Page 6 of Incitement

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I smiled to myself. Wade was worried about me. The thought thrilled me just a little bit.

I’ll be fine. See you tomorrow :)

Look after yourself, princess. X

There’s my stomach flip-flopping again. God, what am I doing? The day was over all too soon and I crawled into bed early, butterflies in my stomach because I knew I would have to face Wade tomorrow and he was intuitive enough to know I was avoiding him. At about 7 pm my phone chimed again.

I’m at the front door. Can you let me in?

My heart thudded in my chest.You show up unannounced at my apartment too?

Only to bring you medicine and make sure you are ok :(

Oh god. He’s so intense. He’s so damn sweet. He’s so freaking dangerous. I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I climbed out of bed and went to open the door. I opened it a tiny crack. Wade was looking worried. He had a big bunch of flowers, a helium balloon that said, 'Get well soon', and a chemist bag. “Oh my god, talk about overreaction.'' ''Are you sure you’re ok?'' ''I'm fine Wade, I feel much better.'' Wade grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in for a hug. Wow, his amazing body up close was so much better. He smelled amazing. ''I'm sorry Amber. I’m a bit of a worrier.'' Wade kissed my forehead but stood close for a moment holding me. I rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the moment. The warmth and utter security I felt in his arms was both welcome and unnerving at the same time. Wade pulled me inside and set the chemist bag on the counter and passed the flowers and balloon over to me. ''I got everything at the chemist for every type of headache.'' I was starting to feel bad for my sicky. ''It's ok I don’t need anything, Wade. I just need some rest.'' Wade scooped me up without warning. I squealed. ''What are you doing?!'' ''Tucking you into bed'' Wade said innocently. He carried me to my bed, pulling the covers back and depositing me in before pulling the blankets to my chin. ''I'm sorry I just had to be sure you were ok.'' My stomach was doing flips.

I decided honesty was the best policy. ''Wade, there’s nothing wrong with me. I was avoiding you.'' I whispered. Wade was silent a moment then he kicked off his shoes and laid down on top of the covers. ''Why?'' ''Because I don’t know what to do with you'' I admitted. ''Amber, you’re a beautiful woman. You are an amazing person. You can’t blame me for being interested. I’m sorry if I’ve been intense, I don’t want to scare you.'' ''You don’t scare me, I kind of trust you. The prospect scares me. It scares me that I trust you.'' I took a deep breath and admitted the tiniest truth possible. ''I haven’t had a very good experience with men, especially wealthy powerful men, who have enough money to make whatever they want to happen.'' I felt my chest squeeze at the admission, I concentrated on my breathing to make sure I didn’t go into full-scale panic. ''I’m not that guy Amber. Yes, I have a lot of money, but I use it for good things. You need to trust my character Amber and don’t judge me based on one dickhead who happened to have money. Actually, what you need to do is spend more time with me and get to know me for who I am and forget how much money I have.'' I felt slightly guilty. ''I want to, but I can't be in a relationship right now Wade.''

I didn’t know how to explain without giving away secrets. ''I may have to move to be closer to family one day soon.'' ''Then ill deal, I’ll go with you, we will bring your family to you, fuck we will do long distance. Don’t you owe it to yourself to just relax and be open to good things? I have one question, Amber. Were you avoiding me because you’re not interested? Am I bothering you?'' Wade sounded hurt. ''God no, I didn’t...'' Wade cut me off ''So then you are interested and your just scared of opening yourself up when you could get hurt.'' ''I don’t know I..'' Wade scooted closer to me in the bed. Me under the covers and him on top. ''I will never hurt you. I swear it. I’m not looking for a fling. I’m not a bad guy. I won’t hurt you emotionally or physically. I desperately want a chance with you. I’ve never wanted anything so badly. It really pisses me off that you feel you have to avoid me''. My stomach was doing flips, I blamed my next words on my proximity to his closeness. I was intoxicated. ''OK, but you have to be professional at work.'' I whispered. ''OK?'' Wade whispered back.

