Page 16 of Incitement

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Later that day we had gone back to the penthouse. News of our engagement and my divorce had gone nuts and there were hundreds of people crammed at the base of the building. Wade further exacerbated the issue by posting another photo on social media. A selfie of the two of us captionedShe said yes!We spent the afternoon swimming and relaxing by the pool. I was enjoying having my dad around and knew it would finally be a regular thing for me. ‘’So, when are you lovebirds going to tie the knot?’’ I smiled at Wade. ‘’I don’t know dad. When we plan and organise it? It will take a while to sort everything and for my divorce to be final.’’ ‘’Actually baby, your divorce is final in thirty days. I want to marry you in thirty-one days.’’ I sucked in a breath. ‘’Wade, we can’t organise a wedding that fast, unless we elope. I kind of wanted...’’ ‘’We aren’t eloping. Your dad is going to get the chance to walk you down the aisle. You will have everything you want at the wedding. I don’t care where and I don’t care what colours and all that shit. Just marry me November Twenty-Seven.’’ ‘’I don’t even know if you can organise a wedding that fast, Wade.’’ ‘’Forget that, I’ll pay people so much damn money, they cancel every poor fucker in the way. You will marry me on November Twenty-Seven or I’ll throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the courthouse in a nightie.’’ I laughed. ‘’I guess we could try. Do you want a church wedding or?’’ ‘’I don’t care Makayla, as long as you marry me. I had picked you for a beach wedding though, but if you want a church ill make it happen.’’ I smiled at Wade. He knew me so well. ‘’November Twenty-Seven on the beach.’’ Wade crushed me to him. ‘’Well fuck, I’m going to have to give up beer for a few weeks, so I can fit in my tux.’’ We laughed together with my dad. This was the happiest moment of my life by far.

Chapter Fifteen


Dad stayed with us at the penthouse and the following days were filled with dress fittings and flowers and table settings. Kait had been a massive help. She splashed Wade’s money around like it was endless, making demands and arrangements. Wade and I sat on the lounge looking at wedding bands. ‘’I don’t need more diamonds Wade. I love my engagement ring. I think a plain band would be perfect with it.’’ Kait frowned at us. ‘’Are you kidding me? I don’t need more diamonds, said no girl ever! Until Makayla comes along!’’ Kait winged. Wade's phone rang, and he stepped away to take it. He came out looking stressed. ''What's wrong?'' ''There's a fire at the office. People are trapped. I've got to go down baby, I'm sorry. I don’t want to leave you, especially today, but it's serious.'' ''Of course, Go.'' My dad stood. ''I can help you mate.'' ''That would be good, thanks we need as many people as we can get. I'll leave the bodyguards with you, honey.'’ ''I'll be fine, go.'' ‘’Wade, I’ve got basic first aid training. Do you want me to come?’’ Kait asked. ‘’I won’t say no, Kait.’’

I pecked them all on the cheek and pushed them out the door, dread curling in my stomach. I hoped everyone was ok. I busied myself tidying the apartment when my phone flashed a text message. I expected Wade, but it was a video from an unknown number. I clicked on it nervously. ''Makayla darling, how are you?'' Tom stood at the other end. ''I wanted you to meet and farewell someone very important.'' He took the camera over to a tiny cradle and I gasped as I looked down at a chubby little baby girl, with my blue eyes and blonde ringlets. I knew her immediately and knew this wasn't a trick. Somehow my daughter had survived. ''If you ever want to see her again, leave right now. Head to Pacific Fair shopping centre, and I'll meet you there.'' Oh god, he was here. With my daughter, oh god! Tears streamed down my face. I couldn't not go. Tom was a monster, I needed to save my daughter. I thought through my options. I had to give the guards the slip and fight through the crowd. I slipped my heels off and snuck out of the penthouse.


It was chaos, smoke everywhere, there were firefighters pulling people from the burning building, but they expected casualties. There had been an issue with the alarm system which was brand new and state of the art. This should never have happened. I saw Joel racing through the crowd. ''We have to go Wade'' he shouted. ''I can't.'' ''Its Makayla we need to go!' he screamed. I didn't hesitate, calling my driver ''Get here now and put the bodyguards on the line! ''What's wrong Joel?'' Damien rushed over and we both climbed into the limo. ''Get us home now I don't care how many fucking laws you have to break!'' Joel leaned forward and showed me his phone. ''I am still tracking Makayla's phone I had not yet switched it off.'' He played a video for me that broke my heart. There is no way Makayla didn't leave. I picked up my phone. ''I want teams spread right through Pacific Fair, I want access to their CCTV and their security now!'' Damien and I both got out and ran to the elevator smashing the button to get upstairs and confirm Makayla was gone. I knew she was; I couldn't feel her. As the doors opened, we rushed out finding her heels on the floor and a note.

