Page 10 of Incitement

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I watched on as the team got the basics nutted out. Our entire team was buzzing with excitement. They had accomplished a lot in the few hours since Wade's announcement. Builders were due in for renovations over the weekend. I hoped I wouldn’t be moved before I got to see it. Most of the staff had drifted off in twos and threes heading home and looking forward to their weekends. I looked out from the boardroom reminiscing. My time in this company had been some of the best in my life. I finally had the freedom to explore my passion. Tammy popped her head in. ''Oh my god, you are still here.'' ‘’Yeah, I wasn’t quite ready to leave.’’ ''What are you up to this weekend?'' ''Um, nothing really. Sometimes I hike or go to the beach but that's about it. I'm a bit of a loner besides hanging out with my best friend.'' Tammy looked at me like I was crazy. ''Are you kidding? I saw you with the team today you were the centre of attention, you’re a people person''. I laughed; I wish. I missed having a social life. ''That's only really at work.'' ''Ok then, loner girl. I'm abducting you then. I'm going out with some friends tonight. Nothing major just a movie and dinner. Come with us!'' ''I don't know Tammy, by the time I drive all the way home in peak hour traffic there's not much time to get dressed and head out.'' Tammy seemed really friendly, but my dad wouldn’t like this. ''Great!! That means you can come to my place and get ready. I literally have an apartment, two buildings over. You can borrow something of mine to wear. You’re a size six or eight, right? Your boobs are bigger but that just means you will look hotter!'' I laughed Tammy was so excitable. ''Ok you win, let me get my stuff.'' I collected my handbag, letting Tammy drag me out the door by the hand. I shot Wade a quick text; I was sure he would be waiting for me.

I’ll see you later. I’m sure you have loads to do. Tammy is abducting me.

Ok. Have fun. x

The elevator pinged at the thirty-second floor, opening into a stunning penthouse with floor-to-ceiling views over the entire city. I was betting the views continued over the beach from the bedrooms. ''Holy Shitballs Tammy! Did you rob a bank?'' ''Haha no silly. I put five million of my brother’s money on red.'' She smiled and then wandered in the direction of the kitchen. ''You are joking right?’’ Tammy looked at me nervously. ''Swear you won't repeat this? I don't know how Wade would feel about me telling you this.'' I nodded wide-eyed. ''So, I had this douchebag boyfriend once, he kind of introduced me to ice one night. I was crazy in love and thought once wouldn't hurt. But after one try, I was hooked and I couldn't get off it. I was completely self-destructive. Wade put five million in my account to pay for the best rehab money could buy and told me he was shipping me off until I got better. So, I got high and put every dollar on red. He was livid, he literally threw me over his shoulder, marched me to a plane, dragged me into a rehab centre and told them he didn't care if every other patient had to get kicked out his baby sister was getting first priority treatment. I'm clean for four years now. Last year Wade admitted that my winnings had been waiting in trust for me, he had grown it substantially but here it is, I bought myself some real estate and set myself up.

I'll never be able to repay Wade, but this place is a constant reminder of what I've been through, keeps me on the straight and narrow, you know? Besides my daughter of course,'' Tammy laughed. ''She keeps me on the straight and narrow too.'' ''Oh, you have a daughter?'' Tammy smiled, ''Yeah, she’s at Mum's for a sleepover tonight. She’s nearly four. Her dad isn’t around but Wade makes up for that. He spends every second weekend with her.'' ''That’s so sweet. Wow though, Tammy I'm really sorry. I never would have picked it'' ''It's all good, my life's good now and that's all that matters.'' ''What about you, any douchebag ex-boyfriends?'' My heart stuttered in my chest. It would be so nice to have just one person who knew my secrets. ''One or two but nothing comparable to yours'' I smiled. Just about fifty times worse I thought. I could tell Tammy wanted to probe further but she shook her head and suggested we go get dressed.