I looked into Wade's genuine eyes. He was right, he was kind and sweet and funny. I leaned forward making my intention clear, but Wade didn’t help me at all he froze as I leaned forward and slowly kissed him. The second our lips touched he took over, ravenously kissing me and plunging his tongue into my mouth. He sat up and pulled me with him. I lost my mind, he kissed me and caressed my shoulders, my neck, and my cheeks. I gasped for breath when he finally broke away only to continue his onslaught down my neck. He finally leaned back from me but stroked my cheek. ''You are so perfect'' I giggled. ''I'm not perfect Wade.'' ''Show me one thing that’s not perfect about you'' Wade joked. My gaze automatically went to my covered stomach, and I frowned. ''I should get some rest.'' Wade kissed me on the forehead and frowned, ''I'll go, I'll see you in the morning Amber.'' Wade kissed me feather light on the lips and stood. I climbed out of bed to let him out. He grabbed my hand and towed me to the front door. ''Thank you, Amber, for giving me a chance.'' Wade kissed me again and then he left. I locked the door behind him and sank to the floor. What the hell had I agreed to? ''Told you so!'' Kait chirped in a singsong voice from just outside her bedroom door. ''Shut up Kait!'' I threw a cushion at her and went back to my bedroom.

The next morning, I got up super early went for my morning swim, showered and spent extra time on my makeup and blow-drying my hair, styling it to fall in soft curls around my shoulders. I pulled on a tight blue business dress, matching blue heels and gold studs for my ears. I headed to work filled with confidence and excitement. I strode into my office. I was mildly disappointed he wasn't there. His desk is still in place but no Wade. Throughout the day I buried myself in work. I had butterflies walking throughout the building between meetings knowing I'd catch a glimpse of him, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. It wasn't until 4 pm I'd returned to my office from a particularly long meeting instructing staff on a project that needed to be wrapped up that I found a muffin placed on my desk with a note. Amber, you should eat lunch. W.I smiled to myself, well ok that was a bit cute. I stowed my muffin and packed up my things to head home and cram in a few more hours of work before bed. For the rest of the week, I went to work every day. Wade didn't show up at all, not even a muffin or note. I was starting to feel a little more normal and back into my routine. On Thursday I got a text.

I've really missed seeing you. I’m sorry I’ve been out of state on urgent business. I’ll be back on the weekend. Can I see you? X

Call me petty but I was annoyed Wade hadn’t sent me a message beforehand.

Sorry busy on the weekend. See you Monday.

Don’t be mad at me. I had no phone service. I’ve missed you every minute.

I didn’t respond. Let him stew until Monday. I didn’t like the feeling of being cast aside. While it might not have been Wade's intention. I had agreed to date him, kissed him and then he disappeared for a week. I spent a lot more time with Kaity. I worked during the day and spent my afternoons and evenings with Kait getting caught up in her new romance with Jace.

Chapter Six


Saturday morning Kaity banged on my door repeatedly... "Wake up bitch, it's my birthday!’’ Kaity squealed. I lay there with my eyes closed listening to Kaity rave on about pretty dresses and how she was planning on dragging Jace back home after her party and 'have her wicked way with him'. Great I had to remind myself to charge my speaker and find my headphones. I had missed this, looking forward to a girl’s night out. Besides my surprise birthday, I haven’t had a girl’s night out for nearly 4 years since before I met my husband, and he ruined my life. I was 27, I knew I was pretty, besides the jagged scar on my lower abdomen. I’ve been through hell. I smiled; I was doing this. I was going to put myself out there and have a ball tonight. I was suddenly full of butterflies and for the first time in such a long time, it was for all the right reasons. I would put Wade and all men out of my head and have some fun with my girls.

We joined about eight of Kaity’s friends along with Jace in a club. The Bouncers let us straight to the front of the line. The music was electric, the atmosphere was vibrant. I missed this! Being young, free and happy! We drank purple shots that made my head buzz. We were tearing up the dance floor. Kaity and I preferred to dance together, we ground our bodies together and swayed to the music. I noticed several interested glances were thrown our way. "I’m having such a good time. Thanks for making me come out!" Jace stepped into view putting his arms around both of us. "Excuse me ladies but if you don’t cut dancing together like that, I won’t be able to fight them off, you look hot, but my balls are turning blue and I’d really like to take the birthday girl home and give her present to her." I didn’t miss the subtle grind of his hips into Kaity. “One more song!" Kaity whined. We both laughed at her, I was so happy she was having fun. I decided to leave Jace to wrestle Kaity from the dance floor. I sat down in a booth and let her have her five minutes of fame.

