Page 2 of Incitement

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‘’Excuse me?’’ I whirled realising there was a man in my personal space. Not just any man but a really good-looking, muscled man dressed impeccably in an Armani business suit. He had messy blonde hair and striking eyes. His smile was warm, but my stomach did flip flops at the sight of him. I moved back a step against the door. “Yes?” “Can you tell me where I can find Doug? He asked me to meet him here 20 minutes ago?’’ I exhaled in relief composing myself and turning on my professional persona. I held out my Hand. ‘’I'm Amber, Doug’s assistant, he just left. I can call him for you?’’ The man took my hand in his but didn't introduce himself. ‘’Thank you, Amber, that’s ok, I’ll call myself.’’ He held my hand and his gaze curiously swept my face. Smirking, he finally let go of my hand turned and walked away. I shivered when he left, glad he hadn't asked too many questions, my heart was all fluttery and I didn't think I could form a sentence if I tried.

I collected myself and made my way home. I was exhausted, I couldn’t get the strange guy's face off my mind. He was beyond hot, but it wasn’t that. When he held my hand my pulse increased, and Goosebumps raced over my skin. It frustrated me, maybe this was my instincts telling me to stay the hell away. I would be sure to heed the warning. I let myself into my apartment. It was nothing flashy, nothing like the places I lived in my old life. A simple two-bedroom apartment Kaity and I shared. It was chosen by my father because it was on the fifth floor, not too easily accessible but not at the top of a tower and impossible to escape either. It also had constant camera surveillance in the common areas and a twenty-four-hour reception and doorman. It was as safe as you could get. That was without the ridiculous locks and contraptions he had installed on the front door. The rest of the apartment he had made as comfortable as possible. My room was dominated by a huge king-size bed. I had a massive flat screen and a big comfy leather couch. My dad had even hung stunning paintings of the ocean, beaches and sunset board walks. Things he knew I loved.

About a month after I got here, I had gotten lonely and decided to rent the other room out in an effort to meet new people. After meeting people who scared me, a guy who asked if I had a problem with him smoking weed, a girl who wore way too much black makeup and an older divorcee who I thought would be perfect but ended up in a screaming match in the hall with her ex over the phone, Kait walked in. We had been inseparable ever since. Even though I knew Kait would be my rock and supportive with everything, I couldn’t talk to her about my mum. It would open a can of worms that shouldn’t be opened. So, when I wanted nothing more than to go to my best friend and blurt out everything and maybe even have a cry, I walked straight past her into my room and locked the door. Kait knows me well enough not to bother me on bad nights. She leaves me be but is sure to make me a coffee in the morning and be there if I need a hug. I curled up in my blankets and let a few tears leak out for my mother, the mother I had before she changed. If only she had been that mother all along. If only she had loved me all along. I would always hate her for being so self-centred, but I admitted to myself that I would miss her. I vowed if I ever had any more children that I would always put them first above myself and anyone else.

I woke on Thursday with a renewed drive. I was going to save a deal today and I was going to move on with my life and not allow my mother’s death to dredge up my past. I was happy with my life the way it was now. I didn’t want anything to change.

This morning instead of pulling on tights and going for a run, I threw on some cute swimwear, grabbed my rarely used surfboard from the storage cage and wandered the two blocks down to the beach. I loved the ocean and I had been slowly learning to surf since I had come to Australia. I wasn’t amazing, but I could catch a wave and stand up for a few minutes. I enjoyed my hour's escape before paddling back to the shore and slowly making my way home. The sun had barely risen when I let myself back into the apartment dripping wet. I peeled off my wetsuit and threw it in the direction of the laundry as I let myself into my room.

After fighting off my swimwear and a nice warm shower, I pulled on a thin pencil skirt and sheer white blouse. I pulled on a pair of ridiculously expensive heels Kaity had bought me, brushed my hair out and left for work. The traffic was manic. Every year on the Gold Coast they block off the main streets of Surfers Paradise for the GC600, which was a pretty big car race. The atmosphere was amazing but the chaos it created in the weeks before and after chafed at me. I ended up having to park two blocks further than I usually did. I breathed a sigh of frustration realising that my really awesome, really expensive shoes were going to give me really awesome blisters by the time I got to the office.

