Page 8 of Incitement

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Istood at the curb watching the car pull away. I had the strongest urge to take her home myself and see to it that she actually rested and throw her over my knee when she disobeyed. Every time Amber said Goodbye I wondered if it was Goodbye orGoodbye. I'd crossed too many lines today; id made it obvious to any staff who weren’t already gossiping in the office of my interest in Amber. I knew even now there would be staff whispering in the hallways. I didn’t give a shit, but Amber would. It was a problem for later. No other woman had ever affected me so instantly. In the past few weeks, Amber had gotten completely under my skin. I was struggling with my temper around her because I was livid to see her so fragile and vulnerable. To see that someone had inflicted pain on her and terrified her. I was even more livid that we had zero information on her. I was going to have to get it all out of her myself. I frowned.

I thought back to when I had first agreed to buy the business. When Doug and I had made the deal, he insisted that Amber retain her position, he assured me she was a star employee, and I wouldn't regret it. I'd arrived this morning to make our announcements and to interview my new staff and had been asked to wait outside while people whispered and panicked shooting furtive glances at me.

At the mention of a doctor being called to treat a staff member, I'd had enough. I knew Doug and respected him, he shouldn't be hiding shit from me. I stormed into his office. I hadn't expected what was waiting for me on the other side. Amber was sprawled on the floor, her blond long tresses splayed around her. Doug stroked her hair affectionately. I caught the whispers of a hushed conversation ''Bad one this time, wish I knew what happened to our girl to make her have these damn panic attacks.'' I took it all in and openly stepped into the room. ''Doug, what the fuck is going on?'' I asked. Doug rushed over obviously distressed. ''Wade mate, apologies. I didn't want you to see this, I wanted to explain first before I threw you a curve ball.'' ''What the fuck are you talking about Doug?'' I demanded pointing to my woman on the floor. ''Wade, please mate, we have done business for years, I'll explain everything but please don't frighten her, she's been through a lot and an attitude like yours will scare the shit out of her.'' I didn't like this at all. We were disrupted by a groan, Ambers eyes started to flutter. Doug rushed over to her before I could, fluffing over her and moving her up to the couch. I had to hold back knowing I needed to get my temper under control before I went to her. I took in the scene, she was listening to Doug, her sharp gaze darting to me and back. I'd felt a sharp pang in my chest, I knew she was fucking beautiful, but those eyes got me every time, they were huge and crystal blue.

Her attention was back on Doug as I growled to Margery ''You will tell me everything you know about her at lunch leaving nothing out.'' A wince of pain disrupted us, and I looked over to see Amber stumbling around in pain in six-inch heels. I marched over and plucked her up, striding over and depositing her on the desk. I glanced at her foot, her ankle swelling and bruised. ''You rolled your ankle and possibly more when you fell, stay still and don't do anything stupid'' I grumbled. She had looked at me with fire in her eyes, ready to give me a serve no doubt. She stared at me, the insults not flowing as expected, I took the time to study her body. Long blonde tresses with a slight wave, decent-sized breasts that heaved as she took in a breath, a beautiful oval face with large pouty lips that begged to be kissed. I knew how it felt to kiss those lips. I hoped I hadn’t lost my opportunity to kiss them again. Margery had interrupted our silent assessment of each other, stepping in to hug Amber and whisper something to her. She responded by breaking down, tears streaming down her beautiful cheeks. The caveman in me wanted to tear them apart and whisk Amber away to kiss her tears away. A doctor bustled into the room then, fussing over and inspecting her ankle.

Margery and Doug came over to me, I huffed out a breath. ''I want to talk to her, Alone! Without your interference.'' They looked at each other and nodded knowing that it was all they would get from me. The doctor had announced her ankle rolled and bruised. She was to stay off it for Twenty-Four hours or so. I sent Margery and Doug out with the Dr and approached Amber. We had fought. I bunched my fists and took in a deep breath. Amber had a fire in her. I loved it, but she was driving me crazy. I hadn't been able to help myself I'd scooped her up personally, I liked the feel of her in my arms. I'd given my driver strict instructions to take her home and see to anything she needed.

A text message interrupted my memories.

Ms Porter dropped off safely sir.

I needed to get my thoughts straight on Amber, but first I had sixteen staff to interview and a meeting with Doug to get the finer details on Amber Porter.


