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It was quite a crowd, noisy and full of joy for how things had turned out for them.

Addie and Grayson walked in the door right behind them with their deaf son, Michael, who was busy speaking with his fingers to his stepmother, as she held a fussing baby Judith in her arms while Grayson attempted to wrangle his young son Stephen’s coat off.

Lizbeth and Marcus were busy trying to handle their twins, Daisy and Grace—newly mobile—who were off in two different directions.

Pamela and Nick kept busy breaking up a fight between Joseph and Louis while Lottie chased Diana, and Carter had Benjamin and Bradford by their collars as the two boys glared at each other. Rayne and Sterling’s Melissa and Arthur, fresh from the nursery, were enjoying all the chaos while Nanny tried her best to catch them in the melee.

“My goodness, Mama,” Annalise said above the din, “Aunt Rayne sure has noisy parties.”

“Not for long, my little one,” Rayne said as she dangled a newly caught Melissa from her hip. “In about two minutes, Nanny, with the help of a few maids, will herd everyone under five feet upstairs to the nursery where you will have your own party.”

Natalie knelt in front of Annalise. “Will you be all right if you go upstairs with the other children?” She was still concerned about her daughter’s ordeal, but it appeared she was much more distraught than Annalise was. The resilience of children.

“Of course, Mama, I want to play with my friends.”

Within minutes, Nanny and several maids had the children all in hand and marching upstairs, leaving the adults to have a relaxing drink before the wedding breakfast. Sterling and Rayne, as usual, didn’t indulge but that didn’t stop them from plying their guests with champagne as they waited to be called to breakfast.

Grayson cleared his throat to get the group’s attention. “As the first man to succumb to the Merry Misfits of Bath, I hold the honor of offering this toast to Natalie and St. John.” He raised his glass and said, “May all your ‘for better or worse’, be a lot better than worse.”

“Hear, hear,” Carter said. “As number two, I hold the honor of offering the next toast.” He looked at Natalie and Alex. “May you enjoy the best of life together.”

“I am third,” Nick said, glancing at his wife, Pamela, in such a way that she blushed and ducked her head. “May all the parts of your marriage be as good as ours.”

“Fourth, for me,” Marcus said, staring into his wife Lizbeth’s eyes. “May all your problems be little ones. God knows we have been blessed with double trouble.” Lizbeth slapped his arm.

“And I come in fifth,” Sterling said, grabbing his wife and tugging her next to him. “Make sure you keep your wife so busy in bed she forgets to notice your shortcomings.” Rayne rolled her eyes.

“I suppose I am sixth, then.” Alex looked at Natalie and raised his glass. “Thank you, my love, for being who you are.”

They all raised their glasses once again as Jasper arrived at the doorway. “Breakfast is served, my lord.”

And so, the Merry Misfits of Bath celebrated the wedding of Natalie and Alex.

Six women who swore they would never marry,

and the men who changed their minds.

I hope you enjoyed Natalie and Alex’s love story. This is the end of the Merry Misfits of Bath series. I have enjoyed writing this and took two trips to Bath to get everything right.

If the idea of strong Highlander men and the women who take them down appeals to you, look at my Sutherlands of Dornoch Castle series. The first book in the series,To Deceive a Highlander, is free on all retailers.

He married the wrong sister. . . or did he?

Laird Haydon Sutherland has made up his mind. 'Tis time to marry and he has offered marriage to Lady Elsbeth Johnstone, a quiet, demure lass who will never cause him a day of worry.

Lady Ainslee Johnstone, Elsbeth's feisty, stubborn twin will not allow the marriage to take place. The arrogant, fierce Sutherland will destroy her sweet sister, so they switch places on the wedding day.

Let the battles begin…