Tammy’s wardrobe was even more impressive than her apartment. ''Oh my god Tammy, I'm going to move into your closet. I'm serious this is huge.'' She just laughed and threw a tight black dress at me. ''Oh my god, that's made for you put it on! She swung back to the racks sliding garment bags and clothing around to find an outfit. I perused her wardrobe and agreed the black dress was probably my best bet. I turned to find Tammy shimming off her clothes and quickly turned around. ''Don't be silly Amber, there's nothing here you don't already have'' she laughed. I froze, fuck I didn't even think about this. I needed to find a way to get dressed without Tammy catching sight of the red jagged scars that marred my stomach. ''If it's all the same Tam I'm going to get dressed in the bathroom if that's ok''. Tammy looked at me. ''Are you ok Amber?'' ''Yeah, I'm ...'' blackness started to blur my vision and I felt my heartbeat start to race, I felt sweaty like I could vomit. I doubled over completely oblivious to Tammy’s shrieks beside me. I managed to get my head between my legs and work on my breathing. Eventually, I became aware of Tammy’s hand in mine, her whispers to ''just breathe, it's ok''. I started to freak out again. I'd just had my third panic attack in a week. How was I going to explain to Tammy? I took a deep breath and sat up. ''Are you ok Amber?'' I nodded. ''You scared the effing shit out of me. I know a panic attack when I see one Amber, are you sure you’re ok?'' ''I'm sorry'' I whispered. Tammy startled me by pulling me into a fierce hug. ''I don't know what it was that caused your panic attacks but one day if you want to talk, I'm here.'' She pulled back and smiled at me. I don't know what came over me, I blurted out without thinking. ''Douchebag ex-boyfriends, you know''. I shrugged my shoulders and Tammy pulled me into another fierce hug. ''Let's go have some fun girlfriend, you need it.''

I sat on the floor like Tammy's Barbie letting her primp and fluff with my hair and cosmetics. After almost an hour she declared she had finished and demanded I put on the dress before I looked in the mirror. I escaped to the spare room to get dressed and slip on a pair of silver sandals with little diamante that belonged to Tammy. She was nearly bashing down the door so that she could drag me back to look in the mirror, and I reluctantly obliged. Tammy was a freaking genius. She had arranged my hair in soft wavy curls that cascaded over my shoulders. My skin looked flawless and bright, she had done a smoky eye and made my lashes look ginormous. She had topped it all off with a light pink gloss. I had to admit I looked good. I squeezed Tammy tight and thanked her for her expertise before she went back to fixing her hair.

The doorbell rang, ''Could you get that?!'' Tammy yelled out. I wandered over to the door not knowing who to expect, I peeked through a sliver of the door. It was Wade. Looking casual in a pair of dark jeans and a tight black shirt that accentuated his chest. I took a deep breath and opened the door, ''Wade hey.’’ I opened the door and stepped back. ''You look beautiful tonight Amber'' he whispered, I shivered. ''Thanks, Wade, you too, I mean you look nice.'' Wade's eyes raked my body, he didn't even try to disguise it. He smiled at me and slowly lifted my hand to kiss it. I was going to melt in a puddle of need if he didn’t stop. ''Hem hem, are you two finished making out, I'm ready to go'', Tammy interrupted winking at me. ''No baby sis, if you can give us five more minutes that would be tops.'' Tammy brushed by us without another thought or comment. I laughed ''Tam, I don't think that was literal'' I started. Wade's arms snaked out and crushed me to him, he pulled his hand up to cup the back of my neck and brought his lips down to mine just a hairs breath away from my lips. ''I'm going to kiss you Amber'' he whispered. He slowly skimmed his lips over mine. I needed more. I slammed my lips against him, pushing my body into him. He responded with as much urgency forcing his tongue into my mouth and kissing me thoroughly, only stopping to nibble on my lips and my neck. After a few moments, he slowly pulled away from me kissing my cheeks and even my eyelids. ''While I want to explore your mouth all night babe, I think we have plans tonight.'' He helped me regain my balance. ''You’re coming too''? I asked. ''Yep,'' he smiled smugly. ''Got to keep all the other men away when you’re looking as stunning as you are tonight.''


I took her hand in mine before she had a chance to respond and towed her out of the apartment and down to the waiting limo. Tammy was already inside with two of her girlfriends and Luke, my best friend. I tucked Amber inside the limo, without allowing her to withdraw her hand, and Tammy made her introductions. I was content to hold Amber's hand and talk business with Luke. I planned to be in close proximity to her all night, touching her constantly so she would be used to it. I could see that Luke was more than a little unnerved by this, his gaze flicking to our joined hands where I was lightly tracing circles with my thumb. I noticed Amber continue to flick her eyes to it as well but, she was comfortable and had angled her body towards mine without thinking. I feigned ignorance and continued to do what pleased me.

