Page 15 of Incitement

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Morning came all too soon. I cooked bacon and eggs for my dad and Wade and sulked that my dad would be leaving all too soon. As he rolled his suitcase to the loungeroom I lost my composure and tears ran down my face. ''I'll miss you, baby.'' ''You too Dad.'' I kissed his weathered cheek, squeezed his large frame and watched him leave the apartment with Wade's driver. I leaned against the door and let the tears come. Almost immediately there was another knock on the door. I quickly opened the door, thinking it was my Dad and he had forgotten something. It was one of the bodyguards. ''I need to see Wade ma'am.'' I eyed an envelope he held in his hand, Makayla Grace printed on the front. I knew that writing anywhere. I froze as Wade strode forward and the bodyguard handed the letter directly to him. The temperature in the room seemed almost glacial, I felt sick to my stomach. My head felt light. ''What does it say?'' ''It doesn't matter, sweetheart.'' ''What does it fucking say'' I screamed at Wade. He held the simple note out, so I could see.

You are mine.

I sat on the lounge and let my anger pulse through my body. I couldn't even see my fucking Family. Everything had been taken away by Tom. I fucking hated him. ''Sir, There's more. There are media downstairs everywhere, news cameras, and paps, there would have to be close to fifty people in the lobby. I had to send Damien out with the team in the blacked-out Hummers, to protect his identity. Have you seen the news today?'' The bodyguard handed over a folded paper. Bold letters flashed across the top.Who is the mystery woman who has stolen Australia's most eligible bachelor, Wade Doust's, heart?There was a picture of Wade and I in a very close embrace, taken when we were near McDonald’s, the night someone was watching me in the club. Oh god! My dad was going to lose his shit. He would be back here in ten minutes. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Kaity was calling. My heart skipped a beat. ''Hello?'' ''Oh my god Amber! Have you seen the TV? Your picture is everywhere. I've had calls and news crews banging on the door offering massive money for any information or dirt on you.'' Oh fuck. Oh fuck. ''Are you ok Amber?'' ''No, I'm not Kait, I'm fucking not.'' I could feel Wade's presence at my back. My body was so in tune with him I could feel him even before he touched me. ''I have to go. I'm sorry Kait.'' ''It's ok Hunni. Call me ok, so I know you’re ok?'' ''Yeah, I will.'' I ended the call and stepped away from Wade. ''I need a minute.'' I went to the bathroom and drew myself a bath, climbing in when the water was boiling hot, and drowned myself in tears.


That fuck Tom had threatened this. Makayla didn't know but this wasn't the first note from her bastard ex. He had threatened to expose her, to sell naked photos and sex tapes to the media. He had demanded I hand over his wife to him or he would send me bankrupt. Let the fucker try. Nobody knew how much money I had. I sure as hell had 10 times what he had. I wouldn't let this fucker continue to torture Makayla. My first thought was to have him taken out. I had the contacts to make it happen if I wished. But I still wasn't sure if it was the right thing for Makayla.

My blood boiled, and my body was tensed with the need to end his life, but I would never do anything without being one hundred per cent sure it was in my girl's best interest. At the moment I was convinced that the best course of action was to show Makayla she loved me back. I needed her to choose me. Let her choose to expose herself and trust in my protection. If Makayla publicly filed for divorce, there could be no argument from her bastard ex without drawing attention to himself. I would marry her the second I had the opportunity. I needed to marry her the second I had an opportunity. I was worried. I had been selfish, and I didn't know what the repercussions would be. In all the unprotected sex we had, I had relished the idea of Makayla having my babies, tying her closer to me, in creating a life together.

I didn't know if Makayla was pregnant, but we had had sex multiple times a day, nearly every day. I hadn’t used a condom since id promised her she wouldn’t get pregnant with her period due in two days. She damn sure couldn't have had a period for longer than a day, if at all. I'd thought of talking to her, asking for more details. But, I didn't want to freak her out. I don't think it had even crossed her mind. I needed to find her, make sure she was ok. I walked into the hall and heard the water running in the bathroom. ''Baby?'' There was no answer. I opened the door and found Makayla curled at the end of a half-full bathtub crying uncontrollably. ''Oh, baby'' I made to pull her closer to me. ''Holy fuck, what the..'' I pulled her out of the bath and walked fully clothed into the shower with her tiny body wrapped around mine, turning the cold on full. ''Baby, are you ok?'' Makayla just curled herself into my chest and cried.

