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“I am going to swim, and then take a cold shower,” I say after helping to pack the dishwasher.

“You can’t swim. You just ate. You’ll get a cramp.”

“Mom, you do know that’s an old wives tale. There’s no truth to it all, and you lied to me my entire childhood. I am going to swim. It’s hot as all hell.” She huffs a breath, and I know she’s thinking about it, but joining me would mean admitting you won’t get a cramp and die if you swim straight after dinner.

“Suit yourself,” she says. “I bought ice cream if you want some later on.” I hug her and go pull on my swimsuit. I know I won’t sleep if I don’t cool off, and I need to be rested for my interview tomorrow.

Even the pool water is lukewarm, but it cools me enough that I don’t feel gross, and after floating in the water looking at the stars, I eventually drag myself out of the refreshing water so I can get to bed at a decent hour. I know it’ll be hard to sleep because I am excited and nervous to interview for a new job.

* * *

My previous family was wealthy. All the agencies’ clients are. It’s how they afford nannies with teaching degrees. But this home—I think I have crossed over from rich to crazy rich. Nova and Lance live in a penthouse. It’s an entire floor of one of the most expensive developments in Vegas. I have read about it in the headlines, and there was a big to-do when it opened.

“Hi,” Nova says, seeing me standing in the foyer waiting. “Are you the next nanny lady?” he asks me, sizing me up. I knew I wouldn’t be the only candidate. Nathan always gives the family options.

“Hi, yes. I am Sienna. You must be Nova.” I greet him. “Your dad asked me to wait until he is done with a call,” I say, and he frowns.

“You can sit down, you know. You don’t need to stand here by the door. It’s weird.” I like him already, and we only just met. “There’s a sofa here.” He points to a large living area, and I follow him to sit down.

“Thank you,” I say, sitting on the leather sofa. “It is a bit weird to just stand there.” He smiles at me and then sits down opposite me. His mop of unruly blond hair and big blue eyes are striking, and he has dimples when he smiles.

“You are prettier than the other lady was,” he comments. “And less weird. She wouldn’t sit.” I watch his facial expressions. He didn’t like whoever came before me. “She looked like a troll, and I think she’ll make me eat cabbage every day.” I laugh. Children have a way of picturing how things will be that is so pure.

“You don’t like cabbage, then?” I ask him.

“Do you?” He pulls up his nose and shakes his head. “I don’t mind vegetables, but not cabbage. It makes you fart, did you know that?” He’s a typical boy, and I can’t help but laugh.

“No, I don’t like cabbage. There’s better veggies out there.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” He sighs and collapses back on the sofa. “Can you play Fortnite?” he asks me his next most important question.

“I can, but I am not very good at it,” I say. “I am great at soccer. I even played for my university, though, so we have that in common.” His activities were listed in the file. “And you can teach me Fortnite if I come to work here.” Nova is thinking things over, coming up with his next question for me, when Lance walks into the room. He’s tall, and has the same thick blond hair as Nova, and striking blue eyes a shade darker than his son’s. His hands are in the pockets of his charcoal gray suit pants, and he’s wearing a dazzling smile when he sees Nova chatting with me.

“I see the interview started without me.” He smiles and sits next to his son. “So what’s the cabbage situation?” he asks Nova. This is obviously a deciding factor for him.

“She passes, and she was a soccer player, so I think she’s cool. Not like the troll lady. Sienna doesn’t smell funky either.” I love the lack of brain-mouth filter. He says exactly what he thinks. Kids have less troubles because they can do that.

“Nova,” he says, covering his mouth jokingly. “Hi, I am Lance. Sorry I was busy when you arrived. This is Nova, and he has cleared up that you don’t like cabbage, which is very important.” I smile at the boy next to him, and nod. “You know this is a live-in situation, and only for three months until we move to New York?”

“Yes, I have gone over your file. I also know he’s in a summer school program.” Nova groans. “I have my teaching degree, and can facilitate his lessons, assessments and activities, so that’s no problem at all.” Lance listens intently and waits for me to finish before asking his next question.

“My work is hybrid. I am here sometimes, and in the office other times. My schedule can change from one minute to the next, so we would have to navigate your day off on a weekly basis. Is that a problem?” he asks, and I shake my head.

“I didn’t have an off day with my last family, so that really won’t be an issue. I am here if you need me and make myself scarce when you don’t,” I speak.

“Can you cook and take care of some of the day-to-day tasks like groceries and arranging for the cleaners to come in and out?” he asks, making eye contact with me. Lance is strikingly handsome for a man his age, and for just a beat, I forget I am supposed to answer him.

“I can cook. I actually really enjoy it. And I am happy to help with anything that you need me to manage. Groceries and managing the home schedule is not an issue.” It’s usually just part of the job. No one even asks. It is expected.

“Do you have a valid driver’s license?” he asks. “I will need you to get him to and from activities, birthday parties, and play dates.”

“I have a license, and a reliable car,” I say, and he cuts me off.

“No, I have a car for you to use. As long as you have a license and can drive.” I’ve not heard that before, but he obviously has his reasons. “It’s got a tracker in it, and it’s n-cap five star rated. I have standards for the safety of my son.” So, there it is. They all have it. The crazy parent streak. It’s easy if you know what it is to navigate around it.

“That’s okay, too. I don’t mind.” He nods and looks at Nova.

“Anything else you want to ask Sienna?” He allows his son a chance to be a part of this decision, something I respect him for.