After a few minutes we reached the cinema, and the driver held the door open for us to exit. I let Amber's hand go and guided her with my hand on the small of her back into the cinema once again tracing circles with my thumb but this time on her waist. After I'd purchased all the tickets for the movie Amber pulled me aside and let everyone go ahead of us. ‘’I don’t know if you should be holding my hand in public Wade. You’re well known, someone will notice.'' She indicated our interlocked fingers. ''I don’t care what anyone says. I will not be letting you go.'' I took a step closer, but she put her hands on my chest. ''I'm a man who likes what he sees, likes what's in here.'' I pointed to her chest to indicate her heart. ''And generally speaking, I take what I like.''

I slid both of my hands up to her waist. My hands could nearly encircle her full waist. Her breathing hitched, and I fought my inner caveman again not to throw her over my shoulder and March out with her. ''I'm damaged goods Wade you don't want me,'' she whispered. I didn't skip a beat. ''On the contrary baby, I'll enjoy putting all the pieces back together and I can't wait to see the result.'' Her eyes were round as she assessed me. ''Even though I want you Wade I have more baggage than you could jump over. It's not fair to you. You won't ever be able to put the pieces back together.'' A single tear leaked down her cheek. I was shocked to see how sincere she was. I wiped her tears away and cupped her face. ''I'm not like whoever is in your past baby. I like you and you like me. Just spend time with me and have fun. I'm not asking anything more of you.'' She looked undecided, I leaned in to whisper in her ear. ''You like this don't you'', I stroked my hands over her hips, and she nodded. ''And this'' I whispered, and I lightly kissed and nipped at her neck, she blew out a shaky breath. ''And you like it when I hold your hand. So just go with the flow baby and get your butt in this movie before I throw you over my shoulder and take you back to my place to make you forget your name.'' She smiled ‘’Ok.''

I took her hand again and took her to our seats. I couldn't even have told you what movie we watched. I spent the whole movie watching Amber, the slow rise and fall of her chest, her smile as she watched something funny in the movie, she even giggled a few times. This woman made my chest hurt and my cock ache. As the credits rolled, she stood and stretched. She turned to me and said ''Oh my god I could eat a horse.'' I laughed; Amber was fucking perfect. Despite her tiny size, she was excited to gorge herself on Italian food.

We walked around the corner to an Italian restaurant that Luke owned, taking our usual booth in the back. I tucked Amber in the end between the wall and me and across from Luke. He still sent quizzical glances in her direction every little while. We settled in and ordered. Luke and I were discussing a new resort I was due to open in a few weeks. I wanted him to head up the restaurants. We were deep in discussion when I felt Amber’s hand close over my thigh. I nearly jumped out of my seat like a schoolboy. She was sliding her hand higher and higher up my thigh, ever so slow. I held her hand still and whispered in her ear. ''Baby you don't want to start something you’re not ready for, be good or ill put you over my knee.'' She smiled innocently at me. ''Promise?'' She whispered back. Fuck, just when I thought I had her figured out she shocked me again. I would enjoy losing myself in her, but not yet.

A high pitch ring tone sounded, we each looked at each other and I realised it was Amber's bag. She had gone pale white. ''Um sorry I need to take this, can you let me out?'' I held her hand making no attempt to let her pass while the others shuffled out of the booth to let her out. ''Who is it, Amber?'' ''I've got to take this Wade'' she whispered urgently. I stared her down. I needed to know her fucking secrets. I was kicked in the shin and realised Luke was glaring at me. ''Let your woman out you bonehead.'' ''Fuck you, Luke.'' I started to make my way out for Amber to pass me. Just as I was straightening myself Amber shot past me and hurriedly wound her way through the restaurant. ''Excuse me'' I growled to our friends. I turned to follow but Luke took hold of my arm. ''What the fuck man, when do you chase pussy around like that?'' I gritted my teeth. ''Luke, remove your hand before I tear it off. Ever refer to Amber as Pussy again, and it will be the last time we do business together. I'll fucking destroy you.'' Luke was shocked but removed his hand right away. I went in search of Amber feeling a little sick in the stomach. Luke was right I'd never had a woman affect me the way Amber did, and I'd never even considered her as just pussy. I wasn't the biggest fan of commitment. I prefer to live up the bachelor life and spend no more than a few nights with the same girl, but with Amber, everything was completely different.