I huffed into the office fifteen minutes late. I asked Tanya to get me a coffee and entered my office dumping my bag on the floor, kicking off my heels, I started setting up my laptop. ‘’There she is, this is our amazing Amber, the one I told you so much about’’. Doug had opened my office door and was gesturing a man through. I stood, frustrated that my heels were left haphazardly on the floor to the side of the desk while I stood barefoot to meet the towering man I had seen briefly last night. He held out his hand amused. ‘’Pleasure’’ ‘’Hello’’ I said. ‘’Amber, this is Wade Doust, Wade is advising me regarding a few matters.’’ I bristled and looked up to see his dazzling white smile. He looked young, he had broad shoulders and scruffy but short blonde hair. His suit was high end and I could see gold and diamond cuff links winking from his wrists. He had the most amazing deep green eyes. This man was incredibly good looking, he definitely worked out, the definition of his muscles apparent even through his collared shirt. My body was reacting the same as last night, with butterflies in my stomach I reminded myself that this man was obviously bad news. ‘’That’s great Mr Doust if you could give me back my hand now.’’ He winked at me and let my hand go. Like actually fucking winked.

I stepped back. ‘’So, Mr Doust, what is it you advise on?’’ ‘’You can call me Wade, and generally, I don’t advise anyone, but I’ve agreed to help Doug here on some confidential matters.’’ I scowled at Doug; he told me everything. He never kept anything from me. I ran his whole business from the shadows while he enjoyed the credit for it. It wasn’t that Doug was horrible it was simply the way I preferred it. Running such a huge company required social appearances and gathered a lot of media attention. It was imperative I avoid both and Doug and I had an agreement where I got to be satisfied with my role and Doug got to take the credit for it. ‘’My Amber here knows the business front to back, as I told you she is single-handedly responsible for the revenue growth in the last quarter. She is working on some very exciting developments.’’ ‘’Well then, it will be a pleasure to work with you, Amber.’’ His eyes travelled my body in a blatantly sexual way. ‘’Amber dear, Wade will be sitting in on the briefing meeting this morning’’ Fucking great. ‘’Sure’’ I decided ignorance was the best way to deal with Wade Doust. He seemed like a rich dickhead who was full of himself. I would probably inform him of that at some time in the near future.


I watched her as she directed the staff. She flicked her beautiful long blonde hair over her shoulder as she gestured to a projection screen on the wall. I couldn’t get over the depth of her knowledge. Doug had said that she had initially come on as his assistant, but he quickly realised that she was far too overqualified for the role. She had assisted him more and more until he had handed over the reins to her to run the business from behind closed doors. Apparently, she didn’t want any credit or for anyone else to know she was the one calling the shots. Seeing her in action now it was clear why Doug had handed things over to her. She was passionate. The staff hung on her every word. As they finished their meeting a few of the staff stayed back to ask questions or seek further direction. I carefully watched the others interact with Amber. There was a mixture of respect and awe. Some jealous and possibly even hostile glances from some of the men. More than a few of the men watched her with obvious interest. I stood behind two in particular while I waited for the room to empty. ‘’I’d love to bend her over the desk, wipe that self-satisfied little smirk off her face’’ one man said to the other. ‘’Mate id be in on that’’ the other laughed. I made a mental note to fire the pair of them the second I took over.