I'd taken the Panadol given to me by Raul, Wade's driver, and passed out on the couch. I didn't know what time it was, but I was awoken by my phone ringing. I glanced at the clock, 4 pm. ''Hello,'' I answered tentatively. ''Baby'' a gruff voice responded. I was instantly choked up. ''Daddy’ I whispered. ''Hey baby, are you ok?'' ''I'm fine, what's wrong, why are you calling?'' ''We had an alert that a doctor had seen you today, what's going on, are you ok?'' I quickly filled him in on the day's events including Wade's purchase of the business and assured him I was ok. I may have neglected to mention my and Wade's relationship and Wade's unwavering interest, yet again. ''I’ll have Roger look into it honey, stay put and don't leave the apartment at all, ok.'' ''Sure dad, you know I'll do whatever you say'' ''OK, baby I have to go. I miss you, stay safe'' ''OK, love you daddy.'' I whispered. The line went dead.

I curled up on the lounge and fell back to sleep.

I woke to a loud knock on my door, my heart leapt in my chest. Thud thud thud again, I rolled off the couch unsure as to whether I should answer the door or not. Kait was staying at Jace's place, and I was alone. ''Amber?'' I was relieved to hear Wade but annoyed too. ''Go away Wade.'' ''Amber please, I just want to make sure you’re ok'' ''I’m fine, fuck off.'' ''Amber open the door. Let me explain!'' I stomped to the door swinging it wide. ''You’re a jerk, Wade! You knew you were going to be my boss ages ago. From the moment we met! And you never mentioned a word before we got involved!'' ''Babe, that doesn’t matter. I didn’t want it to change anything. It doesn’t change anything for me.'' ''Well, it changes everything for me Wade.'' I knew I was being petty, but I grasped at the straw given to me. My excuse to push Wade safely away.

I turned to stomp away, my ankle screaming at me. Wade scooped me up and took me to my room. ''Put me down!'' Wade gently placed me on my bed. ''Baby please don’t write us off. We haven’t even started. Give me a chance to make this ok.'' ''Go fuck yourself, Wade!'' ‘’You swear at me again Amber and ill spank your perfect little ass.’’ ‘’Touch me and ill punch you in the balls,’’ I growled. I rolled over and gave Wade my back. Wade got up, I thought to leave, but I heard rummaging in the kitchen before he came back and knelt in front of me. ''I brought you dinner and some pain killers.'' Wade held his hand out with two tablets and a glass of water. ‘’I’m guessing you don’t want to have dinner with me, so I’ll make sure you’re ok and I’ll sleep on the couch.'' ‘’You don’t need to stay. Go home. I don’t want you here.’’ ‘’I don’t care, I’m staying here to make sure you’re ok.’’ I took the tablets and rolled over. ''Forgive me, babe, please.'' ''You broke my trust, Wade.'' ''I never will again.'' ''You got all snappy and acted like a jerk!'' ''I’m fucking furious someone hurt you enough to give you panic attacks and make you terrified! I have trouble controlling my temper when it comes to that!'' I was momentarily silent. My heart clenched. I didn’t deserve this amazing man. But while all I wanted to do was relent and curl into his warm safe arms, I did the opposite. Because I had to. ''I don’t know what to think Wade. I need some space please.'' Wade pulled me into a fierce hug. ''I’ll give you space, but I’ll see you in the morning?'' Wade looked at me with pleading eyes. ''I’ll see you in the morning.''

I woke in the morning and stretched out. I felt like I hadn’t slept a wink. I heard the front door open and close and went to check if Wade was still here. There was a note on the kitchen bench.

I didn’t want to wake you, but I had to go into the office. I wouldn’t have left you If it could be helped. I’ll send my driver to pick you up later. You need to see what I’m doing, and what my plans are. I know you will be excited, baby. Please don’t write us off.

W xx

I wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t care what Wade demanded. I had a long hot bath and dressed in a simple pair of short denim shorts and a singlet. I washed all the windows in the apartment, cleaned all the floors and moved onto trying to clean ceiling fans. I was trying to keep myself busy until I heard from my dad. There was a knock on the door. ''Miss Porter, Ma'am are you home?'' I heard through the door. I froze, the voice familiar. ''Miss Porter its Raul here, are you home?'' I breathed out a sigh of relief, my body shaking a little. I padded to the door, peeked through the peep hole and responded. ''Hi Raul'' I shouted through the door. ''Miss Porter, I'm here to take you to work Ma'am.'' ''That's OK Raul, I won't be going to work today.'' ''Mr Doust instructed me to bring you to work today Ma'am.'' ''I'm sorry Raul but I won't be going in today.'' His smile disappeared as he pulled out his phone and spoke in a hushed tone. He turned back to the door and politely said ''Miss Porter Ma'am, Mr Doust insists that you come into the office, you also need to collect your car, that you left behind yesterday'' I sighed. ''I'll grab it later Raul I'm sure you both have more important things to be doing. I don't think I'll be taking any job offer from Mr Doust anyway, so it really doesn't matter.'' I heard him grumble and repeat what I had said, presumably to Wade.