I'd searched the whole restaurant and even the bathrooms and there was no sign of Amber. I'd left the restaurant and rounded the corner to find Amber whispering heatedly into her phone. ''I really don't think he's dangerous to me, I'm finally a tiny bit happy,'' she huffed and leaned against the wall. ''I know he's right. No, I know he's just looking out for me. I'm sorry, I know I probably scared the life out of him. They are just really nice people; I enjoy spending time with them all. Ok, I'm sorry I'll be there. I understand.'' She ended the call and turned shocked to find me so close. Tears streaked her face. I stalked toward her ''What's going on Amber?'' ''I'm sorry Wade, I have to go. You guys go back and have dinner and I'll catch you later.''

She wiped her tears. ''Why are you crying Amber'' I said harshly, fuck too harshly, her perfect face snapped up and she looked a little worried. ''It doesn't matter Wade.'' I caught her hand. ''It matters to me. I don't want you crying, baby. Who upset you, who's the dickhead on the phone.'' ''Nobody Wade, I can't tell you. I just need to get home.'' She made a move to pass me, and I manoeuvred her between me and the wall. ''Amber'' I searched her eyes. ''You can trust me'' I whispered. ''Did you mean it, Wade, what you said before?'' She asked. ''I always mean what I say baby but what in particular?'' ''That you wanted to take me back to your place and make me forget my name?'' She whispered. My cock screamed yes but I knew better. I pushed my body against hers, so she could feel the hardness of my desire. ''Baby I want to lose myself in you and we can both forget our names. But you aren't ready. I want your trust first.'' Amber looked determinedly back at me. ''If you want me Wade, take me now, now or not at all.'' She was worrying me. ''Give me a sec babe.'' I sent a quick text to the limo driver and asked him to bring the limo around and another one to my sister.

Tam, I'll see you tomorrow. Be safe x

I'm starting to think she's not good for you Wade, she's too secretive. She had a panic attack at my house too, her ex did a number on her. If he's even her ex.

I turned to Amber. ''Amber, I'll take you back to my place, but I need to know the truth about one thing. Is he an ex, or is he current in your life?'' She looked shocked. ''I want you, but I won't sleep with another man’s woman.'' Tears slid down Amber’s cheeks. ''He isn't a part of my life and hasn't been in over 6 months, if I never see him again in my lifetime, I'll be a happy woman'' she said with vehemence. I filed that comment away for later and lead Amber to the limo.


He had gently tucked me into the limo, resting my legs over his lap, holding my hand and tracing circles. He had been touching me constantly all night. I was starting to stress, and I could feel my anxiety creeping up on me. I didn't want to answer questions if I had another panic attack. I launched myself across the seat and locked my lips with Wade. ''Make me forget Wade, wipe him and all the bullshit out of my mind'' I confessed. ''Baby'' he whispered. He shifted under me, so I could feel his thickness. He pushed his fingers through my hair as he kissed me earnestly. ''You’re so fucking beautiful'' he breathed against my neck. He slipped a hand to my shoulder and slowly slid the strap of the dress down and then the other. Exposing my breasts to him. He cupped my breasts in his hands and weighed them, ''You’re so perfect, baby.'' He pinched my nipples and I arched to him begging him. He continued to torment one breast with his fondling and pinches and closed his wet mouth over my other nipple. ''Oh my god, Wade.'' ''Patience Beautiful'' he whispered. He quickly slipped the straps of my dress back up shocking me. ''We're here, let's finish this inside.''

Wade stepped out of the limo and swept me into his arms. He carried me from the basement into a lift. ''You can put me down you know.'' ''Why, I like you in my arms'' he nuzzled into my neck nipping at me as the doors pinged open. He carried me through multiple rooms and deposited me on a giant bed. His apartment was incredibly high, I could see the twinkles of light through sheer silver curtains. His bedding was black and white, and his bed was huge, made of dark timber. His space screamed masculinity. I took stock of all of this before Wade stood in front of me, he slowly removed his shoes and then straightened to lift his shirt over his head. Wow! I forgot how he looked naked, he was ripped, and he had muscles on muscles I didn't have a chance to think before he slowly unbuttoned his top button and slid his jeans down to reveal his boxers and his huge length hidden underneath. He crawled up my body kissing my legs, arms and the swells of my breasts. ''Are you sure you want this baby?'' He asked tentatively. ''You don't have to do anything you don't want to do?'' ''Wade I want you so bad it hurts.'' It was the truth, if I was being relocated tomorrow morning, I knew that I wanted this at least once with him.

