Page 11 of Incitement

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Chapter Nine


Iawoke well before dawn like I usually do, I tried to stretch but couldn't because of the giant sleeping form currently wrapped around me. I moved just a tiny bit and found that Wade was still thick inside me. Fuck. Most of my body wanted to take the opportunity currently presented but I needed to sneak out before Wade woke. I had to get home and get my things before I was collected at 6 am. I slowly slid Wade's hand off my thigh, his hand flopped on the sheet, and I held still making sure he wasn't going to wake. I slid one leg off the bed and prepared to slide up hopefully dislodging Wade in the process. As I braced myself on my hands to move Wade drove himself deep inside of me. Oh my god. ''Uhh,'' I moaned. I had lost count of how many times Wade had made love to me last night; the man was insatiable. ''Trying to sneak out Princess'' he whispered. I froze. He rolled on top of me pinning me down. He pulled my hands above my head and pushed inside of me again. ''I said are you trying to run away Baby?'' When I didn't respond he pushed inside of me again, oh god. He was so huge, and he knew how to use every single inch of what he had. He bit my nipple and thrust into me again. ''Amber, we aren't finished. We won't be finished for a long time.'' He sucked my nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. Together with his relentless thrusts and torment of my breasts, I came apart again. I felt him follow me moments later.

I opened my eyes twenty minutes later. That was not how this was supposed to go. ''I have an appointment this morning Wade, I need to get home.'' He snaked his arm around me and pressed his palm to my stomach. I froze, and he did too. He slowly drifted his fingers over the puckered scars, and I jumped out of bed my heart pounding. I found my pussy sticky with his cum. Oh god, I'd made the whole mistake all over again. I was such a slut this is how I got caught last time. I couldn't risk another pregnancy to another filthy rich controlling male who claimed me as his and then ruined my life. All the memories I'd suppressed were tumbling back and I felt the inevitable signs of a panic attack. I concentrated on my breathing fighting it back. ‘’That’s it, baby, breathe.’’ Wade brushed the damp hair out of my face. I jumped. ''Shh baby you’re ok, it's ok.'' I sat down on the floor. ''Wade I need to go.'' ''No baby you don't. You can stay here, I'll protect you from anything in your past.''

He placed his hand gently over my stomach and gritted his teeth. ''I know it’s disgusting'' I winced. ''Are you fucking kidding me, Amber? Disgusting?! You are fucking perfect! But someone fucking hurt you and seeing that,'' he pointed to my stomach. ‘’That fucking makes me want to kill the man responsible.'' Wade was breathing harshly. I was surprised by how angry he was, and I found myself consoling him. ''I'm ok Wade, I'm a big girl, and I lived through it.'' He caught my hand and kissed it. ''Tell me, baby.''

I squeezed my eyes shut and felt the tears re-surface. ''I can't, ever. I'm so sorry Wade, I have to go.'' He let me climb out of bed and get dressed. But when he saw me grab my bag he jumped out of bed and rounded on me. ''Amber, I can’t let you go.'' ''I told you. I have an appointment.'' Wade searched my eyes. ‘’Where?’’ ‘’It doesn’t matter, I have to go home.’’ ‘’Tell me the truth, Amber!’’ He shouted. ‘’No! That’s the problem, Wade. We will never, ever, be anything more. Listen to me! You. Are. Amazing! But it doesn’t matter how powerful you are. You can’t change my past. You can’t change my future.’’ ‘’Amber, you are my future!’’ ‘’No Wade, I’m not. I’ll always have to avoid being seen with you in public. I’ll never be able to give you a future with a family. I will never tell you my secrets. You know you can’t live with that Wade. You need my honesty. You deserve more.’’ ‘’So what, you just wanted to fuck me?’’ Wade snapped at me. I could have calmed him. I could have stopped the hurt I saw in his eyes. But it was better this way. ‘’Yes.’’ I turned to pick up my bag. ‘’No!’’ Wade caught me from behind. ‘’Let me go, Wade.’’ Wade stroked my face, and I tried desperately not to cry. ‘’You are mine, baby. You hear me. I will never let you go.’’ I said the words even though they broke my heart. They were all a lie, but I needed to go now. ‘’So, you’re going to trap me? Like my ex?’’ Wade stepped back to me. ‘’That’s not what this is.’’ ‘’Yes, it is. You can’t keep me against my will. I. don’t. Want. You.’’ Wade turned from me and punched a wall. ‘’Fuck!’’ He shouted.

I turned and walked as fast as I could to the door. Willing him to stay where he was and not to follow. I made it to the door and ran to the elevator. God, please. Hurry! Wade slammed his door. ‘’Amber, wait.’’ ‘’No, Wade. Stop.’’ ‘’I will. You don’t have your car here. My driver will take you home. He’s waiting in the basement.’’ My heart was beating out of my chest. He was letting me go. The elevator opened, and I stepped inside. I waited the space of a heartbeat for the doors to close. Wade started to move forward but thankfully the doors closed and I was whisked to the basement.

