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Yeah, Stephane Saint Clair is losing one of his daughters today.

* * *


What in the actual fuck is happening?!

Danni O’Malley’s bulking form looms over me. His huge hands circle my waist. The intense heat emanating from his body envelopes me. The scent of his cologne blended with a hint of tobacco and a whole lot of alpha male pheromones makes me feel dizzy and weak in the knees.Fuck!My pussy spasms, my clit tingles.Shit, the man hasn’t even made skin contact yet.

His full lips graze the shell of my ear, his warm, peppermint scented breath fanning over me when he rasps out, “I wanna taste you so fucking bad.”

I let out a moan, in a voice I don’t recognize. It’s filled with need, want. And there’s that delicious sensation of feeling his big, strong body plastered to mine. Of feeling myself melt into him. Of reveling in the smell of him, the furnace that’s his body. How tall and overpowering he is. Fuck, he’s hot.

I’m not this girl. I’m the woman who runs the show, tells a guy when, where, and how. I’ve never been attracted to alpha males. Maybe because of my father I don’t trust men who are outwardly dominating. I always suspect they’re just like him, cowards abusing those under their power. But this man… This man has never done anything to deserve my suspicion.

All I know of Danni O’Malley is his reputation as a cold-blooded, insanely talented death machine. We only met a couple of times before today. And each occasion was some public gathering our families had to attend. I remember Gabrielle and me watching the Tetrad from afar and exchange knowing looks, because goddamn these men are hot! And I know she didn’t care for any single one of them. For her, it was just a little fun between sisters. But for me? For me it was nights of fantasies, hours daydreaming about the four sexy mobsters. Each furtive encounter, every brief meet was stored, dissected, and mooned over. I’ve had it bad. And the worst part is, I want all four of them…

And it looks like my fantasies are about to become true. Danni leans in closer, bringing his face mere inches from mine.

“Let me taste you, sweetheart.”

The words are whispered directly against my lips, the endearment making my toes curl in my heels. But before our lips can fully connect, another deep voice resonates behind Danni, and he’s abruptly removed from my vicinity.

“The fuck, you are! Your fucking time’s up,mano.”

Motherfucking Salazar Calderón stands tall and mighty at Danni’s back, his own large hand still fisted at the back of his friend’s suit jacket. O’Malley’s superbly full, pink lips crook up on one side before he shrugs himself out of his buddy’s grip and once more closes the distance between us. But this time he doesn’t ask permission, or wait for my response. Danni O’Malley presses his mouth to mine and plunges his tongue inside my mouth. He kisses me deep and fast. Just long enough that the taste of him spreads through my mouth and invades my entire body. I whimper into his mouth, and my hands, of their own accord, come up to grab on to his shoulders. Fuck, he feels fucking amazing. So good…

“Fucking greedy motherfucker,” Sal growls and Danni is again abruptly pulled away.

He chuckles low and dark, wiping his lips with the pad of his thumb, as if imprinting our kiss into his skin. Then he winks at me and rumbles in his deep voice, “I’ll see you soon, princess.”

His Boston twang sounding more pronounced.Oh Lord…

* * *


Dios mio, she’s beautiful. Fucking takes my breath away every goddamn time I see her.

It’s funny how I always thought people were full of shit when they fell for one identical twin, claiming that person was different from their sibling, and that they were not attracted to the other twin. I called BS every single time, thinking they were full of crap. Similar faces and body, plus gash is gash, right? Turns out I was pretty damn wrong.

I still remember the first time we met the Saint Clair sisters. Their dad kept them out of the public eye for the longest time. Tucked away in European boarding schools and universities. It’s only when they turned twenty-one that Stephane introduced them to our world. That was four years ago and I still can see Isabelle Saint Clair walk into that five-star hotel’s ballroom, draped in a gorgeous gown, her long, dark hair falling down her back. Her beautiful face. Those brown eyes, that sensual mouth. The delicate curve of her neck. Her fucking sexy curves making my mouth water… I wanted to march there, throw her over my shoulder, and lock her away where I could take my fill, quench my thirst. Fucking ravage her, and never let go. But then I realized all four of us were standing frozen in place. And the expressions I caught on my best friends faces mirrored my own insane emotions.Want her. Now!And I could clearly see they were not looking at Gabrielle. Nope, all four of us fell fast and hard for the same woman, on the same night, at the same exact moment.

That crazy instinct we’ve been sharing since childhood kicked up and we exchanged understanding gazes. We were on the same page. Whatever it took, this shit needed to fucking happen. So when we heard Stephane Saint Clair was offering his daughters in some fucking auction marriage, not only did all four of us contact him to voice our interest. But we made sure every single motherfucker in our world knew not to fucking dare make an offer to this piece of shit for our girl.

And now we’re here. With her.

* * *


Please tell me I’m dreaming. And please never fucking wake me from this wonderful fantasy!

Sal Calderónfuckingremoved Danni O’Malley from my vicinity. He pulled thatfuckingtitan off me. I can tell it was good-naturally because Danni walks away chuckling, throwing me one last wink, and a smirk of his full lips I can now testify arefuckingdelicious.

Now I’m alone on the balcony with the head of theOscuroCartel. And the man is as dark and fascinating as the organization he leads. His face is all sharp angles, from the cut cheekbones inherited from his Aztec ancestors, to the strong line of his jaw. His skin tone’s a gorgeous shade of golden brown. The overlong locks of his jet black hair fall over the collar of his starch white button-down. He’s tall and broad. Not as big as Danni, but by the way he scrumptiously fills his tailored suit, I can tell his towering frame is nothing but hard, manly muscle.Shit, is it getting hot in here?Then there’s the matter of his tattoos. Intricate inky designs peeking from his shirt sleeves and collar, ornating the backs of his hands and fingers.Fucking beautiful, hot. I want to peel off his layers, caress him all over, trace the lines embedded into his skin with my nails and tongue. I want to see him, touch him, taste him… Oh My God, what am I thinking?!

“Mami, if you keep looking at me like that…”