I was devastated that I wouldn't get to explore this more, but my dad had made his orders clear. I wasn't in the habit of going against my dad’s instructions. If I had listened to him the first time, I wouldn't be in hiding now. ''Your turn baby, strip for me''. I froze, I hadn't thought about the fact that he would see the horrible red jagged scars across my abdomen. I slowly stood and backed to the door to turn off the light. ''Amber'' he growled, ''I want to see you''. I climbed over him. ''If you want me Wade, this is how it has to be'' I whispered. I stood back and slipped off my sandals before slipping off the black dress. I wasn't wearing a bra and only had on a tiny black thong. It was my turn to feast on Wade's body. I kissed my way up his body starting at his hips and sliding up to his face. I kissed him in earnest enjoying the feel of his body against mine before I had to say goodbye. ''Wade, I need you please'' I murmured. He flipped me over on the bed and stood to slowly remove my thong. Sliding back down after removing his underwear too. ''Last chance to run Baby''. He whispered. ''Wade, I need you now'' I moaned. ''Babe'' he whispered. ''I wanted this slower but you're so fucking beautiful.'' He slipped a finger down to play with my clit, I writhed in his arms, ''Wade please!'' He slipped a finger inside me. I was so wet, it felt so good, he slipped another finger inside and continued his torture against my clit, ''mm Wade please'' I was losing all coherent thought, rocking my body back against his fingers. ''Amber, you are so tight.'' ''Please Wade now!'' I begged.

Wade scooped me up and carried me to the window wrapping my legs around his waist as he went. He pushed me up against the window and held his cock at my entrance.

''Are you sure Babe, we don’t have to.'' ''Wade please!'' I begged. He pushed into me impaling me with his cock, he was huge and thick, and it took more than a moment to adjust to his size. He held still allowing my body to adjust before slowly sliding out. ''Oh my god, Wade.'' ''Feel me, baby.'' He slid slowly sinking as deep as he could go. Kissing me endlessly his fingers digging into my skin. He set a torturous pace, driving me higher and higher but not quite getting me where I needed to be. We were both covered in sweat from what felt like forever of slow lovemaking, he pinched my nipples and I moaned into his mouth. ''Wade please'' I moaned. ''I don't want it to end Amber, you’re amazing.'' He pushed inside me quickly shocking me after the incredible slowness previously. ''You fit me perfectly baby'' he said sliding into me again. ''You're never getting away from me, I'm staying here, inside you forever'', I shuddered ''Wade please''. Wade kissed me once on the lips then slammed into me, ''Oh, oh my god'', he slammed into me again my body was alive and tingling. I didn't know where my orgasm ended and the next one started as he ruthlessly pounded into my body, kissing me and whispering to me as he went.


Her body was amazing, her sweet pussy was tight beckoning me to empty myself into her womb. The thought would have previously terrified me, but now I gloried in it. I didn't give a fuck. I’d lost my mind. I wanted to fill her womb with my cum. I wanted her to feel me there every second I wasn't. She was mine and I wasn't going to fucking let her go. Amber had every chance to run. She had submitted to me. To us, and I wasn’t letting her go, ever. My thoughts drifted to wonder if she was on birth control as I finally felt the tightening in my balls. Her pussy tightened around me milking me, I emptied myself into her beautiful body. I'd eventually caught my breath and moved us to the bed unwilling to leave the warmth of her body. My swollen cock was still buried deeply in her as I walked to the bed, and gently laid down with her on top of me. I held her tight as I kissed her head, her lips her eyes. She was boneless and content to sleep on my chest.

My cock was quickly swelling again begging to be released into her sweet body once more. I gently rolled her over and moved inside her slowly nipping and sucking her breasts. She moaned and rolled her hips but kept her eyes closed. She was different, I didn't know why but Amber was different to every other woman I'd ever had. Nothing mattered anymore, there was only Amber. I felt the tightness of her pussy, her organism crashing over her once again. Her pussy spasmed, pulling at me, milking my cock dry. I came in her so hard, I passed out, and only at the last minute remembered to pull her tiny body over mine so I wouldn't crush her.
