Page 9 of Incitement

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I leaned back in the crappy leather chair that Doug had used at his desk. The new fit-out would start tomorrow and run through to Monday. I had a million matters to attend to, but I couldn't get Amber out of my mind. I picked up my phone and dialled Joel. ''Tell me what you found'' I asked. ''I'm five minutes away boss, you will want to see this in person.'' I disconnected the call and paced the room. Why the fuck did it have to be complicated? I'd spent the night looking through Amber’s submissions, plans and work. I spoke at length with Doug and then with the rest of the staff. I knew her work was one hundred per cent perfect. She was amazing both in and out of the office.

Joel entered my office a few minutes later and took a seat. He launched straight into it. ''She lives in a two-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor. Fairly tight security, doorman, CCTV that kind of thing.’’ ‘’I know this shit, Joel.’’ ‘’It was rented just over 6 months ago. One lump sum payment made for 5 years in advance rent. The account is untraceable. They all know she's the rightful tenant but when I did some digging, I couldn't find any paperwork on it, no lease no nothing. That's when I noticed this.'' He brought his laptop to me, a series of coding flashing across the screen. ''Someone's tracking her, did you trigger their alert?'' ''No, I found it in time. I've had to be careful though to make sure I don't trigger anything else. Something is definitely off, Wade. Her salary is deposited directly to a women's refuge. They don't know anything about her, where or why the money comes. There are no bank accounts in her name. Get this, you know how a doctor saw her yesterday? There's no record of it, almost like every trace is wiped clear of her before it can be seen. The are no phone accounts or connections but I know she has a phone I've seen it myself.''

I took his all in. ''Witness protection?'' I asked. ''Nope, there are no cops on it. It's two options mate. She's either really dirty and really dangerous, or someone really high up is hiding her.'' I had gathered this. I needed to find out who was hiding her. Whoever she was, I knew Amber wasn’t dangerous. ''Joel, see what else you can learn without triggering anything and letting on that we are looking into her.''


Wade had dropped me home and headed to a meeting promising to come back as soon as he had a problem sorted. I sat on the floor of my bedroom. I’d had to down a bunch of anxiety pills to calm myself. I’d had to tell my dad’s men. Id admitted to having a relationship with Wade. That he wasn’t going to back off easily and I was worried he would track me. They weren’t even angry with me, but I knew they would have been disappointed. Dad hadn’t been available to talk to, but I knew they would relay everything to him. They had told me to go to work tomorrow as I had promised. We couldn’t afford Wade carting me around over his shoulder again. They would call me tomorrow. This was it though, I knew it. It would only be a day or so before they picked me up.

There was a knock on the door. I knew it was Wade without checking. I padded to the door and opened it. Wade pulled me into his arms kissing my neck. ‘’Why is it that three hours without you seems like months?’’ I clung to Wade feeling conflicted. Wade had bought Chinese and we sat on the floor in the loungeroom eating and watching crap Tv. I was snuggled into Wade's chest. ‘’Your too quiet.’’ ‘’I’m just relaxing.’’ ‘’You're too pliant. You aren’t fighting me or arguing with me.’’ I shrugged. ‘’I threw you over my shoulder and made you come into the office.’’ I shrugged again. Wade made me sit up and looked into my eyes. ‘’What’s going on?’’ ‘’Nothing.’’ ‘’Amber, I will find out.’’ ‘’There’s nothing wrong. I’m tired of fighting with you. I just want to relax and enjoy time with you.’’ Wade stared me down. I stood. ‘’I’m tired.’’ My stomach was doing flips.

Did I want to sleep with Wade before I left? I desperately wanted to be with him, but I was terrified of his possessiveness. He would never let me go after that, after giving myself to him. I was so conflicted. I dreaded hurting this man. How would he feel when he realised I was gone? He was smart enough to know I wasn’t coming back. He would be hurt and upset. Part of me wanted to give him something to hold onto, to remember me. But I know Wade. I couldn’t complicate this any more than it was. Wade stood seeming to understand my inner struggle. ‘’Let me hold you tonight.’’ I nodded. I slipped into the bathroom to get dressed. I couldn’t have Wade checking out my scars, and I swallowed some more anxiety meds. When I let myself back into my bedroom Wade was in his boxers, no shirt and turning down the covers. My heart was beating through my chest. ‘’Climb in baby.’’ I came over and climbed into bed watching as Wade turned out the light and climbed in the other side. I felt like a teenager about to experience sex for the first time. Wade pulled me into his arms. ‘’I don’t like it when you are quiet. At least when you’re screaming at me I know what you’re thinking.’’ I smiled. ‘’I’m thinking wow, look at his chest. Those abs. How the hell did he get muscles there.’’ Wade laughed and pulled me closer. ‘’Go to sleep, beautiful.’’ I didn’t think I could sleep a second but surprisingly I slept soundly in Wade's arms.