The next thing I knew a mobile phone was slid under the door on loudspeaker. ''Amber, get fucking dressed and get your ass in my office, I don't have time for this shit!'' ''Excuse fucking me, who the hell do you think you're talking to! I'm not going anywhere, and I wouldn't work for you if I was homeless and starving!'' I shouted down the phone. His response was quiet and cold. ''If you aren't in my office within the hour Amber, I will come to you. If I have to come to you, you will go over my knee'' he whispered. Holy shit! ''Are you threatening me?'' ''No baby I'm promising you'' he replied. ‘’I’m not coming in. I quit.’’ I ended the call and kicked the phone back under the door. ''You'll drive him crazy disobeying him Miss Porter.'' ''Raul, I couldn't give a fuck how crazy he is.'' I kicked the door and winced, pain shooting through my ankle. I hobbled back to bed and pulled the comforter over my head.

I must have drifted off and I jumped when the front door slammed. I sat up in bed and Wade came to my door. ‘’How the hell did you get in here?’’ Wade smiled. ‘’Kait.’’ ‘’Fuck you Kait!’’ I shouted. ‘’Yeah, yeah, love you long time. See you love birds later; I’ve got to go out.’’ Kait shouted back. ‘’I’m not going anywhere Wade.’’ ‘’Yes, you are sweetheart.’’ Wade strode to the bed and lifted me like I weighed nothing throwing me over his shoulder and heading for the door. ‘’Wade, put me down! Now!’’ Wade ignored me striding to the elevator and entering. There were several of my neighbours inside. ‘’Wade, put me down you’re embarrassing me.’’ Wade patted my bum. ‘’Sorry, love.’’ ‘’Oh, Henry, isn’t that cute.’’ It was anything but cute. Wade exited the elevator and walked all through the lobby and out to his car only letting me down when he tucked me safely inside and followed me in. ‘’You asshole! How dare you do that to me! All those people were looking at me!’’ ‘’I don’t care what others think. I warned you, Amber. I told you I would come.’’ ‘’I am not going to the office. I’m not even dressed!’’ ‘’You had plenty of time.’’ ‘’If you think, after this, that I’ll ever give you a chance…’’

I was breathing too hard. For once there was no chance of a panic attack. I was livid. ‘’You need to be there for my announcements. You can go home after if you still want to.’’ ‘’What part of I quit didn’t you understand?’’ ‘’We’re here, are you walking on your own two feet or am I carrying you through the office too?’’ I glared at Wade. ‘’Argh! No! I’ll walk!’’ Wade grabbed my ankles and slid me to the edge of the car as he climbed out ready to throw me over his shoulder once again. We stood at the curb glaring at each other. ‘’You have two choices. I carry you in kicking and screaming, not giving a fuck who sees, and what they will say. And trust me on this Amber, I really don’t give a fuck. Option two. Walk in there beside me, hand in hand, with your head held high, sit your ass next to me while I address our staff, and listen to me for once in your fucking life!’’ ‘’Did you ever stop to think for one fucking second Wade that I can’t afford to make a scene? To be remembered by people? To be getting hauled around in public by you? What if someone reports it or takes a video? I can’t be on TV!’’ Wade stopped dead in his tracks. ‘’Then take my hand and come with me, baby. Ill protect you, I swear it.’’ ‘’You don’t even know what you are protecting me from.’’ ‘’If you tell me, I will.’’ I huffed out a breath. ‘’I can’t walk in there holding your hand. All the staff…’’ ‘’Already know. Already saw me kiss you on your birthday, already saw me carry you out yesterday. It doesn’t matter.’’ Blood pounded in my ears.

