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“No. My frequency doesn’t play well with others. I could probably go to Khytten now, but it isn’t needed.”

“You have met Khytten?”

“I have met Salat. He mentioned Khytten could probably help, but he didn’t know what you have already found out. I know that her interests are flexible, but mine are fixed.” She shrugged.

“I believe that she can produce a sample with minimal contact.”

“That isn’t what Dr. Torenne said. She said the Khytten has to kiss me.”

“Would that be so bad?” He frowned. “It’s just a kiss.”

She opened and closed her mouth then closed the window. “It really isn’t.”

Geero followed her back to the couch. “It doesn’t hurt and won’t make you inclined for females if that is your worry.”

She thudded to the couch and grabbed for her book. “I am not worried about that.”

“Then what? She could be very helpful.” He sat next to her.

She held onto her book with white knuckles. “I don’t want Khytten to be my first kiss.”

“Your first... Oh.” Geero stared at her. “Right. You have been inside Titan. I am guessing that before you escaped, there were no opportunities.”

“No. They are very strict about keeping male and female actives apart. Were. They were.” She sighed. “I read a lot of fairy tales and romances when I was initially recovering. It is unrealistic, but I know from asking others that everyone remembers their first kiss. Male or female, the first time is in their thoughts.”

“Ah, and you don’t want a memory you have to deal with.”

“Yeah. I don’t want my first kiss to be with a girl.”

He nodded. “Got it.”

There was silence between them.

Geero murmured, “I could kiss you.”

Ondine froze. “What?”

“I could give you a kiss, and then you can stop dreading it.” He turned toward her. “You don’t find me unappealing, and the first kiss is usually one of impulse.”

She swallowed. She looked at the snowy hair and brilliant eyes. “I am not a patron.”

He leaned in and smiled. “I quit. Remember?”

She frowned and then nodded. “If you don’t mind.”

His lips pressed against hers, and she started analyzing the pressure, the scent of him, and the light pulse of his heart that she could feel through his lips.

She closed her eyes and leaned into the pressure a little. She felt his fingers against her jaw, trailing gently between metal and skin.

Ondine felt air between them, and she slowly opened her eyes. His blue eyes were glowing, but his face was serious. “How was that?”

“No regrets. Thank you.”

“May I kiss you again?”

Ondine frowned. “Why? I am sure that you have other females to choose from. Actually, I have seen them fawning over you.”

He shrugged. “They chase any suit that is convenient with a half-decent haircut. They have even come after you, right?”