Finally, the room had emptied leaving just myself and Amber. ‘’That was impressive Amber.’’ ‘’Thanks.’’ ‘’The staff take direction from you well, how long have you worked here?’’ Amber scowled at me but answered. ‘’Six months or so.’’ “That's a short time to have accomplished so much.” “Well if you pour blood, sweat and tears into a business, you get results.” I smiled, she didn't like me, and she was marking her territory. Too bad it was my territory. “So, you’re all ready for the meeting tonight then?” She blanched; did she think Doug wouldn't tell me? “Yes, it's fine. I better go actually; I need to prepare.” “Actually, Doug asked me to let you know he was ordering lunch so the three of us could prepare together.’’ She scowled at me. I smiled back. I didn’t usually stir anyone in the workplace, but this woman’s scowl got to me. She was like an adorable feisty kitten, and she was stunning. I found myself drawn to her. ‘’Fine, you can follow me to my office, so I can prepare.’’ She didn’t wait for my response before she flicked her hair over her shoulder and marched off. I smiled. Well, if she was going to march ahead id enjoy the view.

I had the pleasure of spending three hours in Amber’s office going over her spreadsheets and proposals. When she let her guard down, she was...amazing. She was quick to smile and laugh. I sat back now and watched her stir Doug ‘’Be careful Doug, you shouldn’t stand still onsite too long, your wrinkles will have you blending in with the tree bark.’’ She smiled brightly as Doug laughed and threatened to throw her talented butt out of his company. I cleared my throat, “Amber could I ask a question about the chart here on the demographic of the area?’’ Amber's smile dropped. ‘’Sure, Mr Doust, what do you want to know.’’ ‘’Call me Wade, Amber, I’m not as old as Doug here.’’ I earned a smile from her then and she came to stand with me and go over the demographics with me. I looked past Amber to see Doug smiling a satisfied smile. He was right Amber was brilliant and she would definitely need to stay on. I reached past Amber deliberately brushing her arm as I pointed to the charts, asking more questions I knew the answer to. I listened tentatively but I found myself standing in her space, brushing her arm or hand or touching the small of her back as I moved to her other side to point out roads we needed to look at on the map. Each time she stilled, I saw Goosebumps appear over her arms and shoulders. She seemed to enjoy her time with me, but she was definitely guarded and protective of her work, obviously not appreciative of my intrusion, but enjoying the banter of someone else who was as knowledgeable as her in the industry. Amber glanced at her watch, “Crap I need to leave so I can get ready.” I smiled, “Sure, I’ll see you there” she whirled on me “You’re not coming!” “Actually I am.” “What reason do you have to be there?” “Confidential.” I threw her a grin and left her glaring as I left the room.

I was in the end stages of purchasing a company that could make millions if I fixed every enormous mistake they had ever made. Truthfully, I was more buying the company as a favour than anything. Doug, a good friend of my fathers’, desperately needed help and money. I'd agreed to purchase the company from him. Doug had called this morning to tell me it was likely they would lose a deal to develop a complex with over 140 villas. When I found out who the deal was with, I wasn’t so worried. And I also had a good idea of why they had canned the deal. Amber had setup a meeting to see if they couldn't resurrect the deal. No way was I missing out on this. I was attending whether they liked it or not.

I gave my name to the maître d and was led to a large table set for six in the back of the restaurant. I was the first to arrive, the way I liked it. It gave me time to compose myself and nut out my game plan. I ordered a whiskey and pulled out my phone shooting off a few emails while I waited. In my peripheral vision, I noted Doug headed my way. I put my phone down and stood to shake his hand. ‘’Doug’’, I said as I shook his firm hand. It was the stunning woman standing behind him who took my attention. I took a moment to study Amber. She was wearing a long tight burgundy dress with a thigh-high split in the front. I’d never used the word breathtaking in my life, but she was definitely it. She was tall and thin, probably too thin for my liking with stunning clear blue eyes. Her straight blonde hair hung past her shoulders and her stunning lips were pressed into a thin scowl. I held my hand out, ‘’Amber lovely to see you again.’’ When she put her tiny hand in mine, I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it. It had the perfect effect, tiny Goosebumps raced across her skin. Good, she was as affected by me as much as I was by her. I released her hand and a blush spread across her cheeks.

