Page 30 of Very Bad Things

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“What is with you lately?”

“Hmm?” I turn to Xana as I run my fingers over the silky belt of a bathrobe.

“Seriously, girl, what has gotten into you? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were in loooove,” she jokes and I can’t help but laugh, my cheeks growing warm.

“Definitely not in love. No, I think I’m just really happy with life right now. Work is great. The weather has been fantastic.” I pick up the robe and check the price tag before putting it back. “This store is outrageous.”

“I know. It’s fun to look though.”

We walk through the outdoor mall, mostly window-shopping, but I’m also on a secret mission to find a bathing suit and some updated vacation wear… if I can find it this late in the summer.

“What do you think of this?” I hold up a white linen dress. The capped sleeves are small ruffles, and pearl buttons adorn the front all the way down to just above the knee where it parts into a slit.

“Super cute. Might be a little cold going into fall.”

“What about for vacation though?”

“Yeah, for sure. You could even wear it as a cover-up if you go someplace warm.”

“That’s what I was thinking. Now I just need to find a swimsuit,” I mutter half under my breath as I glance around the store for the end of season clearance section.

“Swimsuit? Where are you jetting off—wait, oh my God, are you going?”

“Going where?” I play dumb, running my hand over the small selection of remaining swimsuits.

“Daphne Jane Flowers.”

“Don’t full name me,” I tease as I pull a white swimsuit from the rack and hold it up against myself.

“Look at me.” I glance up at her. “Are you going to the Bahamas?”

“Yes, maybe, I don’t know.” I shake my head, putting the swimsuit back. “Ugh, I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean? I thought you had made up your mind you weren’t going?”

“I did but now I’m second-guessing it. I mean, a free luxury vacation where I’m also getting paid probably some ungodly amount of money to sometimes babysit? Plus, I love hanging out with Daisy so it’s not like it would really be considered work.I’d be stupid not to, right?”

“I think you would be, but then again, you were the one who was wildly offended that he would make such an offer. Where did this come from?”

“He didn’t offer, he demanded; that’s why I was frustrated. I didn’t appreciate his arrogance, like just because he has money he can tell me what to do. Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. His mother told me when she picked up Daisy yesterday that she was so happy I was coming on the trip and that Daisy would be thrilled.”

“Wait, so he told his daughter and family you’re coming when you specifically told him you aren’t? That’s kind of a shitty position to put you in.”

“Yeah, well, I guess he hasn’t told Daisy yet; he wants it to be a surprise which tells me he won’t tell her unless I actually do show up. Maybe his mom misheard what he said; maybe he told her that he invited me and I just hadn’t decided yet. I’m not sure. Either way, I think he’s trying to get to me, having his mother convince me to come.”

“Do you actually want to go or do you feel obligated now, like you’re letting Daisy down if you don’t?”

“At first yeah, but I know that she doesn’t have her hopes up since she has no idea I’ve been invited. Now, I think I really do want to go.” I chew my bottom lip, the memory of Weston’s tongue slowly slipping past it rushing back.

“Hmm, any other reason you suddenly want to go?” Xana eyes me suspiciously. If there’s one thing she’s never wrong about it, it’s reading people, mainly me.

“Sooo about that,” and before I can finish the sentence, she gasps. “Calm down.” I laugh. “Help me find a swimsuit or two and when we go to lunch, I’ll tell you about something that’s transpired.”

* * *

“He wantsto dobad thingsto you? Oh. My. Gosh.” She leans across the table, her eyes as big as saucers before grabbing her napkin to fan herself.

“Very bad things,” I correct her slowly.