Jace joined me shortly after. ''There's no dragging that woman from the dance floor before she's ready.'' We laughed together. I was engrossed in watching Kaity dancing with abandon on the dance floor when I felt eyes on me. I don’t know how to explain the feeling, but I just knew I was being watched. I scanned the room but couldn’t see anyone to make me feel that way. Jace must have noticed me. "Amber, you ok?" "I’ve had the weirdest feeling I’ve been watched for a while" I laughed it off. "Don’t mind me I’m just a sook." Jace sobered immediately "Amber, I don’t want you to be scared but there’s been a guy watching you all night, he seemed kind of intense, so I didn’t want to leave your side. Do you know him?" I spun in my seat panicking. A man was retreating through the crowd, all I could see was his powerful frame. I automatically thought of Wade, but this person was taller and wider by far.

This was it, my blood pounded in my ears, and I felt feint. How had I been so complacent, out partying when seven months ago I had barely escaped with my life? I edged out of my seat. "Be right back." I stumbled to the bathrooms, struggling to fight back tears. Why had I drunk so much? I couldn’t even walk properly. I slouched against the wall in line for the bathroom stall. So many thoughts rushed through my mind of the brutal ways I would be hurt or killed if he ever caught me. At least if tonight was the night I was going to be caught, id have a hell of a lot of alcohol in my system to dull some pain. Who was I kidding? I was so tired of being afraid, so tired of running. I missed my family and my friends. I wanted to curl up and die. Maybe death by my own hand was the better way. I slouched on the floor defeated. "Miss?" A very tall man stepped into view, he was hard and chiselled. He had dark circles around his eyes and tattoos up his arms. He screamed danger. I took in his appearance, my eyes darted around looking for any escape. "Miss, would you come with me please?" He took hold of my arm gently. I couldn’t breathe, my chest hurt. I hadn’t said a word, I couldn’t, I was shaky, I could barely move.

I blinked my eyes and felt a massive pain on the back of my scalp. I groaned. "Amber, are you ok!?" I shot up or attempted to. I was in the back of a limo with Jace and Kaity. I must have passed out. "Shh it's ok, you had a panic attack, we are on our way home you are safe I promise" Kaity hugged me tight. "There was a man Kait when I was in the bathroom line." "That would be my fault, I sent one of my staff to make sure you were ok after I saw you stagger to the bathroom. He is not a threat to you; he’s quite upset that he scared you." The voice came from the far corner of the limo, my stomach sank when I realised who it was... Wade, his aftershave alone was enough to make me recognise him, the smell my god, it was enough to make a woman want his babies. "Oh god, I’m so sorry" Kait glared at me. "Don’t be ridiculous Amber.’’ Wade snapped. I looked down at my heels trying to prevent the flush from forming in my cheeks. We sat in silence. “How did you know where I was Wade?” “I own the club, Amber” he snapped at me again. "A guy was watching you in the club Amber, you freaked out and had a panic attack, remember?’’ My stomach rolled. "Wade you have to let me out. You can’t lead them to my apartment!" I was panicking, clutching at the plush seats. "Please let me out” I cried as tears I tried to hold in spilled over.

He was immediately there in my space with his hands in my hair looking into my eyes "Amber, lead who to your apartment?" I looked into his eyes; I could tell he was trying to be calming but he was angry as well. "I’m sorry I can’t, please just let me out so my friends will be safe." I couldn’t look at anyone I was so ashamed, so miserable that I would have to run again. "Raul!" he growled through an intercom. "Sir", "Amber has a possible stalker, please ensure her home is safe and maintained that way. We also need to make sure we don’t have a tail” “Yes sir." I looked over at Kaity and Jace "I’m sorry" I whispered. "What the actual fuck Amber!" Kaity exploded “I’m so sorry Kait” “Is this about your ex you don’t talk about?” “If he finds me Kait…I’m so sorry.” I felt my body shaking. Kait pulled me into a tight hug. ''Its ok girl. He won’t find you.'' I didn’t argue knowing that he had many times.