I climbed out of the limo on autopilot, entered my apartment pulled my satchel from under my bed. Even though it went against all the rules I scribbled a little note for Kait.


I’ll miss you, every day. Thank you for everything you ever did for me.

Love you longtime

Amber x

I couldn’t help it. I had to leave another for Wade too. Just in case he came here. I tucked it under my pillow.


Don’t try to find me. Please! If you do, I’ll be in danger. You deserve so much better. I’m so sorry.

Love Amber

I took one more look at my apartment and left through the rear fire exit.


I was still rooted in place in front of the elevator. She had left me. I thought we were finally past it all. I had fallen for her. I’d never felt like this in my life, and she had walked out on me. My phone rang. My heartbeat hard expecting Amber. But it was Joel. ‘’Joel, I’m busy.’’

''Wade, I fucking set off the alarm, they know we are looking. It triggered all kinds of shit! Shit is going everywhere! People are tracing her tracks everywhere! Is she with you?'' My heart slammed in my chest ''No, she's not.'' I disconnected the call and dialled my driver straight away. ''Where is she?'' I demanded. ''In her apartment sir, I dropped her off as I promised.'' I hung up and ran to the elevator. It fucking took forever, and then back down again to the basement. I was agitated and shaking when I emerged. I raced over to my bike and kicked it to life speeding out of the basement and to Amber's apartment as quickly as I could.

''Amber'' I banged on the door. ''Amber open up, now!'' There was no answer, I kicked the door, and it splintered open, I stalked through the apartment finding it empty. ''Fuck!'' I saw a letter propped up on the counter for Kait. Fuck! I slammed the door on the way out and looked up and down the corridor. She's used another exit, I was sure. I stalked to the end of the hall to find a fire exit stairwell. I took the steps 3 at a time and slammed through the door at the bottom. Amber let out a squeal as I did. ''Amber, what the fuck!'' She was standing poised to step into a car, a massive dark-skinned guy standing to open her door. ''Who the fuck is this!'' I demanded. Amber blanched and the guy turned to me. ''More to the point mate who the fuck, are you?'' ''Why don't you ask Amber'' I glared. Amber looked terrified. ''Roger, he's Wade.'' Understanding crossed Roger's eyes but he didn't move to get out of my way. ''Baby what the fuck?'' ''I'm sorry Wade I have to go. I'll see you around some time, ok?'' ''No, you fucking won't, your running away from whoever the fuck is tracking you.'' Her eyes widened, and Roger glared at her. ''I didn't tell him, Roger, I swear.'' ''I think mate you need to tell me what you know'' Roger said to me. ''I fucking think you need to get my girl out of that fucking car, so I can take her back to my place and protect her from whatever the fuck, or whoever the fuck is causing this shit.''

Roger glared at me. ''Your girl? How many days have you known your girl'' he smirked. ''I've known my Amber here since she was a fucking baby, and I've protected her successfully until you rock up and start poking around and fuck everything.'' ''Amber, get out of the fucking car!'' ''Wade please don't.'' I looked at her. ''I thought you wanted this?'' ''I did, I do, but I can't Wade. I'm not going to argue with my Dad.'' My eyes swung to take in the hulking dark-skinned man. ''Your dad?'' ''Rogers not my Dad, but he's my Dad’s friend.'' Roger glared at Amber for divulging more information and she cringed, ''Sorry.'' Roger held his earpiece and I realised someone was listening to someone. He pulled a gun out and loaded it. ''Listen lover boy you fucked up and if you want Amber to live another ten minutes then we need to leave now!'' He slammed his fist on the roof of the car. Understanding and fear dawned in Amber's eyes. She turned back to me. ''Bye Wade'' She whispered. ''Fuck that,'' I barged over and thrust her into the car, following behind her. ''If you’re taking my woman I'm coming.'' Roger shrugged. ''Your funeral Dude.'' He got in the car and peeled out of the drive.

Roger drove around a few blocks, standard protocol to make sure he had no tail. After forty-five minutes of weaving through the streets, he entered the motorway heading for the state border. I turned to Amber, ''You think you should spill your secrets now?'' ''Wade you shouldn't be here.'' ''You said you wanted me, Amber?'' ''I did but I knew I was being removed, I wanted one night Wade because I knew I couldn’t have more.'' ''Amber, if you want more, stay. I'll protect you, if you tell me what's going on I can make sure you’re safe. I want more than one night.'' She shook her head and turned away from me. ''I don't make good decisions Wade. I won't defy my father again, he keeps me safe, and I can only ever trust him. I can't have more. Roger, you have to stop and let Wade out''. ''No can-do baby girl. Daddy wants a chat with your new boyfriend.'' Great, I'd get to the fucking bottom of this. We pulled up in a warehouse, three more armed guards were waiting. Amber ran to embrace each of them in turn. They were all happy to see her, embracing and speaking with her. Amber turned back to Roger. ''Can I talk to him? Please, Roger?'' ''Sure, honey, but let us boys figure this out and you go get some rest, there's a whole bedroom/ bathroom setup through that door. When I've got your dad on a secure line I'll come to get you.'' Amber reluctantly left us with her head down.