I love you Wade, I'm sorry xx M

My stomach dropped I picked up my phone, ''What have you got on the shopping centre?'' ''Nothing yet sir.'' ''Find her!'' Damien and I rushed back downstairs and into the limo.

I had reviewed the CCTV myself a million times, walked every possibility, and checked every shop and the parking lot. Makayla hadn't made it here. She was fucking gone. We searched for hours. My phone rang. ''What!'' I snapped. ''Mr Doust, it's Doctor King here.'' ''Oh.'' ''The results of the blood test were conclusive. Congratulations you’re going to be a dad. I'll need to see Makayla again. Her hormone levels were extremely high. It would usually indicate a multiple pregnancy.'' I couldn't breathe. I ended the call. I felt like I was going to be sick. My woman was out there not only pregnant with my first child but probably my second and I had no way to find her. My phone rang again ''Raul! Did you find anything?!'' ''Wade, a note has been delivered.'' ''What does it say?'' ''It says, you thought to take what is mine. I’ll send her back in pieces. Makayla's engagement ring is inside.''


The pain in my head was intense. I put my hand to my head and felt the sticky wetness of blood. I could barely move. I struggled to think back to what had happened. I had snuck out of the building through stairs and service access. I had only made it just down the road when a van approached me. Men pulled me inside holding a rag over my mouth. I remembered nothing else. I tried to open my eyes, but I was blindfolded. I didn’t feel ropes anywhere else, so I tried to sit up and remove the blindfold. I couldn’t believe how weak I was, I had no idea what they had done to me. Eventually, I managed to use a rough wall to slide into a sitting position and pull off the blindfold. I took in my surroundings. I was in a large dark warehouse. There was a small dirty mattress on the floor.

A scraping sound drew my attention. ‘’Well, well, wife, fancy seeing you here.” I shivered. “Tom, I was hoping if I saw you again it would be in hell.’’ Tom rushed at me slapping my face hard. “You’re a fucking little smart ass you know that? I should’ve gotten rid of you at the beginning when you started your defiant little stunts. I only kept you around for those succulent little tits and your tight pussy.’’ ‘’Fuck you Tom’’ He punched me hard in the head then, and my vision blurred. ‘’Bitch, I’m going to make this hurt. I will make you pay.'' ‘’You think the media and cops won’t look your way after I filed for divorce? After I told the whole world it was an abusive marriage? I don’t care what happens to me. When Wade finds you, he will end you, and save my daughter.” Tom laughed. ''Your daughter huh. I’ve considered getting rid of her. Only because I don’t want to raise a conniving little cunt like you, but MY daughter is perfect. Nothing like you.’’

‘’Bring me Ella” he snapped. There was shuffling as someone came forward and passed a sleeping baby over to Tom. “You see Ella here, has only just gotten out of the hospital. It took some time for her to be strong enough, and surprisingly survive. She’s just like her daddy. I knew that as soon as you knew she had survived, id have you in a heartbeat. Your stupid fucking mother nearly spoiled the whole thing. When she found out about Ella she stole her from the hospital. You would have loved to be there for that, wife. The day I broke every bone in your mother’s body. I burned her alive. She felt incredible pain, Makayla. And now it’s your turn sweetheart. I’ve decided on something similar to your last meeting with my team. I’ve heard you are very self-conscious about the scars you carry now, so I felt it would be fitting if we drew this out. One small cut at a time until you bleed out. Should take a few days or so, but you’re a resilient little bitch, so probably longer.’’ I shook, the fear of his words threatening to send me into another panic attack. I looked at the sweet form of my baby, I was terrified for her. It was stupid to come without telling Wade. He would have protected us both.


“Wade! Her phone is back on, I’m tracking it, quickly!” ''You take a car. I’ll take my bike, its faster.'' ''I'll transfer the GPS signal to you!'' As the elevator doors opened, I rushed to my bike and left without a backwards glance, my security team and Damien not far behind me. Others were already en route from other closer locations. I followed the signal to the Gold Coast airport. A child was found playing with Makayla's phone, which had obviously been thrown out the window of a moving car. I sent my security team to sweep the area. It was likely that Makayla was close. Tom had the airport nice and close for escape. He couldn’t leave with Makayla without me knowing. He would need her passport for public systems and all the private ones I either owned or had contacts. The guy had no idea he was screwed. It was just a matter of time. I hoped that Makayla had time.

