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“Because I am not allowed to ask any questions of a patron, and they are not allowed to ask me, so I have already broken about six of the protocols. You seem to need a male to practice social behaviours on, and I am willing to be that subject.” He smiled slowly.

She blinked. “I...”

Amadine’s voice sang out, “Say yes! Experiment on him!”

Chapter Three

Ondine jumped clear off the couch and looked toward Amadine’s room. Her sister was leaning in the doorway. “Come on. I finally found one that doesn’t short out your senses. That has to be good, right? You were even able to read while he sat next to you, so you felt safe, right?”

Ondine felt her face heat. “Amy! You did this for me?”

“Your body still cycles even if it doesn’t produce anything. You have needs, sis. Eventually, you are going to have to address them, so I have been hunting for a suitable partner for you.” She beamed. “I found one. He knows how to move snow around, and he can cook! He plays boardgames and likes the fires and quiet nights.”

Ondine was afraid to look at Geero, but when she glanced over, he was reading her book with calm focus.

She walked over to her sister in the cartoon pyjamas and hissed, “He worked for the BDC. He came here because you requested him.”

“I know. But if you ask him to come back and he does, since he isn’t working for the BDC anymore, it means he is here for you.” Amadine prodded her in the middle of her chest, and her nail made atinksound. “Onny, what happened?”

“It was just a blast to the chest that damaged my sternum. It is growing back.”

Amadine frowned. “Show me.”

Ondine sighed at that tone. She knew it personally. She pried the suit open and showed Amadine her breast and sternum. Liquid silver had replaced and repaired the damage. She inhaled and exhaled. “See? Breathing easy.”

Amadine frowned. “You take too many risks.”

“I am a big fucking target.”

Amadine chuckled. “I am going back to bed, and I am going to be in here all night. Just saying. If you get called, wake me up.”

“Yes, precious.”

Ondine kissed her sister’s forehead and sent her back to bed. The current decorating scheme had her emotional development in the teenage range.

Amadine climbed back into bed. “I am getting there. Give me another few years. Your daughter will be about three before I am ready to start dating.”

Ondine sighed. “Fine. Take your time, and do it at your own pace. No rush.”

She smiled. “I am going to check on the snow.”

Amadine nodded as she tucked herself in with a bright smile. “Night!”

Ondine closed the door and chuckled then headed for the window. She looked out at the thick flakes coming down and smiled. She swung the window open and lifted her face to the falling snow. The tiny, cold kisses on her cheeks made her smile, even if she couldn’t feel them on the metal part of her face. She opened her mouth and caught snowflakes on her tongue.

“You are good at that. Most folks exhale while they are trying to catch the flakes.”

She opened her eyes, and Geero was standing next to her. “I have been practicing.”

He smiled down at her. “You don’t have feeling in the metal skin?”

“No. Not here. I can activate sensors when I need to, but I don’t bother at home.” She realized what he meant in a rush, and she sealed her suit.

“How much of you is damaged? I heard you mention it to Amadine.”

She shrugged. “Right now, twenty percent of me is damaged. It will heal in a few months.”

“Can you use one of the healers?” He was being polite and not aggressive, so she answered him.
