Page 61 of Filthy Bratva

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“Anyway, I’m glad you resolved things with Pasha. It’s really nice of them to come and clean the place up while we get to go home and crack open a safe,” I say, trying not to come down too hard on Savva too much after what we’ve been through. He deserves praise for acting so heroically.

“They’re required to help me. It’s in their contract.”

“I figured, but still.”

“Still, yes, they’re reliable. All of them are reliable. We’ve been together for many years, and not once did I doubt they could handle this lifestyle. It’s not easy. I’m sure you realize that now.”

“Yes,” I reply with confidence. “I know thatverywell.”

“But you still want to stick around,” he says, sounding hopeful.

“Of course. I really care about you, Savva. I know you’re a little rough around the edges, and we may have gotten off to a bad start, but that doesn’t change how I feel. I feel like I’ve gotten to know the real you, not that hard shell you show for everyone so they think you’re a tough guy.”

“Hey, Iama tough guy,” he replies, feigning offense.

“Sure,” I say, patting his leg. “But to me, you’re also a big softie. Just accept it.”

“Just don’t say that in front of any of my men. They’ll never let me live it down.”

I smile at him, squeezing my bear again. “It’s our little secret, Savva. I won’t tell a soul.”

We spend the rest of the drive to his house telling each other stories about our childhoods. His are considerably darker than mine, but we have some good laughs between us. It feels good to know each other on a deeper level, not just through sex and physical intimacy, but through our thoughts and memories.

We arrive at Savva’s house as the sun is just beginning to go down, a golden haze falling over us as we pull through his iron gate onto his property. I’m surprised by how large it is, and maybe even a bit embarrassed when my first thought is how great it would be for a small child to run around on.

I don’t even know if he wants kids. I never asked.

“I’m sure some kid would love to run around here. That tree over there would be perfect for a tire swing,” I say, trying to steer the conversation to the topic.

He chuckles, placing his hand on my belly and rubbing it gently. “Getting baby fever already?”

My adrenaline spikes much higher than it did when I was attacked by Stone and his biker gang, my heart slamming in my chest so hard that I fear he will be able to hear it. With his hand on my belly, I feel like he might even be able to tell there’s a baby in there, though I know it’s impossible. Even I can’t feel it yet.

I squirm in my seat, looking out the window so I don’t have to meet Savva’s playful gaze. “You never know what could happen. I don’t know if you bought this house so that you could run around in the yard yourself, or…”

“I think any man of value ends up wanting to raise children. That’s the biggest achievement, in my opinion,” he replies, and my heart swells with joy at his words.

“Really? Wow, I kind of assumed you were too serious about work for something like that.”

“Well, I couldn’t do it on my own,” he says, squeezing my thigh.

I would get pregnant from his words right now if it wasn’t for the baby I’m already carrying. I can’t believe he’s open to the idea. It takes a huge weight off my shoulders, even though I still have to tell him that the child will be coming a little sooner than he thinks.

Savva pulls up to the house, a large brick structure with wide archways and vines crawling up the sides. It’s a modern masterpiece, a beautifully crafted home that instantly makes me feel safe, like the outside world doesn’t exist.

As I step out of the van, I smell the rich, earthy scent of fertile soil, and notice a fresh arrangement of flowers lining either side of the driveway. They look as though they were planted just today.

“These are new?” I ask as Savva walks around to my side of the van.

“Oh, yes. The gardener must’ve put them in when I was away. He’s here pretty often, so don’t get scared if you see him running around with a hose in the morning or anything. He treats this property like it’s his own.” Savva laughs. “If I died, he’d probably just start living here.”

“Don’t say that.”


“About dying. You’re not going to die,” I reply, my tone as stern as it can be when he’s looking down at me with those soft copper eyes.

“Not before I’m ready,” he says with a smile. “I have kids to make first, right?”