I held her under the cold water and attempted to look over her body to see if she was hurt. The water in the bath had been boiling, her skin was bright red. ''Baby, you’re scaring the fuck out of me are you ok, where does it hurt?'' ''I'm ok Wade'' she sniffled into my shoulder. ''I'm sorry.'' I slid down the wall, tucking her body around me, making sure the cold spray was on her back. ''You scared the life out of me Makayla. Why would you do that? I need you; I can't have you getting hurt, or hurting yourself, I love you. What part of that don't you get?'' Her body shook uncontrollably. ''I didn't mean to, I'm sorry Wade. Just sometimes when I feel physical pain it makes it easier to deal with emotional stuff.'' I held her tight until I was satisfied the heat had left her body and there were no obvious burns. Then I stopped out of my clothes leaving a sodden mess for the cleaner to sort.

I pulled Makayla into a warm fuzzy towel and carried her to bed, she rolled to face me wrapping her legs around me. ''I don't know what to do.'' ''I’ll look after everything baby, I promise.'' ''You don't understand Wade, I'm trapped all over again.'' ''You are never trapped with me, Makayla. I love you, don't ever compare me to your ex. If I had to let you go I would, because I love you and I'll never see you trapped or unhappy on my watch. If I wasn't man enough to keep you happy, I would have to let you go or it would kill me.'' ''I don't mean I’m trapped by you Wade, I realise now you’re amazing. I'm trapped by the circumstances.'' ''Then I'll change them.'' ''How are you going to fix this Wade?'' ''Well, my answer to that depends on the answer you are about to give me.'' ''What?'' ''Do you love me, Makayla?'' ''I don't know Wade.'' She buried her head in my chest attempting to hide from the conversation, so I pulled her back. ''Could you love me, Makayla?'' ''Maybe, yes, I think. But it's so complicated Wade, and I'm terrified.''

''I love you Makayla, there's never been another woman in my apartment. Never another woman I have moved heaven and earth for. I love how strong you are, you step up and take charge, and your mind is so fucking brilliant. I want to work with you every day just to see what you do; you throw me a curve ball every time I see you in action. I want to come home with you every night. We can live here, or we can buy a new home. We can build, renovate, or fuck, go live in your little apartment with Kait. I’ll buy you cars you can drive like a maniac. I want a family with you, baby. I want to heal the hurt of the past, and I want happiness with you.'' Makayla had been laying on my chest tears rolling onto my chest at this point, but I felt her freeze. I wasn't ready to get into it more now.

''I have a plan, baby, and I want you to agree.'' I sat up in bed against the headboard and dragged her up with me, her legs wrapped around my hips. I was achingly aware of the fact that my cock was stirring to life against her pussy. ''You’re going to trust me and enjoy being my girlfriend. We will turn Tom's games against him. We are going to go on dates, out to dinner, to work, wherever we like. We will always be guarded of course, but I don't think he will try anything. The media will see us together and go nuts. That's when you will publicly file for divorce. Tom will not be able to argue unless he wants the spotlight back on him. Then you will decide if you want me, and the life I'm offering you. To make it work I'll need your dad and anyone else important to you back in Australia. It's too hard to protect all the people you love from other countries, but you will be able to see your family as much as you like.'' Makayla looked at me with eyes as round as saucers. ''My dad could stay here?'' ''Of course. And anyone else who is important to you. What do you think baby?'' ''I trust you.'' That was all she said before she slid down on my hard cock and erased the stressful memories of the past few hours.

Chapter Fourteen


When I had woken in the morning Wade was already hard at work. He had asked my permission to tell his family a very short version of my life. He had explained to them that I had been in hiding to escape an abusive ex, but no further details. He had arranged a dinner tonight with both of his parents, his brother and his sister. He had also posted a cute photo he took of us hiking, confirming our relationship on social media. Actually, he did more than that. He had posted the photo and captioned it ‘hiking with the love of my life,’ followed by a series of smiley and heart emojis. Wade truly was incredible. When I asked him about the post, he told me it made him happy to be able to announce to the world I was his, a bit full on but ok.

I pulled on the long red satin gown Wade had bought for me. It was a stunning, backless bright red Versace dress. Stylists had already seen to my hair and makeup. They had curled my hair and bunched it to the side letting it cascade over one shoulder. I loved it. They helped me into stunning silver shoes as Wade entered the room. ''Holy fuck Makayla. Get that dress off, before I rip it off.'' We all stood stunned for a moment until Wade laughed ''Because I don't think I can control myself; you look beautiful.'' He pulled me in for a kiss and dipped me low. A flash went off from a camera, stunned I turned to see my hairstylist smiling with his camera up. ''I've given him permission baby,'' Wade whispered in my ear. ''I want the world to see my love for you.'' We collected our things and headed for the elevator.