I took Wade’s hand. ‘’You don’t know what you have done.’’ I was going to have to call my dad’s men as soon as I was alone. I was going to have to leave right away. I complied with Wade and allowed him to tow me inside. I wouldn’t risk making a bigger scene. I didn't have time to think it through or react before Wade hauled me against him and dragged me off to Doug’s..his office. ''Let go of me you dick'' I growled as he closed the door behind me. He let go of me but invaded my space. ''What the hell is your problem?'' ''My problem is that I don't want to work for you, sir'' I added. ''I'll be collecting my things and leaving now'' I spun to leave but he held me in place, he searched my eyes. ''Why?'' He challenged. That was easy, ''Because you’re an overbearing ass'' I responded without hesitation. I don't know what I expected of him, but I didn't expect him to double over in a fit of laughter. I scowled at him; he was cute when he laughed. All traces of the douchebag were gone. I could really like this guy if he wasn't a royal dick some of the time.

I tried to stop it, but my lips pulled up at the corners. He finally stopped and smiled at me, he sobered. ''I'd like you to reconsider working with me, Amber. After interviewing each of your colleagues it's clear to me that you not only have their respect, but you are very good at your job. Regardless of my feelings for you and our relationship, I planned to offer you a role as my assistant initially. Jenny, my current assistant is due on maternity leave soon. During that time, you would learn about my business and the way I run things, and if all goes well, you would be offered the role of CEO. You would run this place and I would be freed up to maintain my other varied businesses checking in from time to time. You would have to report to the board, but you would be responsible for the day-to-day running of the business,'' he finished and assessed me. ''Of course, Doug also mentioned to me that you may wish to have no contact with media or any other social events. We would be more than happy to accommodate any wish you might have.'' ''Where does that fit with the kissing and dates? It won’t work we have already overstepped a line.” ''There's no fucking line, Amber, I want you. As far as I’m concerned it only gives me more time to spend with you and more time to appreciate your incredible talents. It doesn’t change anything with the kissing and dates. I still want them. I still want you, in and out of the office.''

I reminded myself of the reasons I had to say no. ''I can’t Wade. You’re a great guy when you’re not being obnoxious, but I can’t accept, in or out of the office.'' I did love my role and what he was offering would be challenging and exciting. But everything was going to shit. There was no possible way I could stay now. Even though my time with Wade out of the office had been pretty amazing, it was time to set everyone straight before I left. We weren’t ever going to be forever. Wade looked at me quizzically ''I'll pay you $150k'', I shrugged ''I'm flattered really, and I love my job but no.’’ ''$200k'' ''Really Wade I don't need the money, I appreciate the off...'' He cut me off, ''$300k.'' I looked sharply at Wade, ''That's absolutely ridiculous and you know it.'' Wade smirked, ''should I offer $400k?'' I was stunned. ''I'm not financially motivated Wade, I can't, I can't really explain, but I just can't take your offer.'' Wade was angry, so incredibly sexy too. ''The staff are very nervous about the change would you not at least see your friends through this?'' ‘’No.’’ Wade went to the window running his hands through his hair. ‘’Give me one week to change your mind. Work with me for one week. If you still say no, ill leave you be.’’ ‘’No.’’ ‘’Fuck Amber! Fine, don’t work for me. But you and me, we have unfinished business.’’ Wade stalked toward me slowly and I stepped back until my back was against the door. ‘’You. Are. Still. Mine.’’ ‘’No’’ I whispered. Wade bent his head kissing my neck and working his way along my jaw. He lifted me slamming me against the door and took my mouth with his. My body felt like it was on fire. All that mattered was Wade. I melted in his arms. I had no control here. Wade was so right. I was his. This was so dangerous.

It had been nearly a year and a half since I'd been with a man. I didn't know whether it was that or Wade, that was affecting me so badly. Wade held my hands above my head and stopped kissing me. He leaned back to look into my eyes and look over my body. My breasts reacted, and my nipples were probably visible through the thin material of my top. My breathing accelerated, and I willed my vagina to wake the fuck up and stop lusting after his man. He licked his lips. ‘’Tomorrow. Just give me tomorrow. Come with me to the office tomorrow and I’ll never ask another day from you.’’ I relented. ‘’Just tomorrow. That’s it.’’ Wade rested his forehead against mine. ''Can I come over tonight?'' ‘’I don’t think that’s a good idea.’’ Wade pressed himself against me. I was still wrapped around him, pressed to the wall. I tightened my grip on his biceps as I felt him press against me, right there. ‘’It’s a great idea sweetheart.’’ ‘’No, it’s not.’’ ‘’Fucks sake Amber why do you insist on making me crazy.’’ ‘’I don’t, I’m protecting us both.’’ ‘’From your dickhead ex?’’ ‘’Partly’’ ‘’Sweetheart you think you’re going to protect me from your ex? Really?’’ ‘’If staying away from you keeps you out of the firing line then yes.’’ Wade kissed my forehead and pulled me over to the couch. ‘’You said you trust me, yeah baby? So, listen and don’t run off before I finish.’’ I allowed Wade to sit me on his lap wrapping his arms around me and holding me in place. In another world, this would have been the safest most content place in the world for me. ‘’So, you think you dated the big bad wolf and there is no bigger wolf out there to go against your ex?’’ I smiled at his explanation. It was silly but true. ‘’Don’t forget who I am Amber, you trust me. I promised I would always protect you…you give me the name and I swear he won’t breathe another hour.’’

