he speaks into my cheek, his hot lips brushing against my skin and sending a surge of electric pleasure through the side of my neck and down my arm. My skin erupts into goosebumps.

“You will learn who’s in charge, one way or another, Oakley,” he whispers. “I can promise you that.”

He pulls away suddenly, causing me to slide down the wall as my legs give way. I collapse into the dirt, panting and scrambling to stand up.

He dusts off his hands, wearing a smug smile on his face. “I think you’ve learned your lesson, but I’m warning you, I won’t be so nice next time.”

I cough, placing my hand on the side of the building for support. “I doubt it,” I mutter.

His eyes grow, popping out as the vein in his forehead throbs. “What was that?!” he shouts, charging toward me. “What the fuck did you say to me? Turn around and pull down your pants. Do it now.”

“Make me,” I reply with a smirk, feeling my heart jump as the words escape my mouth. It’s so wrong to be doing this, so reckless and dangerous, but I need to win. I can’t let him have this kind of power over me.

Savva grabs my pants by the belt loops, yanking them down to my knees. He squats down, eyelevel with the butterfly graphic on the front of my panties. He chuckles. “Nice twat.”

I frown, trying to reconcile the frustration and arousal that I feel, but he doesn’t give me time to think. He spins me around by my hips, bending me over and laying a firm slap against my bare ass.

“I want them to hear you from inside the bar,” he says, spanking me again.

With every sting of his flesh against mine, my pussy pulses harder. If he were to pull my panties down now, he’d find me hopelessly wet, strings of sticky fluid stretching from my labia to the fabric of my panties as he took them off. What would he say then?

Would he still call me a slut, or would he call mehisslut?

Savva is relentless in spanking me, grabbing my cheeks periodically and squeezing them in his hands like dough. He laughs as he does this, deep throaty chuckles that make the little hairs on my arms stand on end. I never knew that a man’s cruelty could feel this good.

Finally, he relents, stepping back and allowing me to pull up my pants. “Don’t let me catch you misbehaving like that again,” he says. “Unless you want to go back to work with a load in your panties.”

I avoid looking at him as he walks away, fumbling with my pants and smoothing out my shirt until I feel presentable enough to go back inside. The sound of Savva’s motorcycle fading down the road gives me permission to return to my duties at the bar, but I need a moment to collect myself.

I touch the back of my hand against my cheek, feeling how flushed it is from the embarrassing mixture of thrill and arousal. I want to touch my pussy, to find relief in the pleasure, but I’m too ashamed to do it out here. I’ll have to wait.

I take a deep breath of the warm night air and let it out slowly.

Nobody can know. Even I want to forget, but it will be impossible. The most I can do is to make sure it never happens again.

But even that, I feel will be impossible.



With every mile back toward home, I’m tempted to turn around and claim Oakley once and for all. I’ve already lost control of myself. I crossed a line that shouldn’t have been crossed, and now I’m angry.

I let her get the better of me again, and what’s more, I know she enjoyed it.

I can’t get the look in her eyes out of my head, the way she pouted when I spanked her, biting her lip and whimpering like she was just a helpless little bitch waiting for me to stretch her out and put a baby in her.

Fuck, I hate this.

I light a cigarette as I ride through the night. I’ve been smoking more lately, unable to satiate my hunger for Oakley any other way. It’s nowhere close to the buzz I’d get from cumming inside her tight little pussy, but it does take the edge off. That’s all I can ask for right now.

I flick the cigarette behind me and light another, so lost in my thoughts that I barely notice the growl of a pack of bikers closing in behind me. It’s only once they have me surrounded on the road that I realize I’ve been picked out as a target.