I looked past Doug and noted a waiter leading over the rest of our party. Grayson is a formidable man in his 40s, and also a total wanker. He was as tall as me and built well. He had dark short hair and a smile that never reached his eyes. There were rumours that he treated women very poorly and abused them even. I had no respect for him, and I happened to know these rumours were very true. Grayson was accompanied by his father Emmet, the complete opposite of his son and a true gentleman. Emmet was in his 70s tall and broad with the same hair as his son, though he was greying significantly. The third man was significantly smaller. A gangly man with ginger hair and glasses. I held my hand out to Emmet as he arrived at the table.

‘’Emmet, it a pleasure to see you again Sir. How is Trudy?’’ Emmet beamed ‘’Wade, great to see you. Trudy’s wonderful as always. Off with her girlfriends in France at the moment I'm afraid, something about some amazing handbag.’’ He laughed. ‘’And when will you take the plunge my boy and sweep some poor woman off her feet?’’ I laughed with Emmet “As always mate when I find a woman who knocks me on my ass, I’ll do just that.’’ We both joked together our own personal jokes and I realised I had not yet introduced Emmet to a woman who could very well knock me on my ass. ‘’Emmet, have you met Amber? And you know Doug of course.’’ ‘’Amber, I’ve heard of you, some of my staff rave about you.’’ Amber blushed. ‘’Oh, thank you, that’s lovely.’’ Grayson held his hand out and we shook briefly as well. ‘’Wade, what are you doing here?’’ ‘’Just advising my friend and colleague.’’ I was glad to see the scar on the side of his nose that I'd put there was still angry and red. I knew without a doubt that Greyson would never admit to his father just who had smashed his nose in or why. The third man was introduced as Emmet’s lawyer. The three men shook hands with Doug and then Amber. I noticed Grayson’s eyes appraising Amber; he also kissed her hand. I clenched my fists by my side. Fucker. He better stay away from her. I was glad to see she didn't react the same way to him, she retracted her hand as quickly as possible and even wiped the back of her hand on the side of her dress. I smiled satisfied and Greyson noticed. Good, he needed to make sure he kept away from my staff.

We sat, and the waiter immediately took our order. We talked business for a while. Incredibly Amber was very well informed, she was intuitive and smart and took the lead from Doug passionately discussing projects and real estate and even the stock market. She was brilliant. I could tell that she had already earned Emmet's respect. The rest of the night went perfectly. Obviously, this wasn’t what Greyson had planned for a meeting with Amber. He stared at her greedily but also scowled at her as much as he scowled at me. But his hands were tied. With Emmet wrapped up in Amber's plans, there was no way he could back out of the deal.

At the end of the meal, we stood, agreeing to meet again early next week. Grayson once again kissed Amber’s hand. ‘’Can I walk you to your car Amber?’’ Amber went a little pale, it was obvious she didn't want to go with him but couldn't think of a polite excuse. I moved to her side, placing my hand on the small of her back and pulling her close. ‘’That's very kind Greyson, but Amber and I have plans after.’’ Greyson immediately pulled back, a nasty little smile plastered on his face. ‘’Well then have a pleasant night.’’ The three men moved off through the restaurant and I let Amber out of my embrace. She looked quite shaken. ‘’Thank you’’ she smiled at me. ‘’Any time’’, I smiled back. ‘’Can I walk you both out?’’ ‘’Thanks, Wade but I'm meeting some family for drinks. If you wouldn't mind though escorting Amber to her car. That Greyson’s a dickhead and I don't want him sniffing around you’’ he indicated to Amber. She looked less than agreeable but collected her clutch and kissed Doug goodnight on the cheek.

I took the opportunity to pull Amber to my side and guide her through the restaurant by the small of her back once again enjoying her reaction to me as Goosebumps spread over her smooth skin. I wondered for the hundredth time in the last hour what it would take to get this amazing woman in my bed. I walked her across the lot to her car. ‘’Uh I'm here’’ she stuttered and started to rummage through her bag for her keys. ‘’You were extraordinary tonight, Amber.’’ She looked up and smiled. ‘’Thank you.’’ I kissed her hand and then held her door open for her. I watched as she drove away and realised, I was totally fucked if I had to see that woman every day. Amber confounded me, I was hooked. There was no stopping until I satisfied my curiosity.