‘’Wade, I think I’ve got it!’’ Raul ran over. There are a number of airport hangers over the way. There are two abandoned old hangers. We flew the drone over there. A few men are guarding the entrance and, there’s ah’’ ‘’What Raul?’’ “We could hear screams, Sir.” My heart skipped a beat. I was having trouble keeping my feet in place and not running to her rescue immediately. We needed a plan to get her and the baby out safely. The security team gathered round. ''The end hanger boys there’s...screams'' my voice broke. Damien's eyes flashed, and I knew he was experiencing the same desperate need to get there now.


I blinked my eyes, tasting blood in my mouth. My stomach burned and so did my neck. I could hear the faint cry of a baby. I had made such a massive mistake coming alone. I would surely die here with my daughter in the same room. I wasn’t strong enough to save her again. ''She’s awake!'' someone shouted. ''Good. Start again'' ''No'' I sobbed, ''Please no.'' ''What’s wrong dear?'' ''Tom please no.'' ''You could have had a good life you little bitch. You liked your fancy clothes and your pretty house. If you had stayed home and shut the fuck up, you wouldn’t be in this mess. You’re a stupid little cunt, and you have been the bane of my existence for two fucking years.'' ''I'm sorry'' I cried. Tom came over to me, I could barely make out his hazy figure. ''You were mine Amber, you ran off and started fucking the next rich guy who paid attention to you! You cheated on me!''

I screamed feeling incredible pain in my shoulder, the warmth of blood rushing down my body. Tom smoothed the hair from my face. ''You think I wanted this Makayla? Do you think I couldn’t have had any woman in the world? I chose you out of all of them and you turned out to be an ungrateful little whore. How many times did you fuck him!'' I just cried. I couldn’t talk. There was more pain, this time in my side. ''It’s your own fault, Makayla. I loved you''. I was completely incapable of moving. I could feel the warmth of blood spreading across my body. I knew this was it. Tom would finally kill me. I was no longer scared. I couldn’t feel anything else. I only prayed Wade would find my daughter. He was a good man. When he lost me, I knew that he would stop at nothing to find and protect my daughter.


The security team handed out bullet proof vests. They had already spoken to the police and secret service. We each took our guns. The team split up to come from all sides. I lead the main team to enter from the front. Damien by my side. We crouched low in the grass, and I finally got to expel some rage, lifting my sniper rifle and picking off the first three of six guards. I had expected to shoot them all. I looked over to Damien who shrugged. He had taken out the others. We all drew in closer, and one of our men slid the door open slightly, checking the inside. He let a tiny drone inside and we all watched on camera. There were two more guards. A woman who wasn’t Makayla. The man I assumed was Tom. There were two muffled figures in a corner leaning over a bed. At this point, there was no screaming, just muffled voices. We proceeded to infiltrate the building taking out the guards easily, but as we entered the main room, Makayla let out a blood-curdling scream.

“It’s your own fucking fault, Makayla. You won’t ever defy me again!” Tom screamed. ''I’m sorry Tom, I’ll be good.'' ''You'll come home and behave?'' ''Yes,'' Makayla whispered. ''You stupid little bitch! You think I still want you after you spread your legs like a little slut?'' ‘’I didn’t fuck him, Tom, it was all a lie to get the divorce.’’ ‘’You didn’t fuck him?’’ ‘’No Tom. Please don’t hurt me anymore. I’ll come home. I’ll make you happy.’’ Tom went to her and pulled her to him. ‘’I’m sorry baby. You drove me insane thinking you were with another man.’’ ‘’It’s not your fault, its mine.’’ ‘’It is, but you’ve paid the price already.’’ ‘’Forgive me, Tom, take me home.’’ ‘’Fuck, help her, stop her bleeding.’’ Tom picked up a knife and balanced it in his hand. ‘’Makayla, you won’t leave again.’’ ‘’Never, I’ll never leave you.’’ ‘’You can’t be trusted to be with Ella yet. When you prove yourself, I’ll let you meet her.’’ ‘’Please Tom, she’s my baby.’’ ‘’No! You fucking worry about me, Makayla! Only me!’’

