Page 20 of Incitement

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I watched as a tear rolled down Wade's cheek. I had goosebumps. I hadn't thought of it like that. How would I feel if I watched on while his heart stopped beating? I think I would go a little crazy too. Wade buried his head in my lap. ''Baby don't leave me. I love you so much. I love Kayla. My babies. I love you.'' ''Wade I'm not leaving you!'' Wade lifted his head and looked into my eyes. ''You are everything. I don't know what I would do without you.'' Wade scooped me up gently. ''We are going to settle this like we always do. You are always more reasonable when I'm inside you.'' I giggled ''Wade don't be silly.'' ''I'm deadly serious, baby.'' Wade took me to bed and undressed me slowly, taking the time to run his hands over my belly and feel the baby’s kick. Wade made love to me slowly taking time to worship every inch of me. I fell asleep just the way he liked it. With him buried inside me, wrapped in his arms.

I awoke to stabbing pains in my stomach. Shit. I pulled the sheet back. Oh, God. ''Wade! WADE! Wake up!'' ''What’s wrong?'' ''Get the doctors now!'' Wade rolled over and saw the blood-stained sheets. He bounded out of bed. ''Get here now! She’s bleeding!'' He hung up from the doctors and called an ambulance and the hospital. ''It's OK baby, we are going to be OK!'' The doctors were let in and they took over checking the babies’ heartbeats, which were thankfully still strong. ''OK Makayla, we need to get you to the hospital, hon.'' They bought in a wheelchair, and Wade lifted me gently on. ''Baby, I, please be strong.'' I looked into Wade’s eyes. He was terrified, this was his worst dream. ''I will Wade, I promise.'' Wade quickly grabbed the hospital bags and Kayla. He arranged for Raul to take the bags and Kayla to pick up Dad and meet us at the hospital, so Wade could come with me.

At the hospital doctors and nurses rushed around in a flurry. ''OK, Wade, Makayla, your babies will need to be delivered today. We can’t delay it I'm sorry.'' ''No, no it’s too early.'' ''I'm sorry Makayla, you have internal bleeding. Your internal injuries have opened. You won’t live through it if we leave the babies inside you.'' ''Will the babies though?'' ''No! No fucking way Makayla! You promised! The babies are out today!'' ''I'm afraid Wade is right Makayla; we don't have time to debate. You need to go into surgery. I’ll give you both a few minutes. Wade, I'm sorry, but this isn't going to be a standard Cesarean, you will need to wait in recovery. We will bring you to the babies to you as soon as we can.'' With that, the doctor left. ''Baby, please be strong. You have to get through this. I can’t do it without you. I can’t live without you.'' My heart was beating out of my chest. ''Wade, I promise, I’ll do my best, but if anything happens. I love you so much. Adopt Kayla as we planned. Dad and Kait will help you. I love you.'' ''Mak, Fuck don't talk this shit, I need to know you will be OK.'' The doctors came in and started to wheel me away. I watched as Wade crumpled. ''I love you, Wade.''

''OK Mak, it’s time to put you to sleep sweetheart, we will deliver the babies and they will go straight to ER because they are premature, but Wade will be able to be with them the whole time. We will repair your injuries, and then it’s all on you to make it through.'' I felt the drowsiness take hold. Oh God please help me make it through this to meet my children. To love Kayla and be there for Wade. I had never prayed more vehemently in my life before everything went black.

Chapter Nineteen


Istood further back from the others, a sleepy Kayla in my arms. I watched as Damian crouched and placed flowers on the grave. He had done well, I must admit. There is no comforting way to lay to rest someone you love, but here, on this grassy hill under an enormous old fig tree, he had lain her to rest. There was an ambience on this old hill that felt comforting, it was a beautiful place. I watched as a few tears leaked down Damien’s cheeks. A breeze picked up and the grass began to sway. Chills broke out along my arms. She did deserve this beautiful place, everything aside, she did her utmost to try to save Kayla.

I watched on as the others made their way back to where I stood with Kayla. Damien, ahead of the others, held his arms out for Kayla and I transferred her into his arms. She was much heavier now two years later. But she was still my princess, and I was more than happy to oblige her cuddles when she was tuckered out. Damien turned to make his way down the hill while I stood and waited. Jace and Kaity passed me, their fingers interlinked and her growing belly more pronounced. They were expecting their second child in a few months and I couldn’t be happier for them. I turned back as she approached me, she could still take the breath from my lungs all these years later. She swiped a tear from her eyes as she approached and I pulled her into my arms. ‘’It's ok, beautiful.’’ ‘’I know, it's just conflicting you know. She was my mum, she loved me. And then she was the one who nearly caused my death sending me back to him. But, knowing now what happened, how she died because she tried to save Kayla and bring her back to me. Nothing else matters and I'm glad Dad bought her back here, to this place.’’ ‘’Me too baby, it's beautiful.’’ ‘’Let's go home Wade, the twins are probably running rings around Raul and his wife.’’ I laughed, yes, they probably were. I pulled her into my arms, grateful that after everything she was here, my wife, strong enough to pull through, to bring all the joy, love and happiness she had bought into my life. There was chaos too, with three kids. But it was good chaos and I had never felt more contentment and love in my life. As I felt Mak’s fingers tighten in mine as she towed me along, I took a moment to send my thanks to the universe, or whatever higher power there was. I was the luckiest damn man breathing.

The End.
