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Oh, my God! What have I done?Mikhail looks ready to bulldoze through an entire army. Vito is holding me so tight, I fear he’ll never let go. And Danni and Sal? Their lethal silence and the waves of fury emanating from them would make me scared to shit if I didn’t know it’s on my behalf.

When we entered the room. I slowly pulled my face from it’s comforting cocoon, tucked at the juncture of Vito’s neck and shoulder, and let my eyes roam around. The other three men rapidly closed up around us, and what I read on their handsome faces feels my chest and belly with warmth. I must be a sick person myself because witnessing the raw, beastly rage wafting off their massive bodies makes me feel safe, cared for. and even in these circumstances, more than a bit turned on. I feel a tall, muscular, protective form wrapped around me, and three pairs of fierce eyes claiming me. I’m fucking done for. My ever-present apprehension about what would be my father’s next bout of rage, beating, or mad decision, melts away like ice in the sun. I realize he can’t hurt me anymore. Not behind the reinforced wall of these titans’ protection. I don’t know how long their interest in me will last, but I will use this opportunity to escape my miserable circumstances.

“I’m fine, I promise.” I look from one seething man to the other. “Just get me out of here, please.”

They exchange meaningful gazes and stern nods, and all three pull guns from different locations, holsters under their expensive designer suits’ jackets, their trousers’ waistbands….Oh My God.

“Wait! Don’t kill him, please.”

Their burning eyes carve holes into my skull.

“My… my sister. Gabrielle… He… My father gave her away to Michele DeLuca, and… he… he’s not kind to her.”

That’s all I need to say. We’re all aware of the decades long feud between my dad and the DeLucas. My father committed a crime Michele had to take the fall for, making him lose twenty years of his freedom. Now the man is out, and all good ole daddy could think to save his ass is gift him one of his daughters as payment. Fucking disgusting.

“The only way I can think of to help my sister is to trade her for my dad. We need him alive. At least until Gabi is free. After that… after that, I really don’t care.”

I get a few nods, and Vito pulls me closer to kiss my forehead. God, that feels good.

“Okay,mi reina,” Sal rasps out. “Andale, carnalitos.”

He’s carrying a fucking semi-automatic. I can’t even fathom where the hell he had that thing hidden. The three of them file.out of the library in long, purposeful strides. Vito and I closing the line.

I run a palm over the lapel of his jacket.

“I can walk, honey.”

His searing dark gaze pins me in place. And I shut my mouth and snuggle deeper into his broad chest, a small smile stretching my lips.Fucking psycho. If someone had told me I’d be feeling all warm and fuzzy, hot and bothered, and fucking at peace today, I would never have believed it. But here I am, surrounded by four strapping badasses. Wanted, protected, cared for. I’ll fucking take it. However long it lasts…

* * *


We step out of the ridiculously ostentatious library and into a hallway that’s just as fucking laughable. Gleaming dark marble floors, more absurdly expensive rugs, and a grand staircase that would be better suited for a European chateau.A fucking joke.

The moment we step out, Stephane and his men turn our way. Still grinning about whatever the fuck they were talking about. But the instant their eyes meet our fucking pissed off expressions, their faces fall.

Stephane rushes to meet us, his eyes shifting from Vito, who’s still fucking carrying Isa, to the rest of our small group.

I’m not exactly sure how I fucking feel about Vito carrying Isabelle bride style. Yeah, I like that she’s safe in my brother’s arms, but I’m also fucking itching to snatch her away and guard her myself.

“What happened? You okay, Isa?”

Before he can get too close, Sal, Misha, and I come stand in front of Vito and Isabelle, effectively blocking access to them.

Stephane starts expression his outrage.

“What the-”

But the words die on his lips as his eyes grow big when they finally take notice of our weapons. How this moron survived this long in our world is an absolute mystery. Dipshit isn’t even observant enough to catch deadly weapons held right under his nose.

I move to stand right in front of him. Toe to toe, towering over him with all my might. Stephane Sinclair is not a small man, but I’m a fucking giant.

“We’re leaving,” I growl in his face. “Out of our way. You and your man.”

“W… what?”

I raise my Glock and pull the slide, the metallic sound resonating in the deafening silence.