I crossed my arms and waited for them to explain. Roger stared me down. ''You fucked everything mate. You think it's bad were taking Amber away? Whoever works for you fucked us over royally. We will probably have to take her out of the country to sort this shit out.'' ''Well if you fill me in, I'll see what I can do to get whatever resources she needs to keep her safe, right fucking here.'' ''You have no fucking idea who you’re messing with. The cunt we’re protecting her from, he's probably got more money and fancy lawyers than you. He's ruthless in his search for her. He has found her in three countries. We fucking perfected her protection and you send some hacker in snooping and fuck it all. Do you have any idea how fucking long that took to setup?’’ ''Fill me in'' I responded.

Chapter Ten


Iawoke to a dim light filtering through a window. I could hear hushed voices intense conversation. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I left the small room I was in and followed the sound of voices. I was shocked to see Wade and Roger leaning over a table talking animatedly, Roger clapping Wade on the back. I was surprised to see Wade at all. As if feeling my eyes on him, Wade turned and shot me a full-blown grin. What the hell? He came to sit by me. ''How did you sleep baby?'' I scrunched up my nose. ''I feel gross like I've slept for days.'' ''You kind of did babe, the stress must have gotten to you, you slept all day and all night.'' That shocked me. ''How are you here Wade? You have to go home.'' Wade stroked my cheek and I nuzzled into his hand. ''How would you feel about spending a few weeks with me Amber?'' I glanced at Roger and he shrugged. ''I can't, I told you, Wade. If he knows where I am I have to leave the country.'' ''I talked to your dad and his men Amber. Whilst they won't specifically tell me what happened to you, it's your story to tell. Roger has brought me up to speed on the threat, technology and resources your ex has.'' Wade gritted his teeth.

''I have given your father full disposal of my men and my best Hackers. Don't look shocked baby I'm a multi-millionaire I have hackers working for me. I have people on the ground here and in the U.S. I've also promised your father unlimited funds to make sure you have the best protection.'' My heart was beating wildly in my chest. ''Why would you do all that?'' ''For you Amber, you have me tied up in knots after only a few weeks. I was hoping you would like more time with me to see what this is, but if you don’t, I'll still protect you. There are no strings here sweetheart.'' ''I don’t understand how I can stay. Why is that even an option?'' I looked around the room for confirmation. ''I have an apology to make. The complex technology your dad’s team was using made sure that you had an identity, driver's licence and records for only the split seconds you ever needed them. Like if checks had to be done on your medical history when you were being treated. But immediately after that, you were untraceable. I wanted you from the second I saw you and I started looking into you. My hacker broke their system, and your information was accessible for the last twenty-eight hours until our guys fixed it. But that means if this Tom guy,'' I shivered. ''If he was looking, he will have been able to look up all your info, where you live, work, accounts, medical history.'' I blanched oh my god. Of course, Tom was looking, he was always looking. My breathing started to accelerate, and I started to feel dizzy, ''It's ok baby, breathe, you’re safe I promise.'' After a few moments, I could talk again. ''So, I have to leave then? I can't stay if he knows where I am.'' ''Your dad agrees that you would be safe staying with me. You will have two full-time bodyguards. You would have to stay at my house and not leave without me but it's only for a month or two. In the time you stay with me, they will make arrangements to move you overseas, somewhere safe. They won't be rushing. They will have the best resources, and time to get it right. When everything's ready it's your choice if you stay or go. I'll let you go if that's what you choose Amber.'' ''Roger, can I talk to my dad?'' ''Sorry Hunni he's tied up for probably another six hours, you were out cold before, and I didn't want to wake you. Wade setup a permanent, secure connection to his phone though, so your dad can call you on that as soon as he's free.'' I turned back to Wade. I knew we wouldn't be forever, we had only known each other for a few weeks. He was amazing, funny, cute and incredible in bed, but I knew better than to get caught up in a man for all those reasons. I thought I had all that in Tom. ''Roger what does dad want me to do?’’ ‘’Your safest with your man sweetheart, til we get shit sorted. Otherwise, it’s a mad dash to get out of the country, a bit of hopping around while we sort shit.’’ ‘’Ok, But I have to be clear now Wade. I won't stay.'' Wade closed his eyes and kissed my forehead ''Then I'll take what I can get baby.''

Amber had shut herself off. She didn't shy away from my touch, but she no longer embraced it. She sat in the back of my limo on the way back to my apartment. I held her hand kissing it now and then. Maybe I'd made a mistake. She'd withdrawn, and I realised now I'd trapped her like she'd been trapped by her ex. ''Amber'' I whispered. I touched her hand and she turned to look at me. ''If you don't want to stay with me, I can make sure you are safe somewhere else.''