I knew as soon as I spoke with the people who protected me that my dad’s men would pull me immediately, relocating me to some far away country. Kait pulled me into her arms, and we sat hugging for a while. "You know what girl, let’s go get some Maccas, then we can go home, and you can spill this shit and rely on your friends and people who care about you to help you.’’ ‘’Kait, I can’t.’’ ‘’You can, and you will.’’ Kait looked to Wade who was still keeping his distance from me. I didn’t know what he would think of me now. ‘’Let’s head to Maccas if you don’t mind suit man" "Raul, the closest McDonald’s please" "Yes sir."

We drove to the closest McDonald’s and Kait gorged herself. I was still feeling the effects of all the alcohol in my system, so I stayed outside. I knew if I ate a thing, I would be sick. Wade stayed by his limo having a heated conversation on his phone. I walked over not wanting to interrupt him but wanting to talk to him in private. I looked over my shoulder and could see Kaity through the glass. She was doing her thriller dance at 3 am in the morning in McDonald’s. I smiled; I was going to miss her terribly. I looked back over to Wade; he had put his phone away and was looking at me expectantly. "Umm, I wanted to say thank you. I'm so embarrassed." He just stared at me; fuck he was gorgeous. He stepped into my personal space. "I would do anything for you, Amber, most especially keep you safe.” I could feel his breath feathering along my neck. He brought a hand up to stroke my shoulder and then up to my cheek. Suddenly he pushed himself against me, completely against the limo. He stroked my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"What has you so terrified little kitten?" I stared back into his eyes; I could feel every taut muscle and ab pushing into my body. This man was dangerous to my senses, my heart rate increased, and I pushed my thighs together. Wade leaned forward and kissed me feather light on the side of my lips. As he pulled away from me, my body followed of its own accord. He leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Your apartment is safe, babe. My staff have cleared your apartment and the area and will stay to keep watch." The air left my lungs, "Thank you." ‘’You know when I first saw this dress and Kait put the idea in my head that someone else might peel you out of it…’s been the longest night of my life watching man after man dance with my woman. All of them hoped he would be the lucky guy she left with.

Then all this, some ex stalking you? What’s going on Amber?’’ “Wade I wish I could tell you but it’s better left alone.’’ ‘’Your ex you are scared of, right?’’ ‘’Yeah’’ ‘’Did he hurt you, Amber?’’ I answered honestly. ‘’Yes’’ ‘’You’re hiding from him?’’ ‘’Yes’’ ‘’And judging from all the stuff you said when we first met the guy is loaded?’’ Fuck, Wade had paid way too much attention. I nodded tears coming to my eyes. ‘’Amber, look at me.’’ I buried my face in Wade's perfect shirt. ‘’Sweetheart, this doesn’t change anything. You said you trust me, yeah?’’ I nodded in Wade's arms. ‘’Amber, I don’t care who your ex is, unless he’s the royal family he’s got nothing on me. I’m not being an ass, honey I’m being honest; you understand?’’ I looked into Wade's eyes. ‘’Baby I’m telling you that if anyone gives you trouble, hurts you, scares you, ill deal with it. I’ll look after you sweetheart.’’

I buried myself in Wade's shirt again. He couldn’t have any idea how dangerous Tom was. Wade was a good man; he wouldn’t be dirty like Tom. I wouldn’t risk Wade or anyone else getting tied up in my mess, so for now I complied and nodded. We left McDonald’s and headed home. As we pulled into the curb at our apartment building Kaity threw open her door to vomit. Jace followed after her to make sure she was ok without a backwards glace. I shivered at the thought of being left alone with Wade in my current state and after what I had revealed. I looked at him "Thank you, Wade, so much. I feel awful." He said nothing. He just took my hand and helped me from the limo, I expected him to leave me there, but he continued walking up the stairs, down the hall and to my front door.