Over the following week, I watched Amber constantly. I mean it was my job, I was buying the business, but I sat back and watched her direct everything. I watched her flick her long hair over her shoulder and laugh with Doug like nobody was looking. I watched her hide Tanya’s son in her office because Tanya’s ex had failed to pick the boy up. Amber had made a fort out of the sofa in her office, setup an iPad with movies and let Tanya get back to work. I pretended I didn’t know, as did Doug. I listened to conversations around the office. Amber was loved and admired by nearly all the staff. It was bleedingly obvious that more than a few lusted after her. I watched Amber pull staff into line and display incredible generosity. Whenever I was around her, I was completely enthralled. I thought about Amber when I wasn’t with her. Of one thing I became absolutely sure of. I wanted Amber Porter.

Chapter Three


Iwoke the next day in a fantastic mood. I had a game plan where Amber was concerned. I made sure I looked sharp and stopped by the coffee shop on my way into the office. I'd already called ahead to warn Tanya she did not need to get Amber’s coffee until further notice.

I took a deep breath and then strode confidently into Amber’s office. ‘’Morning’’ I announced. Amber was startled and stared at the coffee I held out to her. She made no attempt to take it from me. ‘’Skinny Cap, no sugar, right?’’ ‘’Oh, thanks but Tanya will be by with my coffee soon.’’ ‘’No, she won't. Here you go, have a great day.’’ I placed the coffee on her desk and couldn't help the urge to snatch her hand up and kiss it before I left without a backwards glance.

Amber needed to be aware that I wanted more than just the opportunity to work with her, I had to play my game right. I had to reign in my inner caveman a bit and try not to just announce to her that she was mine. Even though she was, it was already a done deal, I always got what I wanted. I continued my assault throughout the day. At 9.30 I had a courier deliver a single red long-stem rose with no note. At 10.30 I had another coffee delivered to her. I used every excuse I could to be in her office and those times I did everything I could to coax more smiles and laughs from her even though she eyed me warily when I brushed her hair from her shoulders or brushed her hand with mine.

Over the next few days, I spent as much time with Amber as I could. I crashed every meeting and made every excuse to be with her. She seemed to grow more and more baffled with me. I learned her routine, her likes, and dislikes, what made her smile, and what pissed her off. I learned what she would order for lunch before she said it and that she loved wearing heels as tall as towers but only in front of others. In private she pranced around her office barefoot. But no matter how much I made her laugh or smile or suggested we go to lunch for the millionth time she always held me at arm’s length. I knew that she enjoyed my company, and I caught her more than once looking at my ass when I passed, but I needed to bash down her walls. I needed to be more forward now.

The next day Amber was quiet and withdrawn. She told me she wasn’t feeling great and thought she should work quietly in her office by herself in case she had something infectious. I bought her coffee for her, but she barely looked up to acknowledge me. I noticed a sheen of sweat on her forehead. ‘’Amber?’’ ‘’huh?’’ ‘’Are you ok sweetheart, I don’t know that you should be here?’’ ‘’I’m fine I just need quiet.’’ Amber looked at me in what she probably thought was pointed but she just looked tired. I relented and left her in peace for a few hours. Over the following week, she was more and more distant, she couldn’t be sick, and she would have gotten over it by now. She seemed to look herself most days, but occasionally I would catch her looking tired and pale.

I was growing frustrated. I was sure that Amber was building walls, pushing me away. She was in the office at the crack of dawn and didn’t leave until after 6 pm. I’d had enough by 2 pm the next day Amber had yet to leave her office for lunch or order in. I knew she didn’t have any afternoon appointments because I had already stalked her calendar. I shot her an email.

Hungry ??

Don’t have time, sorry.