I woke up the following morning early and rolled over to see Wade had been watching me while I slept. ‘’Hey.’’ I whispered. ‘’Morning Beautiful.’’ Wade pulled me on top of him kissing me like he couldn’t get enough. His abs and chest were pushed against me, and I ran my fingers up his chest. I loved his chest. Wade groaned and pulled me closer while he kissed me ravenously, not giving me time to breathe. I felt him push his erection against me and without thinking I ground down on him seeking relief from the pressure building. I wasn’t thinking, I was only feeling Wade's hands everywhere. His fingers slipped inside my underwear and I felt him seek my entrance. I pushed into him and groaned. ‘’God, you are so wet, baby.’’ I didn’t answer. I couldn’t form a sentence. Wade's fingers slid to my clit rolling the sensitive nub.

But that wasn’t where I needed him. I needed him to fill me. I pressed myself to Wade harder seeking his hardness. I felt Wade's erection through his boxers and stroked him. He sucked in a breath and plunged two fingers into me. ‘’Oh god Wade, please.’’ Wade pulled my hand away and turned me over. My back to his chest as he continues to move his fingers. ‘’Do you want this baby?’’ ‘’Please!’’ I begged. All my thoughts of caution were out the window. All that mattered was that Wade make love to me. Now! I stilled as I felt Wade nudge my entrance. He slid his dick around my entrance. I was soaking wet, and he moved through my folds with ease. Wade palmed my breast through my satin nighty. ‘’Tell me you want me.’’ ‘’I want you Wade.’’ Wade poised his dick at my entrance and slid inside just a tiny bit. We both groaned.

I tried to move back, to take him inside me fully but Wade held me still. ‘’Tell me you want me.’’ He demanded again. ‘’I need you, Wade.’’ ‘’Only me Amber, this is my pussy now. He sunk slightly further inside me, and I felt his huge thickness as my body stretched. Wade was huge. I felt my pussy start to tighten. I couldn’t come already!? Wade felt so different. He slid a tiny bit more inside me. I moaned at the fullness. ‘’Oh my god babe. You. Are. So. Fucking. Tight. Am I hurting you?’’ ‘’Wade, please, fuck me.’’ Wade sunk into me further and my eyes flew open. ‘’Oh my god!’’ ‘’Shh baby, are you ok?’’ ‘’Wade please!’’ I begged, needing him to move, desperately needing the friction. It would take me nothing to be tipped over the edge. ‘’Honey you are so tight, I’m not even halfway inside you. I don’t want to hurt you.’’ My eyes widened. Wade was so big. Wade's fingers slipped to my wetness, and he rolled my clit. ‘’Oh god, you will make me cum.’’ Wade pulled out of me and rolled me on my back. ‘’No, what are you...’’ ‘’Shh baby.’’ Wade held my hands over my head and came over me nudging my thighs further apart. He kissed my neck as he slowly sunk into me again. ‘’My beautiful girl.’’ He whispered. Wade found my clit again with his fingers and I spasmed. ‘’Oh god.’’ He continued his torture playing with my clit and slowly moving just the tip of his cock. ‘’Wade!’’ I begged. He rimmed around the edge of my pussy and back to my clit and my body exploded.

I came hard as my body squeezed him and my eyes flew back open as Wade pushed all the way inside me. Deeper than I knew was possible. He held still, I could see the strain in his neck. ‘’You are so fucking beautiful when you come. It’s so hard to hold still when your pussy squeezes me like that.’’ Wade was all the way inside me now. I was dripping wet. He kissed my neck as he inched all the way out and slammed back into me again. I screamed. ‘’Oh god! Wade!’’ There was a bang of a door. ‘’Amber you here?’’ Fuck Kait was home. She knocked on the door. ‘’Amber, I really need you. I’m freaking out!’’ I watched as Wade pulled out slowly. ‘’Just a sec babe, I slept in.’’ Amber turned the handle and opened the door as Wade stood and pulled his boxers back on. ‘’Oh my god! I’m so sorry!’’ Kait’s eyes bugged and she closed the door again. ‘’I didn’t realise you had company, I’m sorry!’’ Kait yelled from behind the door. ‘’It's fine. Give me a sec.’’ I climbed out of bed and Wade came to me pull me in for a kiss. ‘’We aren’t done. I can’t wait to sink into you and fuck you until you scream my name.’’ My breathing hitched. ‘’Don’t you have work today?’’ I whispered. ‘’Yes, you’re coming with me. It won’t save you, baby. I’ll have you over my desk if I feel like it.’’ My stomach erupted in butterflies. ‘’I better check on Kait.’’ ‘’I’ll be in the shower.’’