Instead of going to the basement like we usually did, Wade had us exit at the lobby before we met the limo out front. The media crushed around us, our body guards the only thing between us and the massive crowd. ''Wade is it true you’re getting married?'' ''Ma'am, who are you wearing tonight?'' ''Miss, can you tell us how you met?'' ''Mr Doust, are you in love?'' Wade stopped us just before the limo and turned to the pap who asked that last question. ''I am undoubtedly, irrevocably in love with this beautiful woman.'' He once again dipped me low to kiss me, as flashes went off all around us. Wade bundled us off into the limo and we went to meet his parents.

I had worked myself up. I was stressed and nervous. Wade was making declarations of true love to the media, and I was going to meet his parents. What if they didn't like me? What if they didn't think I was good enough for him? I didn't even know if I was good enough. I had spent so much time pushing Wade away and pushing his buttons. Now I saw his true colours I was amazed by him, inspired by him, and undoubtedly in love with him. The problem was I didn't know if I was ready to be in love with him, to give him everything he wanted and needed. I fidgeted as we pulled up at an exclusive restaurant. ''Ready baby?'' ''No.'' ''Come on yes you are, I can't wait for you to meet my family. They will love you.'' Wade dragged me from the car and through the restaurant. Everyone was staring at us.

Wade led us to the back where a man welcomed us. He introduced himself to me as Henry, Wade’s Dad. He wasn't at all what I was expecting. He was the polar opposite. Henry was short and had a beer belly, his hair was thin on top, but he had a kind face and a welcoming manner. He immediately pulled me into a hug. Tammy and Matt were waiting who I had already met, I also met Wade’s niece, Ambrosia (Tammy's daughter). I hugged each in turn. Tammy eyed me, and I guessed she wasn't quite sure about me, after all my panic attacks and break downs, she had witnessed. I gave her a weak smile, but my attention was diverted to the lovely woman coming around the table to meet me. Wendy, Wade's mum. She was taller with blond short perfect curls. She had definite smile lines, and I could see why. She pulled me into a hug and kissed both my cheeks. ''Makayla, it is so wonderful to meet you after all this time. Come dear sit.'' Dinner was amazing. I loved Wade’s parents; they were beautiful people. I spent so much time laughing my stomach hurt. My heart hurt too, they were amazing and everything I had ever wanted in a family. Tammy remained distant which hurt but I let it go for now.

As we left after dinner Wade pulled me into his arms. ''You made me so happy tonight.’’ He kissed his way down my neck. ''You made me happy too.'' Wade pulled back to look at me. ''Really?'' ''Of course, I love your family, they are amazing.'' We made our way back through a crowd. Word had obviously gotten out about where we were. Wade scooped me up quickly into his arms as I squealed. ''You admit you love them after one night, but you won't admit you love me?'' I was growing accustomed to the flashes of lights as photo after photo was taken. My heart skipped a beat. I knew Wade didn't expect me to say it, I was terrified to say it. But a big part of me wanted to be honest with him and let it out. ''I love you Wade'' I whispered. Wade's nostrils flared, and he walked us quickly to the limo. ''Finally,'' he whispered. ''I need you home now and naked.''


I woke early to find Makayla spread out naked next to me. She had finally told me she loved me. While I had already been pretty sure she did, it was fucking satisfying to hear it. It further solidified my plans. I dragged my beautiful girl for a swim at the beach with Bubbles, before we got dressed and ready for work. I had decided against taking Makayla to the office, there were too many questions about Makayla and me, Makayla's real name and all that. I didn't want anyone making her upset or causing anything to fuck up with my plans for this week. I left Makayla on the floor of my office drafting site plans and looking at pricing. Her skills still blew my mind, there was nothing property she didn't understand. She was content with her work when I excused myself for half an hour. I didn't want to leave Makayla, but I wanted to buy her engagement ring myself, and it would need time to be made.

I rushed over to my diamond dealer already feeling antsy at the separation from Makayla. ''What have you got for me, Kevin?'' ''Wade sir, we have an amazing diamond perfect for you. Four carats, perfect clarity. I think you will love it.'' He showed the diamond to me, and I agreed it was perfection. We decided on a princess setting with diamonds curling the band the whole way around. ''How soon can you complete it?'' ''Usually fourteen days sir, but I'll see what I can do.'' ''Have it ready in 3 days and I'll pay double.'' With that I exited and jumped on my bike, eager to see my girl again, my excitement and nervousness palpable.