My world spun but I stayed silent. Wade spun me in his lap. ‘’Baby stop panicking, I see it in you now. I am who you know me to be. But, I know for a fact there are about 4 people in the world who can match my wealth, and unless you’re a Saudi Arabian princess, I know you aren’t connected to any of them. I’m not a bad man Amber, but you don’t get to my position in life without being pushed to protect yourself and your people. I fight a clean game, but I fight dirty when I need to. You only need to tell me your secrets and you will always be protected.’’ ‘’No Wade, I can’t tell you.’’ ‘’I just want you to know the offer is there baby. I'll fix this for you. Make it so you don’t look over your shoulder anymore.’’ I pressed myself into Wade's chest and buried my face in his neck. ‘’I should go.’’ ‘’Stay with me? You can stay here. You don’t have to see anyone. It calms me to have you with me.’’ ‘’I need to clear my head and work out why the fuck I attract psychopaths.’’

Wade pulled me back to him. ‘’I told you that to put you at ease, Amber, you don’t need to protect me. Not to scare you. I would never ever hurt you or control you.’’ ‘’Ok Wade, one question. If I disappeared tomorrow and I made perfectly clear I never wanted to speak to you again, would you try to find me?’’ ‘’I would tear apart every country on earth Amber.’’ ‘’Exactly.’’ Wade pulled me back into his arms. ‘’If you said you never wanted to see me again, and you meant it. So long as I knew you were safe, I would leave you be. But I couldn’t live the rest of my days knowing you were scared and not knowing if you were safe. Hate me or don’t, but I care for you Amber and I will worry about your safety whether you like it or not.’’ Tears leaked out, I was so screwed. Wade couldn’t do this. ''Oops sorry,'' Wade stood and allowed me to step back as a woman entered the office. Warmth came to his eyes as he smiled wholeheartedly, ''Tam, come here.'' He pulled a woman into his arms and held her tightly.

Sparks of jealousy flooded my stomach, great. ''Amber, this is Tammy, my baby sister. Tammy, Amber.'' A beautiful blonde turned to face me, she had a short pixie cut, kind eyes and the body and grace of a dancer. ''Hey,'' I smiled. She smiled tentatively back at me. ‘’I have heard so much about you, Wade was right! Your eyes are really pretty!’’ ‘’Thanks sis’’ ‘’Um, thanks. I was just leaving; I’ll see you around.’’ ‘’Don’t leave baby.’’ ‘’Maybe you could help me, Amber? I have to get some packs ready for the staff and a new project Wade is announcing tomorrow. We could hang out here. Just us girls. Wade has meetings. Don’t you Wade?’’ Wade and Tammy stared at each other. ‘’Sure, I’ll give you a hand.’’ If I could get Wade to leave me alone, I might be able to get away from him. Tammy smiled at me. Wade held my hand before pulling me forward and kissing me gently. ‘’I’ll take you home after a couple of meetings.’’ ‘’Ok.’’

I worked with Tammy, preparing brochures, maps and documents and preparing a file for each of the staff. I looked over and realised that Wade had purchased a huge parcel of waterfront land. He was looking to develop a master-planned community. It would be really exciting to work on it, but I stood by my decision and put a lid on my excitement. Tammy talked excitedly to me about how she was a part of every new acquisition for Wade. She got to work hands-on to settle all the staff and she was a stylist, so she helped to provide a full corporate wardrobe for all staff, above and beyond their wages. I had to admit it was impressive that he cared for his staff so well. After a few hours, Wade came to check in on us. ‘’Amber.’’ I had been sitting on the floor with my legs crossed laughing with Tammy. I stood, and Wade crossed the room. ‘’I’ve got a problem. I’ve got to go out. Do you want me to drop you home, or do you want to come with me?’’ ‘’I should pick up my car actually.’’ ‘’I’ve already had her dropped home. Come, I’ll take you home too.’’ ‘’Bye Tam, it was so good to meet you.’’ Tammy smiled at me. ‘’You too.’’