It was more than I could handle. I stealthily made my way around pallets of stock and came up behind Tom. Makayla's eyes swept to me and quickly away. ''She’s my daughter, please let me hold her, just once.'' ''I will fucking teach you respect, you little bitch if it’s the last thing I do.'' ''Get the fuck away from my woman'' I growled. Tom's head whipped around. The dickhead had no idea he was surrounded. I could have shot him easily, but I was raging, and I needed to end him with my bare hands. Tom smiled at me. ‘’Funny, Makayla just swore she was my woman. Were you lying to me, Makayla?’’ ‘’I’ve never been yours Tom, I’d rather die than spend another second as your wife.’’

Tom smiled at me again. ‘’Have her. I don’t need her anymore.’’ He threw the knife he held at Makayla. I tackled him easily and punched him repeatedly until I heard a light whisper. “Wade” I stopped immediately and ran to Makayla. The two men near her had already been taken out. A knife was wedged in her thigh. She was covered in blood. ''Makayla are you ok? Oh, god, baby. Get a fucking doctor now!'' People rushed around. “Wade, my baby, please.” “Let me go or the child dies.” I looked up in horror to see that Tom was crouched around the baby. Despite the beat down I had given him, he held a small knife to her throat. “No” Makayla cried weakly, she attempted to move, rolling off the table before I could catch her. Her body was gushing blood. “Get your people out of the fucking way or I kill her!” “My baby” Makayla whispered. “You’re not getting out of this, you are surrounded. If you think you're leaving with the baby, you are mistaken.”

Tom made a move with the knife but froze, his eyes wide, he looked at his chest, the blood pooling over his shirt. Damien had taken him out. I wasted no time in sprinting over to protect the child. The baby was crying, a little chubby version of Makayla. “Shh Sweety, I’m here, ill protect you” I rocked her and took her back to Makayla. I scooped Makayla upright to hold the baby while I assessed her injuries, I was panicking. ''Damien, where’s the fucking medics, now!'' Tears streamed down my face. I was terrified, Makayla was weak and covered in blood. She cooed at her baby and held her in her arms. “Wade” Medics were now trying to fuss over her. “My daughter, promise you will look after her, please?” “Baby don’t talk like that” I was now sobbing I couldn’t control it; I could see Makayla slipping away. “Wade I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I love you. Please look after her.” Makayla gently kissed her daughter's head, looked at me and her head dropped to the side. “No!” I screamed. “Fix it, you fucking fix her!” Damien pulled me back. ''Give the doctors some space son. Hold your daughter here.” The baby was placed in my arms. “You made a promise, mate. You can’t help Makayla now, let the doctors do their best, and you look after the baby.” I stared emptily at Damien. The doctors had loaded Makayla onto a trolley and were performing CPR while others hooked up tubes and stitched large cuts. “I can’t lose her.” “She’s strong Wade.'' I looked down at the baby feeling empty. I loved her mother. I would always honour the promise I had made. I picked up my phone. “Raul, I need baby things. Now” “On it, sir”.

Chapter Sixteen


After eight hours the surgeon told us he had done everything he could do. Makayla would be in recovery soon, and Damien and I could see her. They made no promises, saying she had a fifty per cent chance of pulling through. I stretched on the couch with the baby asleep on my chest. Her tiny fist was wrapped around my thumb. I held her close to me, the only comfort I had. The only piece of Makayla I had. Two hours later a nurse came to see us. ''Mr Doust, you can go in to see your fiancée now.'' I stood still cradling the baby to my chest and followed the nurse into a small room. I felt numb, there was no way to explain the pain and failure I felt at seeing my pregnant fiancée laid up in a hospital bed, mostly purple, with tubes and wires everywhere. ''Did she lose the baby?'' ''We are still doing tests Mr Doust, and we will do an ultrasound in a moment. The heartbeats are strong for now.'' Heartbeats. Twins. I couldn’t process any of it. ''I don’t care what it costs. I don’t care if it costs millions. Please get her the best care and doctors. A private room. Anything you need, get it, and I’ll pay.'' I broke down. ''Please don’t let her die.''

The following days were a blur. I slept most nights at the hospital with the baby on my chest. I still had no idea what her name was, I resorted to calling her princess. Having a tiny child sleep on my chest was oddly comforting. I had no idea how to look after a baby, but I was winging it and she seemed content. She rarely cried. She smiled and played happily. She was attempting to crawl and learned how to clap. Mostly though, she just loved to be cuddled. I had formed an instant attachment to her. My little princess. She wasn’t my daughter by blood, but I was her dad. I would protect her and care for her, as I had promised her mother.