Wade had continued to take me out to the beach, hiking, shopping and even to a firing range where he taught me to shoot. He filled my days with excitement, work and happiness. I was exhausted every night when my head hit the pillow and slept soundly every night. Tonight, I knew I would get no sleep. Tomorrow was the day I would publicly file for divorce. I knew that Wade was nervous as well. I rolled in circles, frustrating Wade and myself. In the end, Wade rolled on top of me pinning me down. ''I can't sleep.'' ''Me either.'' ''Nervous?'' ''Yes, You?'' ‘’Terrified.'' ''What?'' ''I'm terrified you will leave me.'' ''What? Why?'' ''Because we need to talk about something.'' Fear gripped my stomach. ''What Wade?'' He linked his fingers through mine. ''Could you be pregnant Makayla?'' I had thought of this but was also terrified. We had accidentally had unprotected sex a few times before Id realised. Then there were the times that I remembered, but he pushed inside of me, and we both forgot everything but each other.

''I don't know'' I whispered. ''How would you feel about that? If you were?'' ''I don't know.'' ''I'm so sorry babe, I knew that there was a massive chance you would get pregnant, and I didn't care. I saw you; I wanted you, I took you and I love you. I wanted to tie you to me in every way possible. I love the idea of you being pregnant with my baby.'' Wade brushed his thumbs across my abdomen. ''But I made a mistake, I didn't pay enough attention to how you would feel after what you have been through.'' We both lay in silence, waiting for my response. ''I'm scared Wade, no I'm actually terrified. But everything is so easy with you. You look after me and I trust you so much. I get butterflies now when you talk about our future. I don't know if I'm ready to be a mum, but if there's a baby in there then I think I'll be ok, I think I'll be really happy.'' ''Oh babe, you have no idea how happy that makes me.'' Wade held me tight and kissed me earnestly.

The following morning, I dressed in my purple shift dress, the one Wade loved, and high heels. I felt I had to look business-like, it made me feel more confident. Wade matched me in a three-piece suit and purple tie. Wade had made sure that details of my file for divorce would be leaked as soon as it was done. ''Baby we have one thing to do before we leave.'' ''What?'' ''I've arranged for a doctor to come to see you.'' Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. Shit. I was really nervous. I went to the lounge with Wade, who introduced me to a lovely female doctor. She was very business-like and no-nonsense. She took a simple blood test and told us she would get back to us as soon as possible. As soon as Wade showed her out, I stood. ''You ready honey?'' ''Yeah, I've never been more ready.'' Again, Wade led us through the throng of media waiting for any snippet of our relationship. We climbed into the limo quickly without answering any questions and left for the courthouse.


Today was the day I had been looking forward to for so long. The day Makayla would set herself free of her bastard ex, and the day I would propose. She had been so strong through all of this. The courthouse was thankfully quick. We went in and Makayla signed some documents and we left. As planned, the media surrounded us on the steps and Makayla shocked me by speaking out. ''I have just filed for divorce from my ex-husband. It was a very abusive relationship and I'm so glad it's over. I want to encourage other women in abusive relationships to have the strength to leave. There is help out there.'' With that, we climbed back into the limo leaving the media running in different directions to be the first to break the story. ''I'm so proud of you baby.'' Makayla leaned her head against my shoulder. ''Thanks, I'm kind of proud of me too. Let's go home Wade, I need you to love me.'' I pulled her close. ''Soon baby, but I have a surprise for you.'' ''What?'' ''You will see.''


The limo pulled up in front of the Q1 building, the tallest building in Australia. Wade was incredibly quiet. ''This way baby’’ he whispered as he pulled me from the limo. We got into an elevator where one of the staff stared at me smiling. What the fuck was happening? As soon as the elevator doors opened, I knew. Wade pulled me along, my feet no longer working, my heart thudding in my chest. Every inch of the observation deck had been covered in rose petals and candles. There was nobody on the floor except the staff. Wade had pulled me to the centre of the room and knelt down. Oh my god. Oh shit. Wade presented me with a huge diamond ring. ''Makayla, I love you with all of my heart. I know we have only known each other a few short months, but you have turned my life upside down. I couldn’t imagine living a life without you in it. I promise to make you happy every day. To give you a life full of love and family, adventures and happiness. I will dedicate my whole life to your happiness. Please will you agree to be my wife, agree to be mine, and make me the happiest man in the world?'' Tears streamed down my face, and I nodded. ''Yes, Wade.'' Wade slid the ring onto my finger, a triumphant smile on his face. ''You are mine, and I am yours, baby'' Wade pulled me into an embrace and held me while I cried. You couldn’t wipe the self-satisfied smile off Wade's face. ''I love you'' I whispered. ''And I love you baby.'' The room broke into applause, and I realised that all of our family had been hiding. Wade's family, Kait and Jace, and even my dad. Tears streamed down his face as he pulled me into a brief hug. ''I'm happy for you sweetheart, he's a good man.''
