Page 28 of Filthy Bratva

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“With Oakley?”

“It doesn’t matter who I was with,” I growl. “Just get to the point. Something is wrong. What is it?”

He sits down and purses his lips, struggling to find the words to explain the situation to me. That’s how I know it’s something bad. He usually doesn’t have to think for this long.

“Fuck, just spit it out already,” I bark, unable to stand being in such elevated suspense for so long.

He pushes the hair from his forehead and pulls his lips into his mouth. “Ah, well, you remember the guy you shot?”

“Can’t forget a face that ugly,” I reply.

“Yeah, so he’s not just some random biker.”

“He was the gang’s leader, from what I gathered. Usually, when you get the leader the gang either votes in a new one or dissolves entirely.”

Pasha nods. “Right, but this guy wasn’t just a gang leader. He was Stone’s brother.”

My stomach twists. “Triple Six Angels Stone?”

“That’s the guy.”

“Well, fuck, tell those clowns to find a new area to build their shitty little empire on because I’m done with their bullshit. Honestly, it’s probably a good thing that I shot that asshole. I’m sure he deserved it. They’ve been pissing me off for long enough already,” I say, pacing around in front of him like a madman.

I’m not sure what else to do with my feet. I have way too much energy for this hour.

Pasha watches me for a moment, his eyes pleading for a better answer, but I’m not keen on giving him anything but my bitter disdain for the Triple Six Angels. If they didn’t put their fingers so deep in our hive, they wouldn’t have gotten stung. If a war breaks out, it’s their fault. I refuse to take responsibility for that.

“Do you have any cigarettes?” I ask, stopping so suddenly that my feet burn against the Persian wool.

“I thought you were quitting.”

I feel like punching his face in. “Would you stop saying that? I’m not quitting. I’m not ever fucking quitting, okay? Just give me a goddamn cigarette if you have one or fuck off.”

“You’re obviously irked by the news, as I knew you would be. We should talk about what we’re going to do about all this. Stone being on your case puts everyone in danger, and that includes Oakley.”

His words strike me in my core, and I begin pacing again, as though I’ve been electrified by the realization that Oakley could be in trouble because of my actions. “Don’t let her know about Stone,” I warn. “I already put Maxim there to watch over the place. Maybe I need more than one person, though.”

“It would take an army to stop Stone if he wanted to stir up trouble, but I doubt he would be interested in Oakley. He probably doesn’t even know who she is, but knows you, so he’ll be looking for you. I think you should increase security at your house instead,” he explains.

I wave my hand at him in a dismissive manner. “I don’t need protection. I could chuck a grenade down the stairs and clear an entire room of Stone’s boys. Oakley is the one who needs to be kept safe.”

“You don’t think you’re putting too much importance on her?”

I clench my fist and look at him, staring daggers until he walks back his unfortunate statement. “Um, I meant that perhaps you could do both, like have a few guys here and a few guys there.”

“I can handle myself, unless you came here to have a sleepover. I’m not going to stop you from staying, I suppose.”

“I already slept, but I can stay here and watch the place while you get some rest,” he replies, sitting down on the couch. “I’m sure you need it after last night.”

I squint at him, but I don’t press him further. I figure everyone already knows that I’m fucking Oakley. It’s a small town, and word travels quickly, so I wouldn’t be surprised if every single customer at Smoke, Steel, & Whiskey knows about it.

“I need a drink before I do anything,” I grumble, trudging toward the minibar next to the fireplace and grabbing the first bottle of scotch off the top. As I’m pouring myself a glass, I look over my shoulder at Pasha. “Want one?”

“For breakfast?”

I shrug.

“Sure,” he relents with a chuckle.