I entered the loungeroom to find Kait on the lounge a look of panic in her eyes. ‘’I think I’m pregnant’’ she blurted. ‘’Wow, ok. Did you do a test?’’ ‘’No, I, I bought one, but I can’t do it by myself.’’ ‘’It's ok, we will deal with this. You go do it and come back we will check it together. It's ok, girl. I’m with you.’’ I hugged Kait and she disappeared into the toilet coming out a minute later. I took the test and stood with her waiting to see if the blue line would appear. ‘’Uh, I don’t think it works that quick baby.’’ Kait and I jumped. ‘’Not me dumbhead. Kait. Go away.’’ Wade's eyebrows shot up, but he went back to my room. ‘’Kait, nothing’s happening. I don’t think it’s positive.’’ We both blew out a breath. ‘’You should go to the doctor just to be sure. How late are you?’’ ‘’Three days.’’ ‘’It could be nothing. Go to a Doctor to be sure though, ok?’’ Kait blew out a breath. ‘’Yeah, ok, Fuck I was freaking out for a minute.’’ We both laughed, and I went back into my bedroom. Wade was sitting on the bed dressed in one of his immaculate suits. He stood when I entered pulling me back into his arms. ‘’I hate her.’’ I laughed. ‘’We have to go to the office anyway. Announcements, remember?’’ Wade smiled. ‘’Wear that purple dress. I’ve dreamed of ripping you out of it since I saw you in it the first time.’’ I smiled and let myself into the bathroom to shower.

Chapter Eight


Iwas more than a little nervous, smoothing out my purple shift dress. I applied minimal makeup and brushed my hair out which surprisingly complied today and hung straight. My heart fluttered in my chest I felt like I was on my way to a first date, not work. I sucked up my courage and left my room. Wade smiled a brilliant smile. ‘’Why are you so happy?’’ ‘’I can’t believe your mine.’’ My stomach flipped. ‘’How about I drive today?’’ Wade laughed at me. ‘’Sure honey.’’ We left the apartment to make our way to work. We approached Wade’s office to see Tanya sitting at her usual place in the reception area. I quickly shook Wade’s hand off, but he wouldn’t relent and pulled me in to wrap his arm around me. Tanya smiled at me tentatively. Wade finally let me go and entered his office leaving the door open. I went to Tanya to pull her into a hug. ''Tanya I'm so glad you’re here.'' ''Me too, he seems like a nice guy though, right? Oh God, I’m so silly. Of course, he is if you are dating him.'' I swallowed.

Crap. Wade was right. They all knew. ''Very Tanya, he's incredibly intelligent, he will take this company further than we ever thought possible. It's very exciting to be a part of it.'' I smiled at Tanya trying to convince myself of what I had told her, and she smiled brightly back at me obviously reassured. ‘’Amber.’’ Wade interrupted us. ‘’I need you in here a moment.’’ I went to him not looking back at the other staff starting to arrive and what everyone must be thinking. I followed him into his office, and he shut the door firmly behind us. I stood waiting for him to talk. He said nothing and just stared at me. ''Wade'' I whispered, he shot forward in an instant, closing the space between us and pulling me into his arms, I gasped as he meshed our bodies together and kissed me earnestly. When he finally stepped back, I took a deep breath and steadied myself. Wade walked over to his desk and shrugged on his jacket and gestured for me to come over as well. ''I wanted to start with a bang Amber, give everyone a project to sink themselves into and make everyone comfortable. I want to see each staff member at the top of their game. He smiled at me and slid site plans across the desk. As I had expected he had all the information together to start developing a waterfront community. I smiled at Wade. ‘’This is going to be amazing.’’ He nodded amused.

''Today I will address all the staff, make them aware of our plans and get everyone to sink their teeth into this project. You will see quickly I'm not your average boss Amber.'' With that, he turned and urged me out the door ahead of him. ''Tanya, would you mind having everyone meet us in the conference room please?'' ''Absolutely Mr Doust.'' Wade snagged my hand and marched me down the hall and to the conference room. He spread copies of the plans along the main desk and turned to me in excitement. I was taken by his funny boyish smile. He was really excited. If he kissed me now, I'd have no objections, in fact, my underwear was obviously wet and my body tingling with excitement just looking at him. He went to the end of the table and held a chair out beside the head of the table, tentatively I complied and sat, excitement building in my chest. Tammy bounded through the doors and skipped to my side. ''Ohmigod I’m so excited'' she squealed. ''I love this part!'' She came over to squeeze me. ‘’I love her by the way Wade, I want to keep her!'' She said all this with her arms still squeezing the life out of me. Wade let out a guttural laugh, I had no idea what to make of them. They were crazy. ‘I'll be keeping her, don't worry'' he grated out.

All the rest of the staff tentatively started entering taking place around the table. When everyone was seated Wade stood. ''As each of you knows I am Wade Doust new owner of this company and your new boss. This company will be re-branded and join Wade Enterprises and as such, the office will undergo one point four million dollars in renovations.'' Wow, there were stunned smiles of approval all around. ''That's not all. As you will note, not all of you are here. Three of the previous staff where not competent or appropriate staff to work within my company. I don't want to dishearten you. If you are here, you have performed well, and I hope you will continue to do so. I expect that you will all work hard during your work hours, and we will all make some good money doing it. This brings me to my next point. As you have already experienced, I look after my staff well. You have all been provided with an annual clothing budget. If you have not already utilised this, you can speak to Tammy here after our meeting. I believe whole heartedly that the best investment you can make is people. My staff are all provided with a comprehensive healthcare plan for themselves and their families, above and beyond their wages. I also award staff serving for longer than 12 months, an extra two weeks of paid holidays per year. You will also receive discounts at all resorts which are a part of Wade Enterprises worldwide.'' I think my jaw dropped to the ground. I was in awe of this amazing man providing and caring for his staff. I looked around the room and found I wasn't the only person in shock. A few of the women had started to cry.

''In addition to that, I feel that the best team is a strong cohesive team who work together well. On the last Friday of every month, we do team bonding. You will be required to participate in a wide variety of activities from go-karting and laser tag to scavenger hunts and more. Nothing's off the table. They are designed as a fun day out but also to encourage you to make friendships and work together. A few more things, my HR manager Linda, will be in contact with you all in relation to your contracts. Nobody will be offered less than your current wage. Secondly, I have a new project for you. I'd like you all to workshop today, plan it together, and utilise the resources given to you. I want you to drive this as a team, show me what you can do.'' He used a remote to flick on the projection screens. ''As you can see this land here is prime waterfront real estate. I have just acquired this land and I want you to plan, develop, market and sell a master-planned community.'' Slides continued to flick across the screen. Pictures of families, water parks, pools, shopping precincts, marinas and more. I was dazzled ''You need to be thinking about everything from block sizes to covenants, to pricing. It's all in your hands. I have plans and a pack for each of you outlining the requirements I have. After that, it's all on you. I'm so excited to see what you can all can do. I for one, hope that we can make Doug proud, and assure him that what he built will not be torn apart or fail. Let's shoot for the stars people!''

On that note, the room burst into applause. I excitedly joined in. That five-minute speech changed my whole perspective on Wade. He was wow. Staff were clapping excitedly looking at plans and going through their packs. There were smiles and excited whispers everywhere. Wade looked like an excited schoolboy, you could tell he was incredibly passionate. He clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. ''People, I have lunch platters being delivered shortly. Please take your time to read through your plans, get your head around the project, and re-convene in an hour to start brain storming.'' Again, the room erupted in applause. Wade came to me and held out his hand pulling me out of my seat. He towed me out of the boardroom with Tammy following. And as he left the room people thanked him, Tanya even pulled him into a bear hug, and more than a few women shot him suggestive looks.


I was on a roll. The staff had lapped it all up, a few had cried. Amber looked stunned. I knew she was excited about the project, even if she flat-out refused to work on it with me. Id work on that later. She looked beautiful today. I've had to wrestle my inner caveman back and stop myself from throwing her over my shoulder and dragging her into my office to claim her as mine. I knew now what it felt like to sink into her tight body and my cock thickened at the thought of finishing what we had started. My body screamed she was mine. I had no idea why she made me react this way. But if life has taught me anything it's to go with the flow, and not fight what destiny puts in front of you. I wanted Amber no doubts about it. I had never dated a staff member before, and it probably wasn't a good idea to start now but I wasn’t going to fight this. Fuck, I'd had a hard-on since I met her. I was frustrated with myself for not throwing Amber on the bed, and taking her the day she dressed in front of me. I was never going to get that red G string out of my head. I needed to double my efforts to dig into her past. Whatever she was hiding from I could help her. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I wasn’t going to give Amber the chance to walk away from us. If she thought I was persistent before, she had seen nothing yet. I shot a quick text to my sister.

Movies 2nite? Her reply was quick.

OMG yes! What are we watching? X

Whatever you want. Bring a friend if you want. Amber?

Smooth Wade………….


If you want to get laid you don't need me tagging along.

I'm more likely to get laid if you make it a group thing ;)

Lucky I love u x
